Anonymous ID: 3cc7be Feb. 11, 2020, 12:42 p.m. No.8104283   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4330 >>4462 >>4559

Roger Stone Prosecutor Resigns 'Immediately' After DOJ Rejects Absurd Sentencing Proposal


The prosecutor who recommended that Trump confidant Roger Stone receive up to nine years in prison has resigned, effective immediately - after reports have emerged that his office misled the DOJ over the proposal, which reportedly 'shocked' DOJ officials.


Prosecutor Aaron Zelinsky gave no details in a Tuesday letter submitted in Stone's case, however a footnote reads that it was "effective immediately."

Anonymous ID: 3cc7be Feb. 11, 2020, 12:44 p.m. No.8104306   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4380 >>4522 >>4758 >>4835 >>4895 >>4904

“Sentencing Recommendation WAS NOT What Had Been Briefed” – Mueller Prosecutors LIED to DOJ About Excessive Stone Sentencing


As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier–

The DOJ Backing Down From Abusive Sentencing Recommendation For Roger Stone


The DOJ is now preparing to change its sentencing recommendation for Roger Stone.


“The Department finds seven to nine years extreme, excessive and grossly disproportionate,” the source told Fox News.

Anonymous ID: 3cc7be Feb. 11, 2020, 12:47 p.m. No.8104351   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4388 >>4446 >>4522 >>4758 >>4835 >>4903 >>4904

Mitt Romney Hit With New Republican Resolution That Would Force Him To Support Trump Or Give Up His Seat


Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) betrayed the entire Republican Party when he voted to impeach Donald Trump in the Senate impeachment trial. Now, this has come back to bite him in a big way, as the GOP in his home state has drawn up a resolution that will force him to either support Trump or step down.


The resolution, which was submitted by Utah GOP State Central Committee member Brandon Beckham, will be considered at the Republican Party state central committee meeting on February 29, according to The Blaze.

Anonymous ID: 3cc7be Feb. 11, 2020, 12:48 p.m. No.8104362   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4594 >>4952

China turned around their ships en route to the USA with Medical Supplies


The orders for USA masks and other things will go unfulfilled.

Anonymous ID: 3cc7be Feb. 11, 2020, 12:51 p.m. No.8104403   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4434

US plans to cut foreign aid but not to Israel


The White House yesterday announced its $4.8 trillion budget, proposing billions in foreign aid cuts to scores of countries excluding Israel, international news agencies reported.


The budget is not expected to pass because of the Democrats’ control over the Senate. Analysts have said “the budget document really serves more as a statement of principles and priorities — the budget, as some say, is policy.”


News agencies reported that foreign aid would be slashed by 21 per cent and modernising the American nuclear arsenal would get $28.9 billion, while the National Nuclear Security Administration would get $19.8 billion — a 20 per cent increase.


The White House is seeking to cut $4.4 trillion federal spending over the next ten years, including cuts in food coupons and vouchers.


According to Palestine Economy Portal, the White House is planning to exclude Israel from the countries which would see cuts to US aid.

Anonymous ID: 3cc7be Feb. 11, 2020, 12:54 p.m. No.8104440   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel Advocates Quiet on U.S. Plans To Arm Syria Rebels




Israel and its supporters in the United States are so far not challenging proposals to send ammunition and even light artillery to some Syrian opposition groups, despite fears that those arms could end up in the hands of fighters committed to global jihad.


An official with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the largest pro-Israel lobby, said the group has not taken a position on proposed legislation calling for the arming of certain opposition groups, or on the broader issue of arming the Syrian opposition.


Meanwhile, in Israel, a government official explained that Jerusalem is focused only on arms capable of changing the regional balance — a concern that leads Israel to worry more about the Syrian government’s arms build-up as it battles to put down the opposition.


The weapons that worry Israel include Russian-made S-300 anti-aircraft systems that could pose a threat to Israeli air superiority. Russia recently agreed to send these weapons to Syria despite Israeli entreaties.


