You came here for a critique. You say you lurk, so you know the scene.
It's convoluted but the actual number of players is small, and the relationships straight forward.
I'll give you an implicit connection to Soros wrt campaigns, media, ngo's legislation just due to the large organization and money he provides them. However I am unaware of ANY direct connection or influence of this case. If you havel sauce you need to include it. As it is, I have no idea what you are pointing to Soros and Jr about.
Soros is seemingly lurking in both sides of your Chutes and Letters arrangement. Why? It's the kind of thing the left does. It's a guilty by association smear. IF you have sauce that Soros implicitly directed the op, then this is a basic org chart with Soros at the top, and the others beneath.
If Soros used his resources to influence these events and sauce, it's hierarchical primary with a side so diagram linking Soros through an NGO that, say, got Foxx to drop charges (example fake). And tie that to the main chart.
What did Barry do? I know Big Mike's Chief of Staff did some stanky shit and that Big Mike ordered it, but, unless you have sauce, It seems you are INCLUDING Barry for no reason. I don't see a connection myself.
These vague connections confuse rather than clarify. Focus. KISS keep it simple stupid. Charts are for those who don't have time to read. Big picture. Big Mike-Cheif of Staff - Foxx.
You put in the effort which is the absolute hardest part. Most dont. That's commendable. As such I'm not giving out participation awards. It's why the left can't meme.
Go back and Focus on the story you wAnt to tell, and tell it.
Carry on soldier****