Anonymous ID: fc65a4 Feb. 11, 2020, 12:44 p.m. No.8104304   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4316 >>4376 >>4788

Of the several movies which Q uses as reference Red October is probably the most dominant and popular behind White Squall which as any good anon should know by now is where WWG1WGA originates so these movie references are important.


"Some things leave lasting impressions"

"You are watching a movie"

"Everything has meaning"

"There are no coincidences" at least not on this level, anon.

"[30] exactly [30]"

and so much moar….


Now, look at memage + think = Notable that shit faggots!


3 2 1990 was the release date of Red October.

3 2 2020

30 years, exactly….


Why do you make me have to splain everything!? :D

Do you have the balls to trust yourself?

Scared of making predictions because muh enemy will use this against us?


What happens when you have the attention of your enemy?

Does your enemy eventually become numb to your feints and jabs?

Does this make any day just as good as any other?

Does this also nullify the lack of surprise which comes from setting a date because who would believe it now anyways?


That is what I thought as well :D