Anonymous ID: 2ed1f1 March 12, 2020, 8:40 p.m. No.8396775   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6798 >>6801 >>6868 >>6986


Why is this unsauced bs baked??


>>8396278 (lb) Sitrep from Pensylvania truckeranon


Thoe whole lb clowns were pushing MSM talking points

<economic collapse

<no more food in stores

<have panic!


and baker bakes a post that says

<We are seeing panic buying in a way that surpasses even that of the hurricanes..

<i fear that without federal relief, we will have an entire region without food essentials for quite a while..

?? Seriously??


two anons even asked baker to remove…

>>8396323 lb

>>8396714 lb



do not bake clown posts if you want to be perceived based.

please remove until this 'truckeranon' can give any sauce for his CNN-like claim.

Anonymous ID: 2ed1f1 March 12, 2020, 8:43 p.m. No.8396808   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6810 >>6833 >>6863



this clown bs was posted a lot lb.


it´s a poll that should not get any clicks by anons/patriots as it is complete bs.


it claims

<accelerating facism

<econimic collapse


The fact that clowns even dare to post this bs here only shows their desperation.

Anonymous ID: 2ed1f1 March 12, 2020, 8:52 p.m. No.8396886   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6888 >>6905 >>6969



who the fuck says we, clown?

and anons will obviously not give clicks to a bs poll that claims

<accelerating facism


<economic collapse


the fact that you got some info on "how the chans work" does not help you blend in at all.

bc you are not exactly A class shill material. ask maybe yourself where the other (old and better) clown are.

Anonymous ID: 2ed1f1 March 12, 2020, 8:59 p.m. No.8396955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6993 >>7161 >>7179

For a little perspective, this is what is happening right now:

  • POTUS successfully fought back the 3rd deep state coup

  • by those coups the deep state has become visible

  • deep state and pedophile protecting fake news media have become visible

  • crazy socialist democrats have become visible

  • dark to light - the people are woke

  • POTUS numbers are stronger than ever and his rallies have an unprecedentet number of visitors - just as historic as all the many achivements for the US and the world

  • WH, agencies and now also the DNI is cleaned

  • foreign contries have either gottan a based government or are fully controlled

  • US military did a lot of training ww with allied forces, a lot

  • now cities and whole regions are locked down due to a virus that is as dangerus as the flue while POTUS spends time in a stadium with 125.000 people in the country with the densest population worldwide

  • people in china are being put in trucks while they are screaming and melting the fuck down (do they maybe have a feeling that they are not brought to the hospital to get help for them? maybe they know damn well what might be the reason for them being just 'randomly' picked while walking the streets?)

  • defender europe 2020 just started, the largest military excecise in 25 years, bringing 20,000 additional troops and a lot of vehicles and equipment to europe

  • the logo of DE2020 is very similar to the US command in europe while fighting the nazis, it also shows pretty claer the flaming sward of St. Michael the archangel

  • Ric Grenell, the US ambassador to Germany ([Merkel] Germany) is now director of DNI while keeping his role as ambassador to Germany



>You are ready.

>Prepare for the storm.

Anonymous ID: 2ed1f1 March 12, 2020, 9:09 p.m. No.8397061   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7068 >>7095






clowns trying to make their bs blended in again.


without any sauce there is no "super expert trucker anon", there are only anons.

and when someone posts claims, w/o ay sauce, that are just what CNN reports, than claiming to be some kind of not-anon with super expertise does not help much, but only makes the disinfo glow harder.

Anonymous ID: 2ed1f1 March 12, 2020, 9:14 p.m. No.8397112   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7116 >>7156


>Why the hell would I make this up??

it has seriously never occured to you that clowns would try to post made up bs to make the Q movement appear stupid?

it has never occured to you that those clowns sometimes try to make their bs glow less by claiming to be some kind of expert?


your post says

>Are we actually seeing the results of underground railroad type activity for human trafficking as the way it is spreading?


weak disinfo clowns are weak, especially when all clowns jump on the disinfo scipt at the same time.

Anonymous ID: 2ed1f1 March 12, 2020, 9:16 p.m. No.8397130   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7144


you mad?

why claiming "Q called me out" when he gave me a couple of (you)s?

why posting a cap from a post by clown BO that is more than a year old as 'proof' that what I say should immeadiately be disregarded and forgotten?


your panic shows.

Anonymous ID: 2ed1f1 March 12, 2020, 9:31 p.m. No.8397270   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7281



why do you help clowns pushing a larping clown?


>>8396773 Sauce from Truckeranon re report lb >>8396278


obviously it´s a clown trying to push CNN talking points by claming he is a super expert. this happened a lot of times before, and based bakers know that.