Anonymous ID: c602bd Feb. 18, 2020, 12:54 p.m. No.8176249   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel reduces amount of bread served to Palestinian prisoners


The Israeli Prison Services (IPS) has decided to reduce food amounts and many other services offered to Palestinian prisoners inside Israeli jails, Palestinian Prisoner Club (PPC) revealed on Monday.


In a statement, the PPC announced that this step is part of Gilad Erdan’s Committee, which decided in 2018 to cancel all the achievements that the prisoners gained throughout their struggle with the IPS.


The statement, which was sent to mass media, pointed out that the IPS is to reduce the number of TV channels allowed for the prisoners from ten to seven, to lower the number of loaves of bread from five to four, and to withdraw cookers and 40 items from their purchases. In addition, the IPS will also cut down on the amount of meat, water and books allowed.


It will also offer only boiled eggs, ban the use of coloured blankets, restrict movement among prison departments, decrease the time of breaks, minimise the number of family visits and change factional representation.


Meanwhile, the prisoners stressed that they are currently laying out a resistance plan against the IPS over these measures, which are gradually being implemented.


The PPC reiterated that the IPS is intending to impose a new reality inside the Israeli prisons, based on political orders and systematic policies aiming to put more pressure on the prisoners and rendering their lives unbearable.

Anonymous ID: c602bd Feb. 18, 2020, 12:55 p.m. No.8176262   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6513 >>6677 >>6834 >>6873

‘Sinister Menaces’: Hungarian PM Orban Attacks EU Economic Policies and George Soros


Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has never been a fan of George Soros, the Hungarian-American billionaire and founder of the Open Society Foundations, often attacking the renowned philanthropist for allegedly meddling in Hungary’s internal affairs, as well as for supporting increased migration to Europe.


Viktor Orban, the Hungarian prime minister, has taken some shots at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the European Union’s leadership, and against his probably least favourite Hungary-born billionaire George Soros, during his annual state of the nation address.


During the speech, Orban asserted that the past decade has been “the most successful” for Hungary in the last century, but noted that his country was still threatened by so-called “sinister menaces” the European economy was facing. The prime minister thus praised Hungary’s decision to break away from IMF loans and not to succumb to demands for more austerity, which, he alleged, would have made Hungary dependent on Soros.


“If we’d followed their advice, then Hungary now would be lying in a hospital ward with IMF and Brussels debt tubes hanging from its every limb and the faucet of the debt would be in the hands of George Soros”, Orban said on Sunday, as quoted by AP.


The prime minister insisted that a slowdown in the EU’s growth had a strong influence on his country’s economy, as 85% of Hungary’s exports were meant for other countries on the European continent. However, he slammed the idea that Europe should simply be represented by Brussels alone.


“We are Europe and we do not need to meet the expectations of tired and disillusioned elites of Brussels. There were times when we believed that Europe is our future but now we know that we are the future of Europe”, Orban said as translated by Euronews.


Founder of the Open Society Foundations and a proponent of liberal activism and open borders George Soros, has often been criticised by Orban for allegedly interfering in Hungary’s internal politics. The Orban government has been carrying out a crusade against Soros-related organisations in the state since 2017, criticising the billionaire for promoting increased migration to the country and thus threatening Hungary’s security and national identity.

Anonymous ID: c602bd Feb. 18, 2020, 12:56 p.m. No.8176275   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6363 >>6513 >>6677 >>6834 >>6873

European court reinstates order for Russia to pay $50 billion for oligarch's lost oil assets


A Dutch appeals court has reinstated an international arbitration panel's ruling that Russia should pay $50 billion in compensation to ex-shareholders of the defunct Russian oil giant, Yukos, overturning a previous court decision.


The Hague Court of Appeal ruled on Tuesday that the 2016 ruling cancelling the arbitration decision "was not correct," meaning that "the arbitration order is in force again."


The Russian Justice Ministry said immediately after the ruling that it would appeal the court's decision. The Ministry of Justice said the court had ignored the fact that the former Yukos shareholders were not "bona fide investors."


"Control over the assets of this company was obtained through a number of illegal actions, including conspiracy and bribery of officials," said the ministry. "During the management of Yukos by the former majority owners, there was massive tax evasion, illegal withdrawal of assets abroad, money laundering, and other illegal actions."


The Russian Justice Ministry pointed out that the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) did not find any political motives in the criminal prosecution of former Yukos executives Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev and that no compensation would be awarded.


The ministry added it will continue to uphold its legitimate interests and plans to appeal the ruling in the Supreme Court of the Netherlands.


The arbitration panel had originally ruled that Moscow seized control of Yukos in 2003 by hammering the company with massive tax claims. It ordered Russia to pay former shareholders $50 billion in compensation.


