Baker missed lb.
>>8278252 cokinkdinks for Feb 21st (after Q drop w/ "GA2.21")
in case anons missed some of those
Q dropped a pic with filename "GA2.21".
Great Awakening 2 / 21.
Prayingmedic found some nice coinkidinks for that day, Feb 21st.
McEntee, close friend of Trump family, was elevated to run the presidential personnel office
Q3880: "You are ready. Prepare for the storm."
Ivanka tweet shows ship in the storm
Lara Trump rt @StormIsUponUs video "the best is yet to come"
Eric Trump tweeting Treasury Dept Logo, with year 1789 - Q1789 is on going mainstream.
Eric Trump tweeting a pic from the sun looking much like a Q
All above on Feb 21st!