>>8325574 (lb)
If your perspective stems from a book given to you by KINGS (you being slave, their property), Constantine and King Iames, then you hold that there is a 'God of this world'. Yet you fail to realize that that energy would trick you into giving it energy, glory, worship, and praise at every opportunity.
You deserve to be lead, as following sheep are.
Kings and slaves define each other.
Any 'God' is the same as any other, a perspective of the LIGHT that will always be a part of the original seperation from DARKNESS, the creator. The voided beginnings. Wuji. Ein sof. Akasha. Gitche Manitoo. The nameless.
Jesus is the sacrificed substance, the chrism, jeeva, semen, 'waters' of the father. Tricked by the spirits in the testes to release them and send them on a course to find a new body. Your and their current vessel, the egg, your body. Which started as a pearl in the harbor, the egg in the alien world to which they were ehaculated into via the phallus fountain of life. The one who got in we call Satan.
You, the substance, gave that nigga and his legion a ride, and now you share your oil lamp with them all.
Translate to the outside world, no different. All bodies are worlds and all worlds are bodies.
Sperm are the aliens who enter the foreign womb/world with one mission, find a body and colonize it. Merge. Form a new body, maintain the cycle of life.