Israel is also determined to block advanced surface-to-surface missiles from being transferred to Hezbollah from Iran via Syria.


“Bullets and mortars,” the Israeli official said, “are for internal fighting” and therefore are not of great concern to Jerusalem.


Recent events on the ground further highlighted Israel’s focus on Syria’s military, not on potential future threats from armed opposition groups. On May 21, forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad fired at an Israeli military vehicle patrolling the border in the Golan Heights. Israel responded with gunfire directed at a Syrian army outpost and with a stern warning from its armed forces chief of staff, Benny Gantz, that Assad will “bear the consequences” of any escalation along the border.


Israeli officials, however, have made clear that they will not intervene in the Syrian civil war, including by taking a position regarding American military aid to opposition forces.


That could make the work of Syrian opposition representatives in Washington somewhat easier.


With no end in sight to the carnage in Syria’s civil war, activists from opposition groups are lobbying the administration and Congress to begin arming the rebels with American-made weapons.


The move, they say, could tip the balance in favor of the opposition and hasten Assad’s departure — an outcome Washington publicly supports — without requiring American boots on the ground or an expensive and dangerous air raid campaign.

Anonymous ID: 3cc7be Feb. 11, 2020, 12:56 p.m. No.8104477   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Scientists Discover Coronavirus Has An Incubation Period Of Up To 24 Days And Can Survive For 9 Days On A Smooth Surface


The more we learn about this mysterious new coronavirus, the more alarming this outbreak becomes. When the virus first began to spread, authorities insisted that it was very unlikely that human to human transmission was taking place. Of course we soon found out that this virus spreads from person to person incredibly easily. Initially we were also told that we shouldn’t be afraid to touch a surface that an infected person may have touched because the virus cannot be spread in that manner. But as you will see below, scientists have now discovered that the virus can actually live for quite a few days on a smooth surface. Based on what we now know, this outbreak is going to be exceedingly difficult to contain, and that has very serious implications for all of us.


Most of the confirmed cases and deaths are still in China, but the numbers elsewhere in the world have really started to escalate.


On January 20th, there were just four confirmed cases of this coronavirus outside China.


Now that are 464.


That is a hundredfold increase in less than a month, and obviously if the numbers continue to escalate at that rate we are going to be in a massive amount of trouble.


At this point, the World Health Organization is recommending a 14 day quarantine period for those suspected of having the virus, but a new report suggests that may not be enough. This new report was produced by 37 Chinese experts that are directly involved in the fight against this coronavirus, and it is making headlines all over the globe…


The new revelation emerged in a study published yesterday by a group of Chinese researchers on medRxiv, a preprint site for scientific medical papers.


The report was written by 37 specialists, including Dr Zhong Nanshan, who is the leader of a team of medical experts appointed by China’s National Health Commission to deal with the novel coronavirus.


According to the report, the maximum incubation period for this virus is not 14 days as previously believed.

Anonymous ID: 3cc7be Feb. 11, 2020, 12:58 p.m. No.8104491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4505 >>4887

Microsoft Says New Tool Detects Pedophiles Grooming Kids Online


When a child sexual predator identifies a potential victim online, they don’t always try to start a sexual relationship with them immediately. Instead, the predator might engage in a process called “grooming” — befriending and establishing trust with the potential victim so they can exploit that trust later.


Now, Microsoft has created a tool that analyzes text-based chats for signs of grooming — and they’re giving it away in the hopes it can help fight the massive problem of child sexual exploitation online.


Microsoft developed the tool, which is code-named Project Artemis, as part of a multi-organization effort that launched in November 2018. According to a new blog post, it builds on patented technology Microsoft started using to prevent grooming on its Xbox platform several years ago.


The tool analyzes text-based conversations and assigns them a rating indicating the likelihood that grooming is taking place. A company can decide for itself what ratings warrant a flag — a seven or above out of 10, for example.


