Anonymous ID: c3e1fd Feb. 11, 2020, 1:32 p.m. No.8104854   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4874 >>4919 >>4987





See, this is the EXACT shit that was talked about yesterday. This asshole "baker" ignores everyone else & will ONLY talk to his other ebonics pal. Asks that asshole about his thoughts on his disrespect as if ONE faggot is all that matters.


But watch as I get attacked for calling it out. By their discord minions.

They are slowly changing small things around here, small things that most will not notice. They change them to retarded things that makes it look like 12 year old mentally ill cunts run this place.

Eventually, bigger things will get changed, & by then it will be too late. It almost is now since barely anyone stands up to these fucks.

"Who cares! hur dur! none of it matters! So what if my best friend can't spell or re-names things to mock the oldfags in here"

"None of this is serious! Why so mad hall monitor!11!1"

Shit head tag-team shill bakers & their crew taking this place over. WTAF