Apparently Hotwheels is now begging for money because living in the US is expensive. Everything really is a huge ripoff here, but isn't the little cocksucker rich?
What happened? Did he blow all of it on those $90 an hour DDOS sessions?
The minute he does that, he gets his ass kicked by the Pinoy Terminator.
He deserves it for railroading most of us to 4chan. I hope Duterte uses him as a soccer ball.
I think the FBI is too busy with their quest to take down imaginary violent white supremacists to go after an actual threat
Things might be complicated by his use of an underage Texan as an accomplice.
It's supposed to be a free country, not a Christian country. No reason to care if they do it out of sight and limit the spread of their diseases.
>that last sentence in context of the discussion
Are you even sentient enough to pick a side?
I love to hate too, but in the real world you have to give people some room. Otherwise you're no better than Mike Bloomberg.