Anonymous ID: dff5e1 March 8, 2020, 12:01 p.m. No.8349949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9996 >>0095


One aspect to remember is Schmidt, Google, FB, etc. all (most likely) operated under legal authorized SAPs (even if they were told to do illegal things) from Clowns/Darpa, etc.. They arguably did nothing wrong at face value, it was the agencies that broke the rules, to gain justice the SAPs need to be First found, declassified, investigated and obviously stopped or used properly. Potus and Q will have to find the links and evidence that the SAPs were being used for illegal purposes, or were predicated illegally or with improp intent or controlled by unauthorized people/entities.

What the DS Cabal likely did when Potus gained power was took all these SAPs, hid the paper trails and proof, and passed them on to private contractors, they just wanted to use the power and $ of the Gov because it WAS an advantage when Potus came to town they are going to continue them one way or another, but outside of Gov purview.

So Potus, Q, Barr have to find the original SAPs that authorized illlegal shit, then find who they were passed off to. Even the Coup on Potus was likely a fully authorized SAP by Clowns that initiated with fake evidence they marked Top Secret or State Secrets. DNI and FBI do not get to review source evidence of c_a to determine if clowns are full of shit and evidence is phony, but they are required to act on it.

Thats the loophole with the clown agency, they make shit up and make the whole govt assault people and Orgs with noone reviewing accuracy of anything they predicated investigations/programs upon.

Anonymous ID: dff5e1 March 8, 2020, 12:06 p.m. No.8349996   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thats why Barr instituted requirement that to investigate a Pres candidate the AG needs to sign off.


imagine this, the clowns controlled every Potus for a very long time by the same thing they did to Trump with the Coup, by having a secret investigation on every Pres., they set up the DNI as a loophole to use their powers domestically

DNI bill spomsors feinstein, rockefeller, graham

we know because Trump fought back

Anonymous ID: dff5e1 March 8, 2020, 12:09 p.m. No.8350018   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0031 >>0197 >>0363



i am working on some other things but here is some prelim stuff to try to map CV with 5G.


4 hardest hit are china, s korea, italy, iran, 5g heavy in china, s korea and central italy, don't see iran but that could be unreleased just as NK.


US is likely going to be good to track a link, however D controlled states are going to pump up numbers to skew statistics. I really cannot say I trust any data now since it is skewed and limited, not enough occurances to track with low standard deviations.



Anonymous ID: dff5e1 March 8, 2020, 12:38 p.m. No.8350250   🗄️.is 🔗kun


ty anon.

here are some deltas, today and tomorrow.

also on declassmuch is internal

Agencies classify things with intent to hide Programs, Investigations, Actions. There are levels and means which seal things away, and they need to be located first.

Even Barr needs Potus power to access certain Classified material and sometimes Potus has to access with MIL brute force.

Once located they can be declassed to a lower level whereby Barr and others can legally review, but some will never be fully declassed to the public.

The classification game keeps Clowns in Power.

Anonymous ID: dff5e1 March 8, 2020, 12:48 p.m. No.8350338   🗄️.is 🔗kun


agree anon.

just like the page, strzok shit, they were following orders. the ones who had intent to overthrow trump could be grouped as political miscreants.

the real investigations and actions will be against those that had an existing plan to destroy our Republic before Potus came on the scene.

Logically Speaking:

The coup against Trump was a mere unanticipated [by Them] battle in their WAR to overthrow America, it is not the highest crime committed. The Treason was committed long before Potus came to Town, they did attempt to overthrow the Exec, but thats just an additonal crime on their plan to Destroy the entire republic. All branches of Gov. and our Constitution.

Anonymous ID: dff5e1 March 8, 2020, 1:01 p.m. No.8350440   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0448


You need to be addressing the people who are doing this and their voters. Its called the Dem party.

Q will do his part and you do your part, which is not to call out Q, but to contribute.

Who do you blame more those who committed crimes or those who enabled the crimes, or the cop who was not there to stop it?

Anonymous ID: dff5e1 March 8, 2020, 1:17 p.m. No.8350548   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0564


The problem with anon boards are people cant tell if you are a shill or real, so any lack of empathy is not rooted in not sympathizing with your relayed horrible experience.

If you research the systemic abuse it is a problem that has been supressed by the powers that be for eons, there is no simple switch that will end it, many organizations are involved and it has permeated all Govs and Orgs worldwide.

Remain optomisitc that in the future less people will be subjected to what you have experienced.

Your chances for you to see results is better than if say Potus was 187'd or Impeached, and exponentially better than if HRC gained power.

Have you researched HRC ties to bad things?

Anonymous ID: dff5e1 March 8, 2020, 1:21 p.m. No.8350576   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That would be the most critical in taking out the logistical chain from top to bottom, with GS being the middle man who controls the greatest weapon ever harnessed [People].

It would be hard to hit the true elites with GS operating. It would also be the fall of the D party to give us room to operate with public support.


We may have been ready to do just that and CV may be his deadmans switch.

Anonymous ID: dff5e1 March 8, 2020, 1:32 p.m. No.8350636   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0652


you did address me in a response.

Yes i have and it was disgusting (is not current news) and I am happy Potus does not tolerate that shit in the GOP.

How about Hollywood, do you notice a link between sexual abuse and Dem activism, why do they not clean their own house?