Anonymous ID: 181a4c March 11, 2020, 3:16 p.m. No.8380933   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0955 >>0962 >>0991 >>1006 >>1031 >>1057 >>1146 >>1247


Anons, It's your warroom fag here, updating you on the European Coronashit going on.

Please, no "muh corona" okay? And yes, I'm still running a fever and coughing like fuck in case you're wondering. So is husband anon.


In my country, The Netherlands, something disgusting is happening: the government is just going to let this whole thing explode and run its course.

  • Hardly any tests are done.

  • family members aren't tested because it is assumed they have it anyways (they're not counted in the statistics)

  • last week, 10+ hospitals had its staff infected (up to 28 staff per hospital infected and only 12 hospitals were tested at all) ALL hospitals remain open.

  • schools with infected teachers/children: all remain open.

  • hospitals have a few days supplies of masks left. Order has been given to abandon masks and gloves in hospitals once supply runs out.

  • Order has been given (italy) that people over 60 who need IC treatment will not get it to favor the younger people.

  • total crisis in Italian hospitals. Links to surgeons giving interviews online are abundant and being shown on UK tv (Itv).


Death rates, anons, are 10% and rising in Italy. Expect far worse in the Netherlands, although major cover up is being prepared by liberal government. They portrait this as some sort of sick joke. Truth is, anons, that Hitler did exactly the same in 1940: getting rid of the old and the sick. Mass propaganda here, that Coronavirus "only kills the old". Libtard youth is partying about it, looking forward to their inheritance. It is so sick, cruel and horrible.

Math says that I have about 2 weeks here, before pandemonium hits the streets.

Will keep you posted about what is going on.

Just warning you, anons: be prepared for bad news from Potus tonight.


This whole coronashit feels as if released on purpose. I can only Hope and trust Potus that he knew about their mass extinction event, that he has cures being produced en mass and that he will release those cures soon. If not for my country, than please let him save all of you.


Here's a link to Irish Times, explaining the sick situation in my country


Here is the Italian surgeon explaining how old are left to choke and die and how bad this thing really is.


This is not "just another flu", anons.

God, I wish it was.

BTW: I'm under 60 and in general good health. This is not about me.

It just saddens and sickens me to see that my government is laughing and cheering in trying to kill of 2 million older (conservative voting) people. Of all the countries in the world, mine is taking the least efforts to curb this thing. Even the WHO is cursing about my governments behavior. I guess it's the same as in WW2: the Dutch didn't have problems with the Nazi's. They helped them big time.


Older people are sad and scared and perplexed that no measures are taken and that news keeps preparing everyone for the elderly dying. They don't give a fuck.


Stay safe, anons.

Stay safe, Q and Q+