Anonymous ID: 2e0c96 March 8, 2020, 9:01 a.m. No.8348538   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8710 >>8785 >>8996 >>9015

Stranded cruise ship, Grand Princess, will dock in Oakland Monday โ€” 3,500 people will be quarantined after 19 passengers tested positive for coronavirus


The Grand Princess cruise ship, which has been stranded off the coast of California for several days with 19 novel coronavirus patients on board, will be allowed to dock off the coast of Oakland, Calif., on Monday, and the 3,500 passengers will be taken to a quarantine facility. The ship was refused permission to dock on Thursday; it was then expected to dock Sunday.


The ship, which is on its way to California from Hawaii, was stranded off the coast of California after a 71-year-old man who had sailed on the shipโ€™s previous voyage died of the COVID-19 last month. Of the current passengers, 21 people have tested positive for the coronavirus-borne disease COVID-19 on the Grand Princess: 19 crew members and 2 passengers.


Speaking about the Grand Princess on Friday, President Trump said he would rather the passenger stay put, โ€œIโ€™d rather have the people stay. But Iโ€™d go with them. I told them to make the final decision. I would rather โ€” because I like the numbers being where they are. I donโ€™t need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasnโ€™t our fault.โ€


Another Carnival Corp cruise ship, Diamond Princess, was quarantined off Japan last month for two weeks. Dozens of people tested positive for the virus, and seven passengers from that cruise ship have died, Japanese public broadcaster NHK said Saturday. Princess Cruises and Carnival Corp. did not respond to requests for comment from MarketWatch.

Anonymous ID: 2e0c96 March 8, 2020, 9:15 a.m. No.8348637   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8690


Visitacion Valley/ Sunnydale, where that is/was located has always been a depository for the homeless etc. and public health "programs".


from 2016

Geneva Towers To Tumble / Troubled S.F. public housing project to be demolished today


In just 15 seconds, the troubled 30-year-history of Geneva Towers, two San Francisco highrises once racked by drugs, shootings and mismanagement, will end today in an explosive cloud of dust.


But although HUD, the city and neighbors of the highrises look forward to their destruction, many former residents still think of the towers as home and are saddened by their demise.


"It was a great place to live," said Vernon Long, who lived in the complex from 1970 to 1981 and manages a recreation program for area youths.


"I have good memories there. My children were raised in there."


With thousands expected to watch, the twin 20-story towers at 1001 Sunnydale Avenue will are scheduled to be destroyed at 2:30 p.m. with 600 pounds of explosives. The cement hulks will collapse onto themselves, making it the biggest implosion this state has ever seen.


Once the ground is cleared, a 341-unit complex will be built on virtually the same spot and, it is hoped, will be devoid of the towers' headaches and mistakes. Geneva Towers was built in 1967 as private housing. But when the buildings failed to attract middle-income renters the owners sought low-income Section 8 tenants whose rents were subsidized by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development.


For years, the owners pocketed $200,000 a month in federal rent subsidies while the towers fall apart. By the time HUD took over in 1991, Geneva Towers was a den of dope-dealing and violence. The takeover marked the first time the agency ever foreclosed on a property because of unsafe living conditions. Indeed, rival gangs used to battle for tower turf and for a time whole floors of the buildings were controlled by drug dealers.


"The post office would not deliver on site. Pizza parlors would not deliver. The phone company ripped out all the public phones because workers refused to service them," said former Mayor Art Agnos, HUD's acting assistant secretary for housing. "The Police Department wouldn't go into the building unless there were two or three cars for backup." In the towers' heyday, more than 1,000 people lived in the 585 units in the scary-looking mountains of concrete that soared above the neighborhood. As a result of poor management and lax security, criminals operated freely, frightening all those who came near.


"It's been hell for many, many years," said June Jackson, a retired teacher who lives in the neighborhood. "We're very glad to say goodbye." One year alone, police reported seven homicides on the towers' grounds โ€“ three in the buildings. It was so bad that even police, often summoned to the place, approached with care, bracing for a dangerous onslaught of missiles from upper balconies โ€“ rocks, televisions and once even a bowling ball.


But nothing compared to the chilling reception Deputy Chief Richard Holder got while still a patrolman in the 1970s.


"One of my first calls to that address, as we pulled up in front of the building I recall stepping out of my car and taking a step back . . . and a body landed right next to my car," said Holder, now head of Field Operations. "Patroling the towers was a nightmare," said Holder. "I was shot at several times. We were routinely sniped at." Reason enough for Holder to be ecstatic that the towers are being destroyed.


After the takeover, HUD spent $8 million to make emergency repairs and improve security, and then spent $24 million to operate the buildings. The improvements drastically reduced the criminal activity, said Larry Fleming, who was in charge of maintenance and security from 1991 to 1995. But among other things, electrical problems remained and the tap water still looked and smelled funny, so the relocation of residents began.


In the 1960s, the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency uprooted a thriving black community in the Western Addition by razing thousands of homes.

In 1992, the agency acknowledged that it had blundered. This time, HUD signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the city to commit nearly $74 million in community revitalization efforts. The 341 replacement units include 91 units of senior housing, health services, job training, after- school programs and youth services. There will also be a police substation.

Anonymous ID: 2e0c96 March 8, 2020, 9:36 a.m. No.8348780   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8848


I figured you did already but that was for others.

Ownership name(s) probably washed into the HUD.

Lived in and around SF for 30 years. That went on all the time. Could never find out who owned what and when any was transferred when these public work projects sprang up.

Anonymous ID: 2e0c96 March 8, 2020, 9:50 a.m. No.8348891   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


totally. the reason I left was all those projects were indirectly jacking the price of homes and I wasn't spending that kind of dosh for a home. Same thing went on when they built the new stadium for the giants- Pac Bell Park. If HUD is involved it's crooked.

I miss itโ€ฆhow it was. Don't miss it how it is.