israeli elections update - The israeli deep state is stealing the elections. The Soros funded velvet revolution is unrolling
Ever since the failed false flag event - the Itzhak Rabin "Assasination", aimed at framing the Israeli patriot block, and strengthening the globalist progressive block, took place, foreign powers and the israeli deep state have been doing everything in their power to remove Netanyahu. The powers are Soros, alphabet agencies, the CFR, the trilateral comission, AEI, Martin Schlaf, Leonid Nevzlin and many other Russian-Ukrainian oligarchs, Iran and others.
Each has his motives, some of them were posted by me before, and can be found using
The thing is, that Netanyahu is an integral part of the trump camp, and these powers are doing everything in their power, and allegedly spent between 20 to 40 billion USD to achieve this, since 1996, and even prior (1992), when they funded the 1st israeli velvet revolution when the Rabin And Peres government was established, a government that pushed the cabal pushed Oslo accords.
So what happens now in israel?
currently Israel is ruled by criminal corrupt deep state led by the "enlightened council" - the Supreme court. Fun fact - the supreme court building was constructed in 1992, funded by the Rothschilds, with the freemasons putting the foundation stone of the building. The building has a pyramid that allows light to come in, light that falls on top of the justices heads in the courtroom. Israel is one of the only countries in the world, where supreme court justices are not chosen by the member of the parliament, but instead by an automatic majority of bureaucrats, i.e. the council of lawyers and already serving supreme court justices, with member of parliament having effectively no say in the vote, without the bureaucrats.
sauce (one of many):
The current elections:
Netanyahu scored a huge victory, with his block receiving half of the seats in the parliament, according to 90% of the votes. These 90% of the votes were counted in a single night, yet the last 10% were counted for more than 2 days.
During this time, a lot of fuckery took place:
Votes went missing, reports were changed, and the left wing parties and the Arab party soared all of a sudden, including when they calculated the votes of soldiers. The israeli twitter is exploding with reports of falsification of the results, and Netanyahu's party claims that they have evidence that results were rigged.
use google translate: