A wakeful reminder to Anons and Patriots:
When this Great Awakening happened upon my worldview in March 2018, I had sort of a vision:
As the veil was lifted like a great blanket that was lain across our nation, faces began to appear. They were startled, groggy, confused, and LOOKING FOR ANSWERS. I saw that these faces represented the Awakened across America (and the world). I felt elated! Everyone was going to learn the Truth!
But I felt a check in my spirit, and a caution: "Some, still many, could be lost." As the matrix of lies is ripped from the consciousness of each one, I saw there arose a vacancy in their spirit where a lie had once occupied. That empty space would be what drives their search for Truth; but would also be a wide open door to [other] spirits that might be roaming until the Return of Christ.
Frens, Know This: There is but One God. He Has One Son who calls us who would believe on Him, "Brothers," and on account of God's Great Love, we are accepted as Family. There are not [two] ways to Him. There is only His Way, through the Christ.
As hearts and minds are freed from chains, let us remember the Parable of the Empty House, as told by our Master. Be careful not to follow pagan doctrines, "alien" worship (WE are all aliens here), idolatry ("call no man 'father,' for you are all brothers, and there is ONE FATHER, your Father in Heaven") or other demonic lies. Be wary of Humanism, whose purpose is to destroy fath and conviction. Be cautious of any teaching that [adds to] the distance between God and man, for "The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand."
And if you are just waking up, LOOK TO JESUS. It's not enough to flee a lie–we must flee towards the Truth, lest we hurry hastily in a direction we do not know.
Learn the secrets. Learn the mysteries. Discover your power. And do it ALL as unto The Lord.
I love you, and I thankQ all for your dedication to the freedom of the world.