Anonymous ID: fdbc82 Feb. 9, 2020, 7:51 p.m. No.8087788   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7828 >>7839 >>7975


spouseanon smoked while pregnant with all 4 of our kids (4 diff Drs all told her to cut down, but advised it would be worse for her to quit completely). 3 of them were late and had to be induced, 4th was on the due date.

She didn't drink though. Her grandmother and aunts also told her it was ok (but oh so demonized by society….)


My point is [they] have lied to us about EVERYTHING. ALL OF IT. All 4 our kids were average or overwt when born. No health issues. Oldest is almost 21 and a college athlete.

My point being, I don't know that everything [they] told us is even close to legit. There is a reason they push some shit so hard.

(however, I know nowadays, they have put a lot of crap in the cigs, so NOW may be different).