Flagged conversations go to a human moderator for review, and that person can then decide if the company should contact the authorities.

Anonymous ID: 3cc7be Feb. 11, 2020, 12:59 p.m. No.8104510   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Turkey Fights Back Against ‘Assad Aggression’ In Idlib


The PR department of the Turkish Defense Ministry dealt a crushing blow to forces of the Assad regime that had once again treacherously attacked innocent Turkish personnel in the province of Idlib. At least 5 Turkish soldiers were killed and 5 others were injured in the attack.


On February 10, the Turkish statement targeted 115 ‘regime targets’, ‘neutralized’ 101 ‘regime personnel’, ‘destroyed’ 3 tanks, 2 artillery positions and ‘hit’ a helicopter. After the February 3 Syrian strike on Erdogan forces, Ankara said that the Turkish military had stricken over 50 ‘regime’ targets ‘neutralizing’ at least 76 pro-government fighters. Therefore, the scale of decisive claims demonstrated a successful growth.


Late on February 10, unidentified warplanes struck a large convoy of Turkish military equipment in the Base 46 area, near the town of Atarib. These strikes became another heavy setback of Assad forces and their allies. The convoy belonged not to the Turkish Army, but to Idlib rebel groups. The Assadists missed. Furthermore, photos of the burned Turkish military equipment, a M60T battle tank and several other vehicles, released on the same day also appeared to be old. They were made west of Saraqib after the February 3 incident.


As to the villages of al-Qanati, Kafr Halab, Khirbat Jazraya and Miznaz, which were captured by Syrian government forces from Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, this was just a tactical retreat. The Turkish military operation in Idlib continues successfully.


Turkey’s presidential spokesman, Ibrahim Kalin, said that Assad attacks on Turkish troops and Syrian civilians were aimed at sabotaging the Syrian political process. He added that Ankara would provide a tough response to these actions. Kalin added that the Sochi agreements were violated and Russia should bear responsibility for this. Apparently, it is Moscow supporting al-Qaeda-affiliated militants and sabotaging anti-terrorist operations in Idlib.


Until then, Turkish troops likely should register a trade union to defend their rights or at least get some benefits for their regular deployments near positions of al-Qaeda-like groups, just under the Syrian Army fire. Otherwise, the anonymous club of victims of the Assad aggression in the Turkish Army could become far too big.

Anonymous ID: 3cc7be Feb. 11, 2020, 1:03 p.m. No.8104545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4562 >>4803

Is Pete Buttigieg the Israel Lobby Choice?


Cyberwarfare began in Iowa


Many Americans might consider it decidedly odd that the recent impeachment trial of U.S. President Donald Trump also featured constant vilification of President Vladimir Putin, to such an extent that one might have though that the Russian leader was also in the dock awaiting sentencing. The irony is, of course, that while “Russian interference” has virtually become a cliché, its actual impact on the 2016 election outcome was less than negligible.


Russia was cited seemingly incessantly by House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff, to include the always useful assertion that “if we don’t fight them over there [in Ukraine] we’ll have to fight them over here.” Even more ridiculous, Schiff suggested that if Trump were to lose the presidential election later this year, he might well refuse to accept the result and could be supported by an invading Russian army.


Senator Charles Schumer of New York delivered one of the more astonishing pre-impeachment vote diatribes, tying Trump to foreign interests. He said “No greater subversion of our democracy than for foreign powers to determine or elections… My fellow Americans, asking for foreign interference in our elections is a high crime. Our Nation was founded on the idea of truth.” Yet the same Schumer brazenly claims that he is the “protector” of Israel in the U.S. Senate, that his surname is derived from the Hebrew “shomer” which means “guardian.”


Strangely, the country that, acting directly and through proxies like Schumer, does regularly and openly interfere in American politics and elections is Israel, but it was not mentioned at all in the hours of testimony in spite of the fact that Trump’s partiality towards the Jewish state has done more actual damage to genuine U.S. interests than the Kremlin was ever able to do. One would have thought Israel and its kleptocratic leader Benjamin Netanyahu would have deserved at least a nod from Congress.


