>>>>>>>>>>>some superhero selling out the jews
>>>>>>>>>>sorting out baalzebub and mcsatanisms with homo cartoons
>>>>>>>>>rigging scientologoy nambla shekels with codewords
>>>>>>>>convincing flat turd texas earth to kill danielfaggot jfk for a hot dog commercial
>>>>>>>raising a fleet of "deus ex machina" submariners to spread the gaylord flavors of betrayed jew porks
>>>>>>reinforcing PR of prior mentioned superhero whom betrayed the jews
>>>>>getting mcsatanisms to pay hommage to superhero whom betrayed jews
>>>>getting a bunch of cocksuckers to buy your product
>>>have a minority sing about tasting your wiener
>>find a church endorsement
>let a unrequited closet homo hobbit do your advertisement shillin
tell the draccos bout what vietnam is all about and get dante released from dulce base