Anonymous ID: b06463 March 4, 2020, 11:50 p.m. No.8322758   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2776

So I have not given 2 shits about the C_V. Could it be spread, should they WANT to spread something, could it be “printed out” on those extra shitter paper pages?

Anonymous ID: b06463 March 5, 2020, 12:15 a.m. No.8322827   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Is it because that is what their original plan was, so they just keep pushing it, or.. since this is a movie, they were told to basically act out their part in it all like it was going to go down.


Lisa Page blurting out “I’m not going to be silent anymoar” was to me sounding like she isnt wanting to go along w what she is supposed to do. She is supposed to shut her mouth and take the “punches” but she doesnt want to now. What it sounded like to me. Small piece I picked up on.

Anonymous ID: b06463 March 5, 2020, 12:30 a.m. No.8322874   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I feel it fren. There are electric frequencies we here at my place are at times eardrum irritating. That never used to habben. We have got to decide a way forward that is both good for businessC, and truly good for our planet. 9yrs ago I started gardening. I have a full backyard full of raised beds and a greenhouse, and 13 chickens. If people changed their existence, retooled how they live, provide for their food by growing their own, or a portion at least. Going on year # 9 and have irrigation almost complete.


Knew back 10 yrs ago things were bad and getting worse. Knew if I didnt learn to grow, and also get enough space set up by the time the collapse was gunna habben, or whatever they planned on for us.


The Great Awakening is us beating the ever living piss out of the deep state and take back what is ours. This is a fucking celebration compared to the billions of rounds Hussein and Holder were buying up, Walmarts being converted into some kind of prisons/holding facilities. Illegals being shipped in or flown in, however and put on buses to show up in key spots/cities for voting.


This is the best time to be alive! Truth sets you free anon. Fight Fight Fight!