Anonymous ID: 54d6c8 Feb. 11, 2020, 12:38 p.m. No.8104243   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Here ya go

“People who name a cockroach or rat after their ex's will also receive a certificate from the zoo that you can share across your social media channels.


"You will be able to name a cockroach after your ex, and we will serve it up as an enrichment treat to one of our animals for only $5. If you ex was a snake, you can even name a pre-frozen rodent after them, and we will feed it to a reptile for $25! The certificate you will receive can be shared on your own social media pages," the zoo states on its website about the promotion.


"On Valentine’s Day, February 14th, we will be live-streaming our ‘Cry Me A Cockroach’ feeding frenzy! Birds and reptiles from San Antonio Zoo will join in on this feast. Will your ex be offered to our animals? Tune in this Valentine’s Day to find out!" the zoo added.”