Disney just bought Hulu
The global elite march in four essential columns: Corporate, Academic, Political and Organized Religion. In general, the goals for globalism are created by Corporate. Academic then provides studies and white papers that justify Corporates goals. Political sells Academic’s arguments to the public and if necessary, changes laws to accommodate and facilitate Corporate in getting what it wants. Organized Religion along with church and state secures corporate, academic and political rule into a global order.
Key Players of the One World Order
(In order of importance)
1: Lord Jacob de Rothschild. 2: His son Nathaniel. 3: Baron David de Rothschild 4: Sir Evelyn de Rothschild 5: Benjamin de Rothschild 6: David Rockefeller Jr. 7: Henry Kissinger 8: George Soros 9: Lloyd Blankfein
The power behind the Committee of 300 is the Anglo-Jewish cousin-hood that dominate the financial and political systems of the world. This cousin-hood includes the Rothschild, Rockefeller, Oppenheimer, Goldsmid, Mocatta, Montefiore, Sassoon, Warburg, Samuel, Kadoorie, Franklin, Worms, Stern and Cohen families.
Ruling Families (all with hyperlinks to pages on them)
Rothschild (Bauer or Bower) family
Rockefeller (Rockenfelder) family
Oppenheimer family
Goldsmid/Goldschmidt/Goldsmith family
Mocatta family
Montefiore family
Sassoon family
Warburg (del Banco) family
Samuel family
Kadoorie family
Worms family
Stern family
Cohen family <—-
Schiff family<——