Indeed, Israel has been involved in American politics before, even if it is predictably never held accountable, and it has been suggested that Russiagate was really Israelgate based on what actually took place when shortly after the 2016 election, when Trump National Security Adviser designate Michael Flynn called Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. The call was made at the direction of Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner, who, in turn, had been approached by Netanyahu, who not coincidentally is a family friend of the Kushners.

Anonymous ID: 3cc7be Feb. 11, 2020, 1:04 p.m. No.8104563   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4909

The Door Is Open for the Crucial Trump-Putin-Xi Summit


The huge disparity between President Donald Trump’s view of China and that of his Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, can only remind one of what President Trump said about his former National Security Adviser John Bolton—if he hadn’t fired him, Trump said, we’d be in World War Six by now. Pompeo has been touring Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and Ibero-America, ranting that these nations must not allow China’s Belt and Road development projects into their nations—clearly implying that the U.S. will punish them if they do—as the U.S. is threatening sanctions against even our closest allies in Europe if they proceed with the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to bring Russian gas to a gas-hungry Europe. Pompeo even threatened the National Governors Association this past weekend “not to make separate individual deals with China that could undermine national policy,” and to beware of the supposedly sinister Chinese scientists and educational institutions in the U.S.


But what did President Trump say to the same National Governors Association yesterday?


“I have great respect for President Xi and great respect for China.” He also called President Xi Jinping last week to praise his all-forces effort to counter the novel coronavirus, while the whorish U.S. and European press are full of insane diatribes about China failing to deal with this global threat, or even accusing it of intentionally unleashing it. In fact, Trump repeatedly tells the throngs attending his rallies, as he does with his tweets to the American people, that he respects President Xi Jinping as a great leader of a great nation.


It is time that Pompeo got the Bolton treatment.


So it is, also, with Russia. There is no American who has not heard President Trump say, over and over, that “being friends with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing.” And yet the press, and the Congress, and even Trump’s Cabinet members, pump out daily diatribes against Russia and the allegedly “evil dictator” Vladimir Putin.


Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov today opened the door to a Putin-Xi-Trump summit—an urgent necessity, as Helga Zepp-LaRouche has asserted—to address the growing danger of war, of financial disintegration, of the coronavirus breaking out as a global pandemic, and more. Lavrov pointed to the actual cause of the current state of tension and potential for war between these two great powers: President Barack Obama, Lavrov said, “had this quirk of putting personal before state. He also displayed it in December 2016, when he, already an outgoing President, ‘slammed the door’ by seizing Russian diplomatic properties and by forcing the diplomats out. By doing so, he left Trump with a horrible legacy in relations with Russia, which still has a certain effect.”


Just as the “Russiagate” hoax was in fact a coup attempt against the elected President of the United States by British intelligence, working with the corrupted Obama intelligence team, so also the British and their Obama Administration assets acted to provoke an existential crisis between the world’s two leading nuclear powers, willing even to risk thermonuclear war in order to maintain the British Empire division of the world into warring blocs.


We call on President Trump to respond to this opening, by accepting the invitation offered by President Putin for President Trump to attend the 75th Anniversary of the defeat of fascism in May, in Moscow, where President Xi Jinping will also be in attendance, and to also accept Putin’s appeal for a summit of the leaders of the permanent members of the UN Security Council, bringing Putin, Xi, and Trump together, albeit with Emmanuel Macron and Boris Johnson.


The world sits on a precipice, threatened with a financial explosion and with global war, or, to the contrary, rescued with a final defeat of the British Empire’s geopolitics, and a true Renaissance which unites the great cultures of the world in a truly universal Renaissance. To this, Lyndon LaRouche devoted his life’s work. On Wednesday, it will be one year since the death of this universal genius. Let us act upon this pregnant moment to realize his great mission.

