Anonymous ID: b2234f Feb. 19, 2020, 11:25 a.m. No.8185403   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5448





reposting from earlier for you fags since it seems relevant. Mostly ignored




anyone post

Blago's motion to subpoena Hussein yet?

Looks juicy.

Highlight copy pasta the redactions for notso hidden gems


sauce is capitolfax which I know nothing about. Looks like a pay a feww for a Chicago pol newsletter



Blagojevich hurls allegations at Obama in bid to force testimony


Thursday, Apr 22, 2010


  • Rod Blagojevich’s attorneys filed a motion today to subpoena President Obama to testify at the former governor’s trial…


“President Obama has direct knowledge to allegations made in the indictment. In addition, President Obama’s public statements contradict other witness statements, specifically those made by labor union official and Senate Candidate B,” the motion said.


The motion is here. Several parts are redacted, but you can easily copy and paste the entire motion into a text file and view all the redacted material. Oops on somebody’s part.


  • All of the most explosive allegations in the motion were redacted.


Blagojevich’s lawyers allege that Tony Rezko admitted to violating the law by personally contributing “a large sum of cash” to a public official’s campaign,

which the Blagojevich people say is Obama.


The lawyers claim that Obama may not have been telling the truth when he said Rezko never relayed a request from a lobbyist to hold a fundraiser for Obama in exchange for favorable legislative action (Obama, however, refused to agree to the offer, Rezko allegedly says).


They also claim that Obama allegedly lied when he said he didn’t have any conversations with Rezko about a casino license…


In a recent in camera proceeding, the government tendered a three paragraph letter indicating that Rezko “has stated in interviews with the government that he engaged in election law violations by personally contributing a large sum of cash to the campaign of a public official who is not Rod Blagojevich. … Further, the public official denies being aware of cash contributions to his campaign by Rezko or others and denies having conversations with Rezko related to cash contributions.


Rezko has also stated in interviews with the government that he believed he transmitted a quid pro quo offer from a lobbyist to the public official, whereby the lobbyist would hold a fundraiser for the official in exchange for favorable official action, but that the public official rejected the offer. The public official denies any such conversation.


In addition, Rezko has stated to the government that he and the public official had certain conversations about gaming legislation and administration, which the public official denies having had.


President Obama is the only one who can testify as to the veracity of Mr. Rezko’s allegations above.


A redacted footnote offers further explanation…


The defense has a good faith belief that this public official is Barack Obama.


As its proof, the Blagojevich people reference a 2006 Sun-Times story…


Senator Barack Obama was asked: “Did Rezko or his companies ever solicit your support on any matter involving state or federal government? Did Al Johnson, who was trying to get a casino license along with Tony Rezko, or Rezko himself ever discuss casino matters with you?”