Anonymous ID: d0b282 March 5, 2020, 10:12 a.m. No.8325285   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5309 >>5310 >>5314 >>5328 >>5338 >>5378

I think I FINALLY get why 5G is of such concern


'They’ could kill millions of humans at the flip of a switch. The human race has had the technology to weaponize vaccines by inserting designer DNA into them, effectively turning them into bio-weapons, for decades. Fact. They had the delivery mechanism. They were only missing one piece of technology to trigger the weapon; 5G technology.


If I have this right, it is not the run-of-the-mill, everyday usage of 5G for communications that is of true concern. It is the effect it can have on human cellular structure from electrical “pulses” it can produce. These pulses cause cell membranes to ‘open’ and allow ‘things’ into the cell that it would not normally allow and these ‘things’ can do permanent damage to the DNA and can cause death in humans.


Example: What if vaccines contain recombinant DNA (artificially produced DNA, designer DNA, if you will). It could only do harm to a human if it were to somehow get inside of their cells. A vaccine could be taken for protection from X virus. You take the vaccine and never get X virus AND you maintain designer DNA floating around in your body for who knows how long. Someone with control of the 5G networks flips a switch to ‘pulse’ tower number 5,384 and those people with designer DNA in the area of that tower are hit with an unseen, unfelt electrical “pulse” from that tower, their cell membranes open just long enough for the entry of the designer DNA ; the damage is done, …forever… and we never, ever know it has happened.


Designer DNA could be a threat to humans, in general, or very specific. General use, it could be used for population control indiscriminately. Specific targeted use, it could be used to target people with very specific genes such as blue eyed, or left handed, that are Caucasian or African, Norwegian or Irish.


THINK:, 23 and me and Jenny Craig weight loss - they are all getting paid by citizens to collect the citizens DNA which they use to create a data base and then sell that information.


Switch OFF


Switch ON


An incident that occurred several years ago in either Arkansas or Missouri involved thousands and thousands of black birds that literally fell from the sky; dead. "We don't know what happened".


Not say'in - Just Say'in


Anon Thoughts?