Sounds like the first arrest will be Podesta, not FISA related.
Podesta 11.3. March 3rd, March Madness?
Sounds like the first arrest will be Podesta, not FISA related.
Podesta 11.3. March 3rd, March Madness?
just a wild guess, not really based on any proof:
corona virus kills off a certain type of people whos dna is for some reason different. cure spreading worldwide kills off these people who are not human but look human.
they are a parasitic alien race of high intelligence who has both genders, a vagina and a penis. they are ruthless and see us as their sheep.
corona virus is a racial bioweapon only killing off the aliens.
i know, its late and i am drunk.
I am drinking mixed beer in Germany… some corona, some becks and some other german Pils.
to be honest, based on everything I have seen and heard so far I dont like it but it seems corona is one of THEIR methods. not our. seems like the good guys took down some corona related stuff before [offline] but the bad guys had some extra in Wuhan and let it loose.