>>8160546 (PB)
Amazing that the power outage, for example, would only hinder Democrat votes and not Republican votes. Or that Republicans might have to have valid ID to vote, too.
I could have sworn that early voting accepted voters from all of the parties without regard to pre-registered party affiliation.
PS … if there IS such a power outage, you'll find Democrat fingerprints on it. Trump is going places this election cycle he didn't go last time … he's pushing for the popular vote to defeat the aims of those who would eliminate the electoral college by forcing electors to vote with the majority.
In 2016 Antifa threatened the life of at least one conservative elector that I personally know. I fully expect that they will do the same this year, but have grown even larger and more capable than previously. If the law cannot rein them in we will need to find a way ourselves … they cannot be permitted to perpetrate violence against conservatives without repercussion.