Proof they are worried about Russia as an ally. Wonder why
Disinfo agent who spent well over a year trying to gain credibility on 8chan. Autists beat him the fuck back. He is bullshit
Pence publicly contradicting POTUS? That's interesting
All it means is that true anons with discernment have been watching all the bulmshit he has pulled on this board for over a year. What's YOUR excuse, brainlet?
Stolen, thanks anon. I remember that one from when he was spamming his 'insider' vids
Wrong. We point out bullshit for new eyes. Why would you have a problem with that is the real question here
Yeah, we see you
You sure seem to be worried about people pointing out bullshit on this board, 'anon'…
He can keep spamming his shit here. He took a break for a while, changed tactics. Still the same shit tho
Wow, as demorilazation posts go that one was an excellent attempt.
The shills think they're upping their game, but we've already seen it all
Yeah, that tactic doesn't work here either. Try another one
Call me a weasel and tell me to go in peace. You dont glow at all, granny
You outed yourself as insane and a shill about 12 posts ago. But keep it up, you're entertaining if nothing else
I'm not laughing at child rape. I'm laughing at your utterly transparent attempt to demoralize this board and then your absolutely insane posts on getting called out for it. Calling people 'witch' isnt gaining you any traction here, grandma. You just sound unhinged
You're a shill, crazy, and literally retarded. And you're starting to smell a LOT like Freddy. Imagine my shock.
From the other posts responding to you, you've figured out we all see the fraud you are. We cant fix your crazy, that's on you. Projecting the rottenness of your soul onto us isnt going to fix you either
You're insane. Q is most definitely not talking to you. You're batshit crazy, obsessed with demons and witches and you came here to spurt your crazy slobber. Wont work. This board doesnt work that way, never has
Give it up, crazy