Anonymous ID: 0cb456 March 12, 2020, 9 p.m. No.8396964   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7473

>>8396553 (lb)


while your whining lil bitch is worried about what POTUS can do for you we're exhilarated what we can do for ourselves! Q and POTUS called on us to help clean up the pathetic cesspool, so now we're here as a team.


autonomous digital soldiers


it's a fools game to think gov't is going to take care of your parasitic ass, which accounts for your whiny rant coupled with the bullshit idea that you're helpless, i can't, I can't self inflicted needy useless rhetoric.


Get off your lazy ass and get to work and stop bitching like your a victim!!!

Anonymous ID: 0cb456 March 12, 2020, 9:05 p.m. No.8397026   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Fourth Turning


Global Financial Crisis

The Global Financial Crisis (Fourth Turning, 2008-2029?) was recently catalyzed by the 2008 global financial meltdown—leading to the most severe global economic downturn since the Great Depression—and by the historic Presidential election of that same year. With public trust continuing to ebb, the regeneracy phase of this crisis (in which civic purpose begins strengthen) still seems years away, and the crisis climax is well over a decade distant. Most likely, this Fourth Turning will come to an end in the late 2020s, just as the rising Homeland Generation is beginning to embark on careers.

  • Boomers entering elderhood

  • Gen-Xers entering midlife

  • Millennials entering young adulthood

  • Homelanders entering childhood