Does anyone know how long the sealed indictments have been sitting at 144,844 and/or if this has been discussed? Something I noticed just now (pic) The sides are equal in that they both Point to the "8" if going from left to right on the right side and right to left on the left side
sorry left to right on the left side and right to left on the right
Also ran across this in a search on pendulums "Simply start the pendulum swinging and move the case gently until the tic and toc are in good balance." from …………both sides are balanced to the "8"
As of 1-16-20 you say (1x4+4)+(4+4) =16 and 4x4+4=20 or 1-16-20 if you add the leading one in front
I did fuck up a link to my own post >>818540 and not intentionally applying gematria I just saw the numbers and noticed that they balanced