Anonymous ID: 67ee0f Feb. 13, 2020, 11:02 a.m. No.8125810   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5825 >>5832 >>6105 >>6366 >>6462

The FBI Corruption is Far Worse Than We Currently Imagine – President Trump Authorized His Own Surveillance…


Last month the DOJ admitted to the FISA court that two of the four FISA warrants used against Carter Page were fraudulently obtained.


The “DOJ assesses that with respect to the applications in [April and June 2017] “if not earlier, there was insufficient predication to establish probable cause to believe that [Carter]Page was acting as an agent of a foreign power.”” (link)


However, what the DOJ did not admit publicly was how the current FBI Chief Legal Counsel, Dana Boente, participated in obtaining the April 2017 warrant. Additionally, a review of the internal FBI & DOJ scheme to obtain the fraudulent April warrant shows FBI Director James Comey couldn’t get the renewal unless he convinced Main Justice to trick the President into issuing an executive order to grant surveillance on himself.


In hindsight this story explains the ongoing issues within the FBI.


The original FISA application was October 21st, 2016. The first FISA renewal was January 12, 2017 (84 days from origination) and prior to the inauguration of President Trump. The second renewal was April 7, 2017 (85 days from prior renewal). The third renewal was on June 29th, 2017 (83 days from prior renewal).


The originating FISA and first renewal were authorized by the Obama administration officials. However, it was the second renewal -now identified as fraudulent- on April 7th 2017, under the Trump administration, when the conniving FBI ran into a problem.


Here’s what happened.


On January 30th, 2017, Sally Yates was fired for refusing to defend the Trump travel ban from extremist countries. Yates was replaced on January 31st by the U.S. Attorney from the Eastern District of Virginia (EDVA), Dana Boente. There wasn’t any existing AG because Loretta Lynch had left.


As a result of Yates exit and Dana Boente’s entry, Boente was Acting Deputy Attorney General, and in charge until Jeff Sessions was confirmed on February 8th, 2017.


When Jeff Sessions became Attorney General, Dana Boente became Acting Deputy AG, a role he would retain until Rod Rosenstein was confirmed on April 25th, 2017.


However, on March 2nd, 2017, Dana Boente was one of a small group who participated in a conversation that led to the recusal of Jeff Sessions from anything related to the 2016 election. This recusal included the ongoing FBI counterintelligence investigation known as Crossfire Hurricane, which was later picked up by Robert Mueller.


This is huge hopefully images load


Part 1

Anonymous ID: 67ee0f Feb. 13, 2020, 11:04 a.m. No.8125832   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5857 >>5865 >>5890 >>6105 >>6366 >>6462



Do you see what just happened here?


President Trump was tricked into signing an executive order that facilitated the FBI to continue spying on his own administration.


But wait, it gets worse…. Much worse…. This dynamic would later become even more important as the notes Boente took from conversations with James Comey became evidence for Mueller’s expanded obstruction investigation. ALSO Look at the DATES:


The special counsel team leaked the Dana Boente notes to Rachel Maddow.


RECAP: Acting Deputy AG Dana Boente advised AG Jeff Sessions to recuse himself (March 2nd, 2017). Then Acting DAG Boente and FBI Director Comey conspired to have President Trump authorize an executive order (March 31st, 2017); that changed the DOJ succession plan, thereby permitting them to sign for a fraudulent FISA application on April 7th, 2017, that was used to conduct surveillance on the Trump administration.


Keep in mind the Inspector General outlined that in January 2017, “shortly after the application was renewed” the FBI knew the Steele Dossier; which was the only evidence underpinning the FISA application; was false.


Part 2

Anonymous ID: 67ee0f Feb. 13, 2020, 11:06 a.m. No.8125865   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5927 >>6105 >>6366 >>6462



But it doesn’t end…. it gets worse.


On April 25th, 2017, Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein is confirmed. Rosenstein now takes over the responsibilities held by Acting DAG Dana Boente; this includes the FBI counterintelligence probe.


On May 9th, 2017, FBI Director James Comey is fired.


On May 10th, 2017, FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe opens a criminal ‘obstruction of justice investigation’ of President Trump to parallel the ongoing counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign and administration.


Dana Boente now becomes the Asst. Attorney General and head of the DOJ National Security Divison. Simultaneously retaining role as U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of VA. At that moment, guess who is Dana Boente’s legal counsel, Michael Atkinson. Yes, that’s the same Michael Atkinson who is the current ICIG who facilitated the Whistle-blower complaint. I digress…


On May 16th, 2017, Rosenstein takes Robert Mueller to the White House to meet President Trump. On May 17th, 2017, Rosenstein appoints the Robert Mueller special counsel probe. And we’re off to the Trump-Russia-Collusion-Obstruction races…


On June 29th, 2017, Rod Rosenstein and Andrew McCabe reauthorize that same fraudulent FISA application for Robert Mueller and his corrupt team of 19 special prosecutors and now 40 FBI agents to continue to exploit.


