Anonymous ID: e91dd3 March 14, 2020, 2:19 a.m. No.8411646   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1818


>>8411350 /lb

>We Are On A SHIP




Shipwrecked | Michael Rood {(ret Marine)} | March 2020 Love Gift

One of the most famous stories in the bible is that of the

Apostle Paul being shipwrecked.

Though it seemed all was lost, the Almighty stepped in and saved every person on board.


In his new teaching titled Shipwrecked,

Michael Rood reveals this event as a metaphor for our journey in life

— and for our responsibility as believers to rescue those drowning in hopelessness.


"(((you))) are on a ship. Thee SHIP!" {0:30 sec mark.}


White Squall ref #WWG1WGA o7 NightShift - NAVY NAVgatorsAllwaysONwatch >>8411628


Anonymous ID: e91dd3 March 14, 2020, 2:32 a.m. No.8411707   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Whats the thought when, com April 1st, everything is ok?


MARCH 31 b4oneFoolsDay


>BARR's Testimony Allows For Public Dissemination of Critical Facts


BA[RR]s UP, GITMO, Prison BARges, Prison Bars, G(((u)))LAGs WATER, etc.


  1. allow for public dissemination of critical facts [possible unseal(s)-declas] prior to world televised sit down.

Sometimes the necessary forum to update the American public is provided by those same people being investigated for….

Release to change strategy?

Watch what happens next!