Anonymous ID: eb203f Q Research General #10769: Toilet Paper is the New Gold Standard Edition March 14, 2020, 1:50 a.m. No.8411525   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Monday 03.09.2020

>>8358897 rt >>8358859 ————————— GOD WINS (Cap: >>8358921)

>>8358831 ————————————–——– Backchannels are important when the 'news' itself is untrustworthy [controlled]. (Cap: >>8358856)

>>8357903 ————————————–——– Silent running is a tactic used when…. (Cap: >>8359179)

>>8357870 ————————————–——– Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing! Rig for Red



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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New?: Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

Anonymous ID: f6233e March 14, 2020, 1:54 a.m. No.8411537   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Historic Lawsuit Filed Against The Vatican (Holy See) for Knowingly Harboring and Protecting New York Priest and Child Sex Abuser

March 10 2020


NEW YORK, March 10, 2020 /PRNewswire/ – In an historic lawsuit, the Vatican (Holy See) has

been named as a defendant for turning a known pedophile priest loose in several Roman Catholic dioceses and institutions, allowing him to abuse yet more children in the Roman Catholic Church's care, and then protecting him until his death.  The suit is believed to be one of the only civil cases to charge the Church with providing safe harbor to a priest the Church knew was a pedophile, because, prior to his ordination, he had already pled guilty to sexually abusing a minor-boy. The suit alleges that the Church subsequently moved the convicted priest to the Archdiocese of New York.  

While the Holy See has been named as a defendant in similar cases, the claim filed today in the Southern District of New York – on behalf of a now 52-year-old New York man – is one of the only cases in which the Roman Catholic Church knowingly transported the priest to Vatican City to live out the rest of his life without facing prosecution in the United States for his crimes.  In fact, in 2003, after his removal, charges were filed against the priest for allegedly sexually abusing young boys during a short stay in the Archdiocese of Boston.

Filed by Matthews & Associates law firm of Texas and D'Arcy Johnson Day of New York, the case alleges that Reverend Barry F. Bossa abused young boys with the full knowledge and protection of all levels of the Roman Catholic Church. Other defendants named include Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, the Archdiocese of New York, the Archbishop of New York, and the Society of Catholic Apostolate.

Anonymous ID: f6233e March 14, 2020, 1:56 a.m. No.8411546   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Catholic Church Pays “Fixers” to Cover Up Sexual Abuse – Now They’re Speaking Out

MAR 12, 2020


As survivors of child sex abuse continue speak out against the priests that attacked them, the Catholic Church continues to hide credible accused priests, allowing them to live, shop, walk, and freely roam communities throughout the US. But the communities the Catholic Church have chosen to set up these places of respite, where hundreds of priests die peacefully, without ever facing criminal charges, are carefully chosen.

One former monk says his main task while employed by the church was to cover up and displace child molesting priests. He says the communities which housed many priests were purposefully selected in states that have laws favorable to the Church, such as Missouri.

Anonymous ID: eb203f March 14, 2020, 1:57 a.m. No.8411554   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Global Announcements

>>8363658 Iwo Jima flag on YouTube for TOR posting



are not endorsements


#10768 @650

>>8410841, >>8410843 Resignations in the news 3/13/20

>>8411024, >>8411527 Coronavirus: Scientists save patient they feared would die with experimental drug

>>8411190 Covid-19 Pepe rap song from reddit (dankly funny, not for the easily offended)

>>8411247 FlightAware Digg

>>8411536, >>8411272, >>8411278, >>8411397 COVID-19 Notable Persons List (plus additions)

>>8411291, >>8411432, >>8411479, >>8411531, >>8411539 Planefags aloft: The flight of Spielberg's jet Missoula Van Nuys

>>8411294 Saudi Arabia to suspend int'l flights starting Saturday (Jer. Post)

>>8411303 Toilet paper fun facts (for keks–don't give us any shit, shills!)

>>8411339, >>8411500 Call to digg on Smartmatic & Soros associate Lord Malloch Brown

>>8411372 US House passes coronavirus aid bill after Trump declares national emergency (Times of Israel)

>>8411380 EU urges border health checks as virus case count mounts (AP)

>>8411384 Anthony Comello Digg

>>8411386 Apple to close retail stores outside Greater China until March 27

>>8411410 Bill Gates' mansion employee convicted of sending 6000 child port images gets only 90 days

>>8411416 UK to move to ban mass gatherings next week to curb COVID-19

>>8411425 UFC fights on as Dana White chides ‘panicking’ over coronavirus

>>8411439 Wrestlemania another corona victim, kek

>>8411470 List N: Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-CoV-2 (" the cause of COVID-19")

ghost bake

>>8411550 #10768



>>8410052, >>8410263 Memorandum from the President’s Physician

>>8410104 Sidney Powell exposes all the lawyer criminals in the DOJ under Obama vid

>>8410134 Bill Gates minibun

>>8410211 Two "Big" Q Proofs!

