Anonymous ID: 5bba9f Feb. 13, 2020, 12:37 p.m. No.8126734   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6893 >>7032 >>7232

YouTube Takes Down Video of Senate Floor Speech by Sen. Rand Paul Reading Censored Impeachment Trial Question That Mentioned Alleged Ukraine Whistleblower


The Big Tech war on free speech has been taken to a new level with YouTube taking down video of a United States senator engaging in privileged speech on the Senate floor.


Politico reported Thursday that YouTube has removed video of Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) reading his impeachment trial question on the Senate floor during a break in the trial on February 4 after presiding officer Chief Justice John Roberts refused to pose it to the House Managers and President Trump’s legal team. Paul tried for two days to get the question asked but Roberts refused, the first day quietly sending a message to Paul and the second day verbally refusing the question.


On January 30, Paul left the Senate floor after Roberts’ second refusal and held an impromptu press conference where he read his question about the origin of the Ukraine impeachment plot and whether two then National Security Council staffers, Sean Misko and Eric Ciaramella were involved. While Paul did not name him as the whistleblower and claims to not know who the whistleblower is, the mere mention of the name of the alleged Ukraine whistleblower Eric Ciaramella provoked criticism of Paul by Democrats and the filing of a Senate ethics complaint against him.


YouTube has also removed videos of that Paul press conference. Two YouTube videos of the Paul press conference linked by this writer on Twitter have been taken down by YouTube.

Anonymous ID: 5bba9f Feb. 13, 2020, 12:42 p.m. No.8126781   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israeli settlers torch Palestinian school in latest 'price tag' attack


Students and teachers rattled after finding classroom a charred mess on Tuesday morning


Israeli settlers set fire to a classroom last night in the occupied West Bank village of Einabus, in the latest apparent "price tag" attack on Palestinian communities, students and teachers told Middle East Eye.


Rateb Nassar, the deputy headmaster of the affected school, told MEE that Israeli settlers came from the nearby illegal settlement of Yitzhar, and threw burning materials inside one of the classrooms.


The assailants also spray-painted racist and anti-Arab slogans on the walls, threatening to kill Palestinians and burn their properties, he added.


“This is the most dangerous attack the school has witnessed, and it indicates that more settler attacks are to come," Nassar said.


“This attack caused a great deal of complication in the day's teaching, the teachers are nervous and the students are scared… Despite that we held classes as usual.”


'This is the most dangerous attack the school has witnessed, and it indicates that more settler attacks are to come'


- Rateb Nassar, deputy headmaster


“Price tag” attacks, in which Israeli settlers intimidate Palestinian communities through violence and vandalism, have become increasingly common in the West Bank. Israeli daily Haaretz reported that the number of reported incidents rose from 140 across all of 2017 to nearly 500 in 2018.


Last week, Israeli settlers torched a mosque and wrote racist anti-Arab slogans on its walls in the occupied East Jerusalem suburb of Sharafat village.


In addition to slashing car tyres and painting anti-Arab slogans, “price-tag” attacks often include assaults on Palestinians, the burning of properties and sacred places, and cutting down trees belonging to Palestinian farmers.


Fear and anxiety


Twenty-nine students use the classroom in Einabus, a village south of Nablus, which was left with torched furniture, smashed windows and black scorch marks up its walls.


Mohammed Azmi Hajja, a 10-year-old student, told MEE that he arrived at school on Tuesday morning ready to study, only to find his classroom a charred mess.

Anonymous ID: 5bba9f Feb. 13, 2020, 12:44 p.m. No.8126797   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7068

Switzerland Halts 5G Rollout Due to Health Concerns, Widespread Public Opposition


"Switzerland, one of the world's leaders in the rollout of 5G mobile technology, has placed an indefinite moratorium on the use of its new network because of health concerns," The Financial Times reports.


Switzerland is relatively advanced in Europe in adopting 5G. The wealthy alpine country has built more than 2,000 antennas to upgrade its network in the last year alone, and its telecoms providers have been promising their customers’ imminent 5G coverage for most of the past year.


However, a letter sent by the Swiss environment agency, Bafu, to the country's cantonal governments at the end of January, has now in effect called time on the use of all new 5G towers, officials who have seen the letter told the Financial Times.


[…] The Swiss Medical Association has advised caution on 5G, arguing that the most stringent legal principles should be applied because of unanswered questions about the technology’s potential to cause damage to the nervous system, or even cancers.


There have been zero major studies on the health effects of 5G.


On the other hand, there are tons of studies showing WiFi in its current form can have a multitude of negative effects on our health, they're generally just ignored by our governments and media (the UK recently went as far as banning an advertisement warning about the dangers of 5G).


Here's another study from just a few months ago.


From BioNews, 7 May 2019, "WiFi devices affect sperm, suggests study":


A small study by researchers in Japan has indicated that exposure to WiFi may have detrimental effects on sperm function.


The study assessed the effect of electromagnetic (EM) waves from WiFi devices on human sperm. It found that longer periods of direct exposure to a portable WiFi router decreased the motility rate and increased the death rate of sperm from human samples.

Anonymous ID: 5bba9f Feb. 13, 2020, 1:03 p.m. No.8127003   🗄️.is 🔗kun



In Shocking Admission, WHO Advisor Says Coronavirus May Infect Over 5 Billion People


In yet another sign of the World Health Organization's about-face on the coronavirus outbreak, a top epidemiologist and advisor to the organization said Thursday that if the virus isn't contained soon, it could infect 60% of the global population - or more than 5 billion people - echoing projections made by a Hong Kong scientist who was once labeled an alarmist despite his pioneering work in the fight against SARS.