Dana Boente is still head of DOJ-NSD from May 11th, 2017 through end of October 2017 when he officially announced his intent to retire. But wait, it gets worse…. On January 23rd, 2018, FBI Director Christopher Wray announces Dana Boente has shifted over to the FBI to be Chief Legal Counsel (replacing James Baker).


Yes, that is correct. As Mueller is using 19 lawyers, and 40 FBI investigators, Boente now becomes a legal adviser to Christopher Wray, inside the FBI, while the Mueller probe is ongoing….. Oh, and as you can see from his participation with Mueller, Dana Boente is now a fact witness within the investigation.


But wait, it gets better, who do you think is in charge of the 40 FBI agents now conducting the third year of that fraudulent Mueller investigation?…


In his position as White House Counsel, Don McGahn had allowed himself to become an unwilling participant in the coup against President Trump. He would now be a fact witness if anyone started investigating. Two weeks later, in August 2018, Don McGahn submitted his resignation.


Part 3



Anonymous ID: 67ee0f Feb. 13, 2020, 11:10 a.m. No.8125903   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6105 >>6366 >>6462

Where’s Hunter? Until Recently, On the Board of the Left’s Premier National Security Network


Truman National Security Project quietly distances itself from former vice chairman Hunter Biden


If Joe Biden's presidential campaign collapses in the coming weeks, as looks increasingly likely, it will be in part because of stories like this.


In 2011, two years into his father's term as vice president, Hunter Biden was appointed by the Truman National Security Project, a left-leaning foreign policy network, to its board of directors. The younger Biden was, at the time, one of just six members of the governing board, where he served alongside the organization's founder and CEO, Rachel Kleinfeld, and a handful of corporate leaders. He had no obvious qualifications for the position.


As the Truman Project expanded, Democratic national security heavyweights including Jake Sullivan, Hillary Clinton's foreign policy guru who ran the Department of Policy Planning during her tenure at Foggy Bottom; Matthew Spence, a Defense Department veteran who served as a senior aide to Obama national security adviser Tom Donilon; and Steve Israel, the former Democratic congressman and head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, eventually joined Biden on the board.


A cached version of the organization's website shows that Biden rose to the position of vice chairman of the board, serving there until at least March of 2019. It is not clear precisely when—or why—Biden stepped down from the board, and the Truman Project did not respond to requests for comment. But during his tenure on the board, according to the New Yorker, he was in and out of drug rehabilitation facilities several times and, in 2014, joined the board of the Ukrainian gas giant Burisma and was discharged from the U.S. Navy after he failed a drug test. He later claimed that cigarettes he had smoked outside a bar may have been, unbeknownst to him, laced with cocaine.


Founded in 2004 by Kleinfeld, a Yale University graduate and Rhodes Scholar, the Truman National Security Project was intended to mirror conservative think tanks like the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute. Funded by the Ploughshares Fund, the organization awards dozens of fellowships every year and aims to mentor a new generation of Democratic foreign policy leaders.


Kleinfeld, who left the organization in 2013 and now serves as a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, did not respond to a request for comment. The Truman National Security Project did not return multiple requests for comment. A lawyer for Hunter Biden did not respond to a request for comment. A spokeswoman for John P. Driscoll, the chairman of the board of the Truman National Security Project, did not respond to a series of questions including why Biden was appointed to the board and when he stepped down from the position.

Anonymous ID: 67ee0f Feb. 13, 2020, 11:12 a.m. No.8125940   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5961 >>6105 >>6149 >>6366 >>6388 >>6462

Pentagon Moving $3.8 Billion From Weapons Programs to Fund Southern Border Wall


The funding for the wall will pull funds from programs such as the F-35 fighter jet.


According to a report from The Hill, a notice sent to Congress said the money is going to “support of higher priority items” and is “required to provide support for counter-drug activities of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).”


“DHS has identified areas along the southern border of the United States that are being used by individuals, groups, and transnational criminal organizations as drug smuggling corridors, and determined that the construction of additional physical barriers and roads in the vicinity of the United States border is necessary in order to impede and deny drug smuggling activities,” the notice says.


Democratic lawmakers, who used to be anti-war, are reportedly furious that there will be a cutback on weapons spending.


Congress has twice blocked the emergency declaration from President Donald Trump which allows him to move the funding around for national security reasons. The efforts were both vetoed.


“The notice says that $2.2 billion from the Pentagon’s base fiscal year 2020 budget and $1.6 billion from a war fund known as the Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) account will be transferred to the Pentagon’s counter-drug fund, which will then be used on the wall,” the Hill reports.


Building a wall was one of the biggest promises of Trump’s 2016 campaign.

Anonymous ID: 67ee0f Feb. 13, 2020, 11:16 a.m. No.8125977   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6000 >>6068

Congresswoman Calls AIPAC a 'Hate Group' After They Attack Her in Ad


A pro-Palestinian member of Congress is upset that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) harshly criticized her positions on Israel, calling them a "hate group" following the publication of an ad on Facebook.


