They couldn't get a clean angle on the guy wearing the Q shirt like they could/did with the lady wearing the Old Q Glory shirt.
Oh get the fuck over yourself and stop trying to control everyone based on beliefs only y'all believe in.
Do you keep Kosher? Should we force Halal regulations upon every ounce of food?
How does comparing Christians being against Homogays getting married to forcing Kosher/Halal rules makes me a bigot or antisemitic?
Not everyone believes in your god who doesn't like buttstuff.
We cannot and will not run America based on one group's "holy" book.
America will NOT become a Theocracy.
"In the name of God and Q"?
Are reading these out loud before you hit New Reply or are you simply pissing into the wind for shits and giggles?
Just because you're not into butt stuff doesn't mean you have the right to keep others from enjoying it.
And you're an ass for blaming your immaturity and sociopathy on God.
That's more an argument against the ACLU.
No one should get special rights.
I shouldn't have to be fucking someone to go see them in a hospital, for example.
That aside, I don't lump Trans in with Homo.
Trans has nothing to do with who a person sleeps with. A Trans(gender)woman and a Woman who are together would be in a Heterosexual relationship.
And I doubt you'd have a problem with it, because P in Vajay.
Trans ≠ Homo
Separate situations. Gay men don't want to use a woman's room. Trannies do.
A guy fucking a chick with a full beard is still in a Heterosexual, albeit a bit queer, Relationship.
I dunno… that 50% divorce rate coupled with the rampant pedophilia and abuse in the Church and School systems, coupled with an intentionally gutted economy for decades…
Preeeeeetty solid arguments against the family unit as we'd gotten used to it.
Besides… which version of family unit are you pushing for? Tradwife who stays at home?
That requires jobs and societal-pay-structures that can support such affairs.
The ironic part here is that Muslims can seem to pull it off, no problem…. funny how that works out.