Anonymous ID: fdaec5 Feb. 9, 2020, 7:21 p.m. No.8087492   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7548

I just saw on dailymail uk that people in hazmat suits are dragging people out of their homes.


It reminded me of this book series I read (Chronicle of Brothers by Wendy Alec), fictional, but based on the stories of the bible set in current times. In the last series of the books, the mark of the beast is a vaccine. They use the media and deep state to create a fake pandemic and convince people to take the vaccine or die. They put on a show, body bags, FEMA coffins, martial law. They make it look like a real world wide pandemic. UN police drag people from their homes who refuse the vaccine and claim they are sick and are being sent to hospitals, but really they are being sent to prison camps to be executed and are dumped in mass burials. In the book they are targeting Christians or conspiracy theorists or anyone who doesn't accept the official narrative. The vaccine is the mark of the beast, it changes your DNA to be the same as the fallen angels. A bit creepy to see them dragging people out like that, reminds me an awful lot of that book.