Why are you memes so low tier?
Imagine trying to act like a based chan faggot but just looking like a boomer in the process.
Why are you memes so low tier?
Imagine trying to act like a based chan faggot but just looking like a boomer in the process.
But anon, he used fucking imgflip and prescribe fucking 'we'.
This anon is totally and completely based and redpilled, definitely organic and in no way a subversive!
>Oy vey I was called out, let me derail.
Imagine masquerading as a chan faggot and not understanding what characters from which anime are iconic for.
Bully harder, you're pathetic.
Cry moar, you talk like a fag and will never fit in.
Sad you can't shitpost against Q on a fucking board dedicated to such a phenomenon?
Don't worry moshe, the ovens are nice and heated; you'll find closure someday.
Look around you, boomers waking up.
Twatter is blown up by Q stuff.
Famefagoots and jewtubers galore.
Are you sad that the weight of autism holds such high social influence?
While you autistic sperg at a literal anime shitposter there are faggots researching and posting their thoughts, discussing the implication.
Nothing can stop what is coming.
I actually ended up watching that.
And delousing chambers!
You'll enjoy fun and exciting accommodations including but not limited to: Swimming, futball, skills training, and cinema.
Are you feeling sick? Not to worrying these DEATH CAMPS have HOSPITALS because you know, you can't let people DIE at a FUCKING DEATH CAMP.
>have sex
You really aren't even trying to hide your subtext are you?
Who do you really think you're convincing?
Talking to the voices in your head again?
Creating a confirmation bias based on your personal insecurity and assumption?
Imagine being so BTFO by Q stuff that you have to come to the board to prove that you're a faggot.