ty anon.
Potus mentioned last week, Schiffs immunity while in Congress, which he uses to lie, and mislead.
Potus suggested that in fact acccountability for actions in Congress should not be protected by immunity in instances where those actions would be wrong or illegal outside congress. Actions in this respect while in Congress should have a standards and penalties above and beyond civil and criminal law violations of the same nature occuring outside congress.
So Lawfag please comment on validity of a proposed solution.
Fiduciary Trust laws I will call them.
Laws designed to give rights to citizens to hold those who they grant fiduciary trust to hold them accountable when that trust is violated. My focus is on Politics in this crumb, but believe these laws should apply in most relationships of fiduciary contract, expressed and implied.
Politicians often commit crimes and misdeeds and are held to a lower standard and punished Less severely than others not in an elected role of public trust. In fact since trust and honesty is so important for a functioning Republic, crimes violating fiduciary trust should be punished with double consequences as a deterrent, as well as penalty for using granted public and other power in inappropriate ways.
We see Flynns original lawyers violating this fiduciary Trust, will they be punished?
We see Schiff lying in Congress to People and is Immune?
We have a Gov full of DS players committing crimes which you or I would go to prison for and they are slapped on the hand, if even that, many times.
The system is designed to reduce severity of breaches of fiduciary trust and in fact the penalties should be exponentially more severe.