Russia challenged the decision, sending a detailed response to the Hague's District Court. It expanded on arguments about unlawful acts committed during and after the privatization of Yukos. It revealed examples of manipulation and collusion during mortgage auctions, bribing state managers, creating an extensive network of shell companies to minimize taxes, and exporting illegally acquired assets abroad, concealing the true beneficiaries of the supposedly foreign companies that filed lawsuits in The Hague against Russia.


In April 2016, the Hague's District Court overturned a decision by the Permanent Court of Arbitration ordering Russia to compensate former shareholders of the company that was once owned by oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky.


In the summer that year, ex-shareholders appealed to the Hague Court of Appeal to reverse the district court’s decision and restore the arbitral awards.

Anonymous ID: c602bd Feb. 18, 2020, 12:59 p.m. No.8176301   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Explaining Syria


It's everyone's fault except the U.S. and Israel

Anonymous ID: c602bd Feb. 18, 2020, 1:42 p.m. No.8176646   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6655 >>6677 >>6752 >>6834 >>6873

Obama’s Corrupt AG Eric Holder Encourages DOJ Officials to Rise Up and Snitch on Bill Barr


Obama’s corrupt Attorney General Eric Holder encouraged DOJ and FBI officials NOT to resign following Bill Barr’s decision to intervene in Roger Stone’s sentencing.


Four of Mueller’s thug prosecutors resigned last week after Bill Barr refiled their abusive sentencing memo recommending 67-year-old Roger Stone spend 7 to 9 years in prison.


The Department of Justice last week said it was “shocked” at the excessive prison term being sought by Mueller’s prosecutors because it wasn’t what the DOJ was initially briefed on.


“The Department was shocked to see the sentencing recommendation in the filing in the Stone case last night,” the official told Fox News. “The sentencing recommendation was not what had been briefed to the Department.”


The Democrat-media complex is now attacking Barr and claiming the DOJ is in crisis.


Eric Holder encouraged DOJ officials to stay in the Department so they can snitch on Barr for doing his job.


ERIC HOLDER: To the men and women of DOJ/FBI: do NOT resign, stay strong, in all your actions be true to the oath you have sworn, report wrongdoing. The era of Trump and Barr will pass-their slander, insults and corrupt acts will end. We – the American people – respect & believe in you.


This is rich coming from Eric Holder, the most corrupt Attorney General in US history.


Holder was held in both criminal and civil contempt over his failure to turn over documents related to the “Fast and Furious” scandal.


In December of 2010, Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered by drug smugglers from Mexico who used firearms given to them by US feds in what was revealed to be Eric Holder’s “Fast and Furious” operation.

Anonymous ID: c602bd Feb. 18, 2020, 1:44 p.m. No.8176661   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6677 >>6834 >>6873

Spain searches for 143 boat migrants near Canary islands as Atlantic arrivals double


BARCELONA, Spain (AP) – Spain on Tuesday was searching for some 143 people missing on five migrant boats en route to the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean, according to Spain’s maritime rescue service.


A Civil Guard plane was searching for the boats near the islands of Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, off the northwest coast of Africa, the service said.


Authorities were alerted about the missing boats on Monday afternoon.


Helena Maleno, of the human rights group Walking Borders, told The Associated Press the migrants, including women and children, are believed to have departed from the northwest coast of Africa between Friday and Saturday.


Although the total number of sea crossings to Spain decreased by more than 50% in 2019, arrivals via the dangerous Atlantic route to the Canary Islands doubled. According to the International Organization for Migration at least 210 people died on that route last year.

Anonymous ID: c602bd Feb. 18, 2020, 1:47 p.m. No.8176686   🗄️.is 🔗kun

China officially launches 5G networks on November 1


WUHAN, Oct. 31 (Xinhua) – The branches of Chinese major telecom operators in central China's Hubei Province announced Thursday the launch of commercial 5G applications in the province.

Anonymous ID: c602bd Feb. 18, 2020, 1:48 p.m. No.8176696   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6704 >>6710 >>6718 >>6739

Arabic is first language in six of nine preschools in Ronneby, Sweden



Since newly arrived migrants and their families tend to live in just a few areas in the municipality, sixty to eighty-nine percent of preschoolers at six of the nine schools in central Ronneby, Sweden have a mother tongue other than Swedish.


“Sometimes when conflicts arise, it can be a problem, it may well be a challenge”, Monica Berggren, the Headmaster at Skogsgläntan’s preschool told Sveriges Radio.


“These preschools are situated in the areas where most newly arrived migrants live”, says Ingela Berg, preschool director in Ronneby municipality.

“Preschool personnel finds it difficult to understand the children and to make themselves understood”, says Camilla Widerström, a teacher at Skogsgläntan’s preschool.

When SVT’s reporter asks what they do to understand the children since the parents usually cannot speak Swedish either, Ms. Widerström replies that they ask other children’s parents to translate.

“Then we take help from another guardian who knows Swedish a little better. We have also had startup workers who helped us put words into everyday life for the children”, says Camilla Widerström.