Did a few like this a year ago or so.. was thinking along the lines of the Q and A memes to education people. Asking the talking point question. Is trump REALLY racist..really homophobe, really sexist…etc..
Trumoo has a lot of trust in this guy. You think Trump is pandering by putting sanctions on countries that make homosexuality illrenell was frontman) That started almost 2 year aso. No mainstream media discussing but still was done.
And some memes are to make idiot libs think for just a second. Use their playbook against them.
I think Trump believes this:
'He who is without sin can cast the first stone'?"
Trump is pragmatic when it comes to the world we live in. But I respect your right to think the way you do. Me…I have sinned. I try to be better but I am not perfect by any stretch.
I am aware of the fact that more homos are pedos. And a huge number of gays were molested. I know we are in a major fight. Also aware that the legal system is loaded in favor of pedos. Example: Open courts in child molestation cases. So the kid gets the embarrassment of being on the evening nes. But it is going to take time. The entire system has to be changed. Will there be gays still..yes. But a lot less. The indoctrination has been going on for a solid 50 years. I am truly sorry for what happened to you and the reason I made it to pizzagate originally is because I fucking hate pedos and pedovores.
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And a lot of courts are just totally comped. They are all in on this. I think most of this know this. You get someone arrested, corrupt prosecutor or judge butcher the trial. Perp walks and kids gets major retaliation up to including murder.
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