According to Bloomberg, that's what WHO advisor Ira Longini said after finishing a study of the virus's transmissibility. His estimates suggest that the virus could one day infect billions of people, far more than the ~60,000 or so cases as of earlier on Thursday.


If the virus truly has a mortality rate of 2% (around the low end of current estimates), at this rate, it would kill more than 100 million.


Of course, if the virus manages to spread so widely, it will unequivocally prove that China's draconian quarantines weren't effective enough, and that the government effectively set itself up for failure when it hesitated to try and contain the outbreak after it first emerged in Wuhan late last year.


In recent days, Dr. Tedros, the WHO's director-general, has warned that we might be seeing only "the tip of the iceberg" in terms of cases, and that a new rash of infections in Europe could lead to another widespread outbreak.


Longini based his numbers on an r-sub-zero of between 2 and 3, meaning that the average infected person will spread the virus to two or three other people.


In recent days, growing attention has been paid to the lack of reliable virus tests, not just in China, but in virtually all countries where the virus has spread. The difficulties in diagnosing the virus could mean we see another sudden surge of cases - but this time, it could be even larger than last night's dump from officials in Hubei.


Even if we could find a way to reduce the virus's ability to spread by half, it would could still wind up infecting more than 2 billion people.


"Unless the transmissibility changes, surveillance and containment can only work so well," Longini, co-director of the Center for Statistics and Quantitative Infectious Diseases at the University of Florida, said in an interview at WHO headquarters in Geneva. “Isolating cases and quarantining contacts is not going to stop this virus."


Longini, a researcher and scientist who has spent his entire career focusing on infectious diseases, is hardly the only scientist making dire warnings.


Neil Ferguson, a researcher at Imperial College London, estimated that as many as 50,000 people may be infected each day in China, and more recently warned that we could still be in the "preliminary stages" of the outbreak.


Even Dr. Feigl Ding is finding that the public is taking his warnings seriously after he was branded as an alarmist.


As always, other scientists warned that the situation is in flux, and readers should take these findings with a grain of salt before they panic.


The estimates of spread are part of a spectrum of possibilities that could unfold as the epidemic progresses, said Alessandro Vespignani, a biostatistician at Northeastern University in Boston. The next few weeks may provide more information about how easily the disease spreads outside China, particularly if more measures are put in place to control it, he said.


"People change behaviors" in response to disease, he said. "This is kind of a worst-case scenario. It’s one of the possibilities."


But as Dr. Tedros said earlier this week, it's still early days. And if Beijing doesn't start being a little more honest with the international community, we might not be able to take the necessary steps to combat the spread until it's too late.

Anonymous ID: 5bba9f Feb. 13, 2020, 1:05 p.m. No.8127037   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7232

Poll: Labour members say anti-Semitism crisis “invented”


A new opinion poll found that 73 percent of Labour members think anti-Semitism in the party is exaggerated.


Almost three quarters of the UK Labour Party’s members agree that the anti-Semitism crisis in the party has been “invented or wildly exaggerated.”


That’s according to a new survey by the influential pollster Michael Ashcroft.


Only 22 percent of members who took part in the poll agreed that “anti-Semitism was a real problem” in the party.


Since Jeremy Corbyn – a left-wing activist who had long been involved with the Palestine solidarity movement – was elected Labour’s leader in 2015, the party has been targeted by a sustained disinformation campaign, smearing Corbyn and party members as anti-Semitic.


Released on Monday, the poll of Labour members shows that 73 percent agreed with the statement that “Anti-Semitism in the Labour Party was invented or wildly exaggerated by the right-wing media and opponents of Jeremy Corbyn.”


The figure is even higher – 92 percent – among members of Momentum, the party faction founded to back Corbyn.


The statement, openly expressed, would likely be grounds for expulsion from the party in a rigged disciplinary process.


“Anti-Semitism denial” is now often portrayed by witch hunters as proof of anti-Semitism.


For such people, it would apparently follow that Labour should now expel three quarters of the party’s membership – which would amount to at least 354,000 people.



The figures are a rebuke to Momentum’s boss Jon Lansman, who has claimed Labour has a “widespread problem” with anti-Semitism.


Lansman did not reply to a request for comment.


The poll comes soon after the latest official party figures, released last month, showed that, in total, 2,178 Labour members had faced anti-Semitism allegations since 2017. As Labour has approximately 500,000 members, that amounts to 0.4 percent of the overall membership.


And as The Electronic Intifada’s reporting over the last few years has shown, many, if not almost all, of this tiny number are not even real cases of anti-Semitism.


Only 56 Labour members have been expelled for alleged anti-Semitism, with a further 145 resigning or allowing their membership to lapse during disciplinary proceedings.


Between 2018 and 2019, 1,201 members were suspended, formally investigated or otherwise disciplined for alleged anti-Semitism.


A further 388 complaints were deemed worthy of no further action after an initial assessment.


A note accompanying the Labour data indicates that a coordinated campaign was undertaken to report “anti-Semitism” cases as a way to attack the party’s grassroots, which is largely left-wing.


“A third of all cases in 2019 have the same single individual as the main complainant,” states the document, released by the office of the party’s general secretary, Jennie Formby.

Anonymous ID: 5bba9f Feb. 13, 2020, 1:07 p.m. No.8127054   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7232 >>7254

Ohio Resident Charged with Operating Darknet-Based Bitcoin “Mixer,” which Laundered Over $300 Million

Anonymous ID: 5bba9f Feb. 13, 2020, 1:09 p.m. No.8127066   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7232

Chinese Telecommunications Conglomerate Huawei and Subsidiaries Charged in Racketeering Conspiracy and Conspiracy to Steal Trade Secrets