>>8410242 We are witnessing the [scare event] Necessary

>>8410399, >>8410409 Shutdown?

>>8410466, >>8410484, >>8410511, >>8410520 @USACEHQ RED CASTLE

>>8410596 Just In: House passes coronavirus relief bill

>>8410756 #10767



>>8409324 Grandpa Kimmel of Youngstown AZ was a member of a masonic lodge

>>8409337, >>8409294, >>8409308 Wuhan and the White rabbit - call to dig 3B Scientific Corp

>>8409297 USAID chief Mark Green will leave his post to be Exec Dir of McCain Institute

>>8409511 POTUS Schedule for Saturday, March 14, 2020

>>8409489 Police shoot dead 'anti-government militia man' in his home amid claims he was ASLEEP when they opened fire from OUTSIDE his house in raid

>>8409547, >>8409591 Red Castle twatter - Same location from the Q post.

>>8409607 Amateur Hour: Joe Biden ‘Virtual Town Hall’ Marred by Tech Issues, Dick Durbin’s Wailing Baby

>>8409802 The Fed Has 233 Secret Documents about JPMorgan’s Potential Role in the Repo Loan Crisis

>>8409745, >>8409810 Pentagon Bans DOMESTIC Travel for everyone affiliated with DoD

>>8409896 planefaggin

>>8409443 planefag spots rare 2-DEER 787 Dreamliner from Panama Tocumen Int'l en. This is a super-luxurious 787 and has been for sale by the HNA Group

>>8409992 #10766

Anonymous ID: eb203f March 14, 2020, 1:58 a.m. No.8411555   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>8408583 Coronavirus lockdown helps Italian police nab 'leading' mobster

>>8408660 General Flynn sent out a message through his brother on twitter.

>>8408873, >>8409037 planefag tracking the stars

>>8408567 Harrison Ford just landed at Westover Airport in Chicopee, MA.

>>8408896 Phil Kerpen calls out NBC for pushing Chinese propaganda

>>8408723, >>8408737, >>8408896 Muh Corona Bun

>>8408651 "The Hunt" started in theaters tonight

>>8408531 Rosanne endorses Looney Loomer, ya can't fix stupid!

>>8408517 Job Creators Network’s: Send Trump a Payroll Tax Cut Bill

>>8409077 Status of state public school Corona closures - eastern half US

>>8409223 #10765



>>8408345 DJT: to those families and citizens who are worried…

>>8408019 CM: Corona Testing

>>8407848 Schiff accused of collecting phone records

>>8407824, >>8407971 USArmy: Let's get it! / "LOCK 'EM UP" @0:17

>>8407802, >>8408084, >>8408266 Planefag reports

>>8407775, >>8407777 (chek'd) DJT: I fully support H.R. 6201: Families First CoronaVirus Response Act

>>8407725, >>8407731, >>8407822, >>8407869, >>8407893, >>8407924 Corona Virus

>>8407703 (pb) KEYSTONE/470 Notables HIVE MIND bun

>>8407700 Spielberg landed in Teterboro, NJ. Completes the hat trick.

>>8408418 #10764



>>8406930 Second newborn baby tests positive for coronavirus

>>8406973 Veterans’ home on lockdown after 8 test positive for virus

>>8407082 Trump Orders US Strategic Oil Reserves to Be Filled 'Up to the Top' Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

>>8406928 Planefagging

>>8407096 George Soros and Bill Gates Partner with China on Coronavirus drug (Feb 11)

>>8407319 US Space Force debuts first offensive weapons system

>>8407133 "We will remove or eliminate every obstacle"

>>8407432 Red Castle sends hygienist to Antarctica

>>8407475, >>8407534 Patient Zero Declared as 11/17/19

>>8407604 #10763


Previously Collected Notables

>>8405142 #10760, >>8405926 #10761, >>8406809 #10762

>>8402054 #10756, >>8402836 #10757, >>8403587 #10758, >>8404403 #10759

>>8399006 #10752, >>8399711 #10753, >>8400554 #10754, >>8401367 #10755


Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045

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Anonymous ID: eb203f March 14, 2020, 1:58 a.m. No.8411557   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: eb203f March 14, 2020, 1:58 a.m. No.8411560   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: 339146 March 14, 2020, 2:11 a.m. No.8411607   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1625 >>1638

>>8411593 pb

A senior cabinet member in Australia's government who said Friday he is infected with the new coronavirus was pictured last week standing next to Ivanka Trump, Attorney General William Barr and other White House officials.