Rep. Betty McCollum, a Democrat, has become one of Israel's strongest critics. She also claims to be "pro-Israel." She has introduced a bill that would prohibit any U.S. military aid to Israel from being used to detain children. She voted against the resolution condemning Rep. Ilhan Omar's comments about Jews running the U.S. She voted against the anti-BDS resolution in the House last year.


AIPAC said in the ad that McCollum and other pro-Palestinian members of Congress pose a threat "more sinister than ISIS." Was that "over the top"?




“AIPAC claims to be a bipartisan organization, but its use of hate speech actually makes it a hate group,” U.S. Rep. Betty McCollum, a Democrat, said Wednesday in a statement. “By weaponizing anti-Semitism and hate to silence debate, AIPAC is taunting Democrats and mocking our core values.”


The American Israel Public Affairs Committee declined to comment. The lobby removed and apologized last week for at least two Facebook ads that slammed “radical” Democrats in Congress, and altered an online petition that said Israel’s harshest critics in Congress pose a threat “maybe more sinister” than ISIS and other terror groups.


“This is not a call to action, it is incitement,” McCollum said. “Elected representatives in Congress ‘more sinister’ than ISIS? Last year, I met with AIPAC representatives from Minnesota in my office. Do forces ‘more sinister’ than ISIS sit down and meet with AIPAC’s advocates?”


AIPAC said the ad was poorly worded” and “inflammatory,” which is certainly true. But how much more inflammatory was it than voting to strangle the Jewish state with boycotts and divestment? AIPAC said the ad “alluded to a genuine concern of many pro-Israel Democrats about a small but growing group, in and out of Congress, that is deliberately working to erode the bipartisan consensus.”


In today's politics, the only way to be heard is to throw a bigger bomb than your opponent. McCollum is no more a threat to Israel than my pet cat Snowball. She's ignorant. She's dumb. She's misguided. But to hint that she's as big a threat to Israel as ISIS is absurd on its face.


It's true that Israel detains thousands of children – children who are a key cog in the Hamas terrorist machine. They not only are recruited for suicide bombings, but they act as lookouts for Hamas and are on the front lines of every Palestinian protest, knowing the bad publicity that will follow any harm that comes to them.


The Palestinians have weaponized their children. They have brainwashed them, propagandized them, and then used them as pawns in their deadly games with the Israeli government. It doesn't help when well-meaning, but ignorant members of Congress can only see one side of the conflict.

Anonymous ID: 67ee0f Feb. 13, 2020, 11:19 a.m. No.8126012   🗄️.is 🔗kun

MSM Australia — Australia's #1 news site


Corey Feldman names Hollywood paedophiles in new documentary


Former child star Corey Feldman is revealing who raped him and his late friend Corey Haim in a new documentary exposing paedophiles in Hollywood.


Corey Feldman, 48, says he has hired 24-hour security ahead of the release of his new documentary in which he revealed who raped him and his late friend Corey Haim when they were child stars.


Feldman has fought to get his documentary, My Truth: The Rape of Two Coreys, made amid legal issues surrounding the former child star actually naming people he says are responsible for abuse he suffered as a kid.

Anonymous ID: 67ee0f Feb. 13, 2020, 11:21 a.m. No.8126036   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UC-Berkeley Opens Second Center on Campus for ‘Undocumented Students’ and Their ‘Allies’


University of California Berkeley has opened a second student center catering to illegal alien students.


The publicly-funded university opened the new Robert D. Haas Undocumented Community Resource Center on February 6 as “a space specifically for undocumented students and allies.”


According to a report from the Daily Californian, “the Undocumented Community Resource Center, located at 180 César Chávez Student Center, is a space that provides undocumented students and allies with professional academic counseling, mental health support, access to resources and a place to study,” away from students who are American citizens.


The university already had the Haas Dreamer’s Resource Center, which caters to students who are using the DREAM act and first-generation, low-income and underrepresented college students.


“The establishment of the Undocumented Community Resource Center is significant in the foundation of the community here at Cal,” campus junior Railyn Aguado, who is an intern for the Educational Opportunity Program, said in an email to the Daily Californian. “It epitomizes the university as a place that values diverse backgrounds, inclusivity, and representation. Significantly, the resource center embodies the value of the university and its’ aim to assure that every voice is heard.”


Liliana Iglesias, the director of the Undocumented Student Program, told the Daily Californian that the separate center was necessary because of the “anti-immigrant political climate.”


“The Haas family knew that this was an essential need for undocumented students on campus,” Iglesias added. “Especially in this anti-immigrant political climate, it is important to have a space dedicated to undocumented students. It gives them a sense of belonging on campus and shows them that the university sees and values them, and that it wants them to thrive.”


The Berkeley College Republicans are pushing back against the segregated center.


“There is something morally obtuse about the UC, a public university, creating a resource center for the creation of an identity based on illegal entry into and residence within the United States,” Rudra Reddy, external vice president of the Berkeley College Republicans told Campus Reform. “The university continues to encourage blatant violation of federal immigration law and opens itself to retaliatory action initiated by the Trump administration.”