Anonymous ID: c82622 Feb. 23, 2020, 7:39 p.m. No.8231038   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1064 >>1114 >>1557 >>1593

I took time to ponder our situation. To attemt to grasp the reality of it all. I, not having ever expeienced the harsh reality of combat,

had difficulty in imagining my foe. I wondered, is it better to see the grim expression of those who would kill me? Am I rendered ineffective,

handicapped, by the lack of a physical presence in my midst?


Having these caracatures of villians in my mind, who are eating away at the flesh of the country I love, I an enraged and frustrated by my

ineffective stabs into puffs of smoke. Never having the satisfaction of vanquishing a nebulous, but very real, threat to all I know and love.


My reality being chipped away, ouer the passing DECADES, by the spectre of our countries demise.


The only solice, the only tie that binds me to my ideals, is the sense of brotherhood I can draw on from the good will of my countrymen.

In my times of dispair, the illusion of my solitude can chill my soul. But, before I slip away to hopelessnes,

all at once I feel my brothers standing next to me. With wild eyes and clinched fists. Unwilling to allow me to sink any deeper. They grab me,

as I am never able to do so myself, and propel me headlong into the battle. I can hear the enemies cry out , for they fear the thunderous

sound of millions of patriot warriors. Their eyes wide, as judgement rides with powerful abandon, to exact the penalty they so richly deserve.


My brothers make me strong, they give me the resolve to never give up! To never give in and to never forget the mission we have been tasked

to see to it's completion. We will rise and rise again until we can truly call America ours once more. The battle will be long but we

stand together, as an anonymous army, single minded with the forcce of will that can not be matched, that can not be defeated and until our

enemies faces are all drowned in the mud once and for all.


They will hear the war cries of the anonymous warriors cry out, Patriots, PATRIOTS! FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!



Anonymous ID: c82622 Feb. 23, 2020, 7:52 p.m. No.8231114   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I want to change the last sentence, but you get the point. kek

I wanted to post it before I chickened out. Plus, if I ever were to be a warrior, Frank Frazetta will be my inspiration. Don't see much pity there!