Anonymous ID: bb1faf March 10, 2020, 12:59 p.m. No.8369686   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9752

"Nothing can stop what is coming."


… mostly an adaptation of the principle

Beyond Virus, the main thing riding our screens this past Super Tuesday week was Dem self-inflicted self-destruction. Giving pause to watch Dems beat on each other is of course worthy cause.  But does not Dem/MSM further wind-up self-destruction, crawling far out on skinny branch over Virus vat. Politicizing fast moving international illness only serves the hopelessly politically corrupt far left, the do-nothing herd, and will likely soon rise sharp criticism from any described as moderate or centralist. By end, likely by mid-summer, Convention time, Virus will be Villain and POTUS Villain Slayer. All Dems can do is throw fear across world and money into POTUS hands… done. New levels of health will be realized, already occurs, forging towards new healthcare. Dems are making POTUS health care champion, should they pause to think a moment. Dem blind raging vanity only serves to nail more into Obamacare coffin. Beyond and on top of that, pulling together happens, real world Rs and Ds together care for each other vividly and openly. This is not about letting a 'good' crisis go to waste, blown-up by more Dem fabricated scare. This is America rising united above and far beyond this new challenge. 


Dems will not get blamed for crying wolf… too often, too late. Hindsight will not be so kind. They cried Impeach45 when they should have cried VIRUS as POUTS enacted never-been-done travel bands to stop Virus and took many more steps. Whatever POTUS does draws blind and relentless Dem criticism. Then the same Dems put 8B in forever acquitted POTUS hands to slay this Chinese dragon they ignored from start. In end, hero always with eye on real prize slays Impeach45, Virus and what/who ever else Dems throw against the wall they preach against.  Trump does it all Virtually and Virtuously at once, by like means. Hindsight will be precise. What happens 11.3.20 will be hindsight making choice between fear mongering and true leadership. To that, it would be worth saying, 'Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing,' though not the primary Q point, it illustrates in one more way. Dems pour unmatched fear into the vast unknowns, unless they themselves control the cause of fear, like past hoaxes. They play their roles well, 'sky is falling.' POTUS  leads this People and the world too, to unending victories always rising to the needs of all People. One only needs to ask, how has Russia, Russia, Russia turned out or Impeach45. This Virus similar, forcing POTUS to rise to fuller worth, yet again showing true American heart and spirit. Dems, thanks for further opportunity. America rises, America unites… Dem worst fear. 


Past hoaxes attempted to kick POTUS out. This next hoax, current hoax of excessive fear, at most tries to bloody POTUS's big orange nose. Well, RED is his color too! POTUS, thanks for bleeding for us again. Well done Sir. Dems lose grip. Their attempts grow more feeble by the months.


Dems, be well advised, any more fallacious, hideous, treacherous folly foisted on We, The People, only multiplies the pain justly returned to you. We are in control through our man Trump. We are your worst nightmares stood-up bold, strong and united. All your causes are discovered and lost. Preaching fear on Virus only swells our brave ranks, thanks. Do not be fooled by the slowness of due process you have often and long rejected. Righteous condemnation heads to the top of your head. We DELIVER! Like POTUS, we keep our promises. We execute, JUSTICE. Lawbreakers need to fear, the rest, trust, We, The People and our man Trump.


It is astoundingly coincidental, at time when Dems need to make their great Biden champion unseen, unheard, they work hardest to pull the Veil of Virus around all his feebleness. Hilly no different. One would well image CONTROL at work, excessive Virus fear is about hiding frail, delusional Biden, nothing more, nothing less. Dems sick puppies, very sick little puppies to be pitied, needing quarantined. Give us BIDEN, show us BIDEN DEMS, do not hide him behind your FEAR of US, U. S. You pick him as your champion, you show him, anything less is another plank on your rigged platform.