Anonymous ID: 3cc7be Feb. 11, 2020, 1:10 p.m. No.8104636   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fyk vs. Facebook: How One Man Is Exposing Facebook's Crimes Against The People


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By Setting Brushfires / Tim Brown

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Fyk vs. Facebook: How One Man Is Exposing Facebook's Crimes Against The People

Tuesday, February 11, 2020 12:17

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Jason Fyk was making about $275,000 per month via Facebook and his website when he began to be censored. However, what Jason discovered was that he was not just censored but crimes were being committed against him, crimes that are not just occurring against him, but against virtually anyone and everyone that uses the platform. What happened afterward has opened Facebook up to a lawsuit by Fyk that is exposing just how they are manipulating the law to censor people and engage in not only unethical business practices but criminal activity. Jason joins us on The Sons of Liberty to explain the law and how Facebook is violating it and update us on where things are with his lawsuit currently and how you can help.


Anyone wishing to contact Jason for interviews or more information can click here to contact me and I can pass along his contact information.


Read the story here. Advertise at Before It's News here.

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By Setting Brushfires / Tim Brown

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Fyk vs. Facebook: How One Man Is Exposing Facebook's Crimes Against The People

Tuesday, February 11, 2020 12:17

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Jason Fyk was making about $275,000 per month via Facebook and his website when he began to be censored. However, what Jason discovered was that he was not just censored but crimes were being committed against him, crimes that are not just occurring against him, but against virtually anyone and everyone that uses the platform. What happened afterward has opened Facebook up to a lawsuit by Fyk that is exposing just how they are manipulating the law to censor people and engage in not only unethical business practices but criminal activity. Jason joins us on The Sons of Liberty to explain the law and how Facebook is violating it and update us on where things are with his lawsuit currently and how you can help.


Anyone wishing to contact Jason for interviews or more information can click here to contact me and I can pass along his contact information.


The Sons Of Liberty’s lawsuit mentioned in this episode can be read about below.


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By Setting Brushfires / Tim Brown

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Fyk vs. Facebook: How One Man Is Exposing Facebook's Crimes Against The People

Tuesday, February 11, 2020 12:17

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Jason Fyk was making about $275,000 per month via Facebook and his website when he began to be censored. However, what Jason discovered was that he was not just censored but crimes were being committed against him, crimes that are not just occurring against him, but against virtually anyone and everyone that uses the platform. What happened afterward has opened Facebook up to a lawsuit by Fyk that is exposing just how they are manipulating the law to censor people and engage in not only unethical business practices but criminal activity. Jason joins us on The Sons of Liberty to explain the law and how Facebook is violating it and update us on where things are with his lawsuit currently and how you can help.


Anyone wishing to contact Jason for interviews or more information can click here to contact me and I can pass along his contact information.


The Sons Of Liberty’s lawsuit mentioned in this episode can be read about below.

Anonymous ID: 3cc7be Feb. 11, 2020, 1:18 p.m. No.8104718   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US celebrates withdrawal of UN Security Council resolution against peace plan


After Palestinian-spearheaded measure is pulled, Trump official says the world body has ‘demonstrated that the old way of doing things is over’


WASHINGTON — After a rancorous UN Security Council debate Tuesday, during which every member nation except the United States and Israel distanced themselves from US President Donald Trump’s peace plan, the White House celebrated the withdrawal of a resolution rejecting the proposal.


The administration reportedly put heavy pressure on critics to drop the measure, introduced by Indonesia and Tunisia, and diplomats gave up when it risked not having the necessary nine out of 15 votes to secure its passage.


“By not putting forward a polarizing resolution, the United Nations Security Council demonstrated that the old way of doing things is over,” a senior Trump official told The Times of Israel.

Anonymous ID: 3cc7be Feb. 11, 2020, 1:43 p.m. No.8104978   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Four Texans, One New Yorker Arrested for Conspiracy to Sell Sanctioned Iranian Oil to Refinery in China for Huge Profit