Anonymous ID: 42627c Feb. 23, 2020, 8:07 p.m. No.8231205   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1210 >>1218 >>1248

Q#3876 2/19/20

Q'ed baker's Tranny/Baphomet Image, Q posted Images of how TIME Magazine has Distorted President Trump's Face.


Q-Hating Jewish Shill Outed: Smearing Trump with Sex-Change Kali Memes Caught By Anons A Week Ago


President Trump is a Christian Man. He is not KALI, a Hindu Female Goddess of Death, Sexuality and Violence.


Watch out for the Jewish Sex-Change of our beloved POTUS into a Hindu Female goddess with Flailing Arms and a Smeared Burning Face- to Divert Anons Attention Away from what the Trump-Kali Meme shill don't want you to see. Moar and moar evidence of massive Jewish Subversive Crimes against America.


Distorting and Burning Trump's face is Subliminal Warfare


Watch this Confirmed "Q IS A PSYOP" Shill Try to Disguise her venom by posting it's Ugly Smear Flailing-Trump's face memes by adding on other ugly images to Dilute her poison, now that she's been OUTED for a week.


Notice the Damage Control Tactic:


The add-on of Q "quotes", lame "patriotric" images like Washington Crossing the Delaware, and lots of Q sayings to Trick you into forgetting that this shill is ON RECORD 1/1/2020 for writing:


'''"they're laughing their asses off at how stupid the people* are"


It now tries to Deceive you with New Age-y babble, HOLD THE LINE ANONS, Bible quotes, pink girly Anime and other Bullshit to "Virtue Signal", so you won't remember that this is a Q-Hating Burning-Trump's Face Confirmed Shill who has been OUTED by Anons. Anons call this shill "Kali the Kabbalah Flailing Kike Shill".


*you anons who believe in Q.


This Is Information Warfare


It hates Q, It hates Trump. It hates Us.


Anons Know.

Anonymous ID: 42627c Feb. 23, 2020, 8:16 p.m. No.8231275   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1462 >>1498



Only losers threaten by pretending that you have power which you do not.


oooh soooo scaaaary ooooh get you in your dreeeeeams. Pathetic.


Delusions of Godlike Power


you've been OUTED.

anons know.

Anonymous ID: 42627c Feb. 23, 2020, 9:13 p.m. No.8231569   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1577



You're getting moar and MOAR unhinged.


Projection and False name calling doesn't work because anons are smarter than that.


You're ON RECORD 1/1/2020 for:


"they're laughing at how stupid the people are"


You've been OUTED.


anons know.


lame attempt to warp "know" into the Q word "knowlingly" is transparent because well, anons know you're the :

''Q IS A PSYOP" shill and no amount of Bible nor Mantra will Disguise you.


but go ahead, keep projecting, keep menacing with your delusions of powah.

None of your fake virtue works.

Anonymous ID: 42627c Feb. 23, 2020, 9:20 p.m. No.8231600   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1604 >>1620


>all of us


you mean those anons that you wrote that you're "laughing at how stupid the people are"? because "Q IS A PSYOP", that you're ON RECORD for.


You're not "blending In" at alllllllll.

Alinsky Tactic attacking me when you're the Q-Hating shill is lame.


anons know what you are.

Anonymous ID: 42627c Feb. 23, 2020, 9:26 p.m. No.8231626   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1638



Disguise not working, especially since your delusions of godlike powah and menacing ooooooh we see uuuuu is totally meaningless. and shows how fake your fake "blend in" with the Q anons is failing so badly.


anons know.

Anonymous ID: 42627c Feb. 23, 2020, 9:30 p.m. No.8231648   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Can't for the Jew Owned MOS Controlled MSM to be taken down.


Imagine when Truth like this is on all News Media, the Jewish Narrative COLLAPSES. and their "always victims" bullshit is BTFO.