Anonymous ID: a2518b Feb. 11, 2020, 12:59 p.m. No.8104504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4544


>We have a photo that puports to show a young Beanz, along with Buttgieg, Snowden, Pozner, AOCrazy and others

i havent seen this photo. beanz doesnt matter, shes just a social media researcher. any of her info can easily be debunked or confirmed by other social media researchers. i dont twat so i dont really follow her, but i would let her content speak for itself.

buttigeig is most definately not a white hat in my opinion. it would be illegal for the white hats to instill a candidate to fuck with elections. also, dems are fucking things up enough on their own. no need to infiltrate. AOC is full blown koolaid drinkin socialist in my opinion. dont know who pozner is. and @Snowden is also not a whitehat imo. once cia, always cia. his homecoming will be glorious tho. hoggboys dad was a member of the FBI's elite evidence collection department and worked on the whitey bulger case when he was arrested. i think "the apple doesnt fall far from the tree" applies in his case.