Did you ever realize that most homosexuals are within the Dark Triad? narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. Some come by it by way of birth, but the vast, vast majority come to one by way of the treatment they received as a child. Be it physical, or emotional abuse. Physical tend to be the most detrimental, but emotional is a bigger issue than a lot of people realize.
That is, but i'm speaking more to the broader issue of homosexuality in general. Idgaf what people do for the most part, but there s a reason it has been on such a rampant rise the last 10-20 years. emotional abuse being the larger, but not really the worst. Society has degraded to the point where emotional abuse is almost literally celebrated, thus causing an influx, and with usually one of the three dark personalities to go along with it, usually endes up in a physical abuse situation down the line, which then expands the worst of the abuses even further.It's a vicious cycle, and is almost out of control at this point.
Being fucked up mentally comes before the actual fucking is all I'm saying. Those things contribute to it, but i know tons of folks who have been taking those hormones and things in all the various forms their whole lives and are as straight as they come. Those do have a large effect on the population as a whole, but it's not like every man, or even most, wanna go suck a dong. Seems like more of a way to degrade overall morale and manliness to me. Some cases will come from that, for sure, but I'd be willing to bet its not most.