Peter Dutton, who is Australia's minister for home affairs, released a statement saying he has been diagnosed with the virus – COVID-19 – and admitted to the hospital, where he is in isolation.


Dutton was in Washington for meetings connected to the so-called Five Eyes security pact, an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Britain and the U.S. White House adviser Kellyanne Conway also appears in the March 6 photo.

Anonymous ID: 0cc2d9 March 14, 2020, 2:11 a.m. No.8411608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1651 >>1732 >>1948 >>2123 >>2290 >>2328


>>8411519 lb

>>8411505 lb

"Haven't felt this good since we overthrew the government in Chile"


He shut down parliament, suffocated political life, banned trade unions, and made Chile his sultanate. His government disappeared 3,200 opponents, arrested 30,000 (torturing thousands of them) … Pinochet's name will forever be linked to the Desaparecidos, the Caravan of Death, and the institutionalized torture that took place in the Villa Grimaldi complex.

— Thor Halvorssen, president of the Human Rights Foundation, National Review


The genocides and wars are to stock the adrenachrome. The client list is so long now that we need constantly running supply chains, forever wars.

Anonymous ID: dd5be5 March 14, 2020, 2:13 a.m. No.8411615   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1623 >>1631 >>1793 >>1798



Because of COVID-19.. Instead of Trump holding a rally during Democrat Debates, he should host livestreams of himself watching it and reacting - I bet more people would tune in to that than the actual debate - and they could donate in real time.

Anonymous ID: cd107a March 14, 2020, 2:13 a.m. No.8411617   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1626 >>1662 >>1693

>>8411566 last bread

Tom Hanx - Actor (tail number N55GY)

Rita WIlson - Hanx wife


*Celine Dion - distant cousin of Trudeau and Hillary - postponed tour due to "cold" and CV spread (tail number unknown but she does have a jet)

Anonymous ID: da6750 March 14, 2020, 2:14 a.m. No.8411620   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1668



unless youve got the stomach for it and need proof of my description.


rogen has for a small segment in his stand up an animation made by one of the makers of rick and morty…


in this cartoon two brothers one a child are shown in a sextape doing the 'helicopter' with their dicks before the child goes and shits right up on the camera lens, thats literally the whole skit.


rogen says "that makes me happy"…


the nastiest thing ive ever seen on tv or netflix.

the special even begins with rogen going to hell and making a deal with the devil that the devil will send him back to earth (as if he would have such power) under the condition rogen starts a charity (right cause the devil really cares about people huh) obvious lucifarianist is obvious.

fuck netflix

fuck seth rogen.

fuck rick and morty creators.


and fuck everyone that participated in that sick twisted stand up special the jokes were shit nothing was funny the propaganda was thick not one of those "comedians" could get through 5 minutes of jokes without slandering "white people"(cause actual racism is cool and funny now apparently) or referring to children and sex… sick fucking bastards every one of them…


but dont dare criticize it to a liberal, after all it was for "charity"… reminds me of the masons and their work for charity. all just a smokescreen.

Anonymous ID: 8a2bab March 14, 2020, 2:14 a.m. No.8411621   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1741 >>1948 >>2123 >>2290 >>2328


Z is a 1969 Algerian-French epic political thriller film directed by Costa-Gavras, with a screenplay by Gavras and Jorge Semprún, based on the 1966 novel of the same name by Vassilis Vassilikos. The film presents a thinly fictionalized account of the events surrounding the assassination of democratic Greek politician Grigoris Lambrakis in 1963. With its satirical view of Greek politics, its dark sense of humor, and its downbeat ending, the film captures the director's outrage about the junta that ruled Greece at the time of its making.


Z is a 1969 Algerian-French epic political thriller film directed by Costa-Gavras, with a screenplay by Gavras and Jorge Semprún, based on the 1966 novel of the same name by Vassilis Vassilikos. The film presents a thinly fictionalized account of the events surrounding the assassination of democratic Greek politician Grigoris Lambrakis in 1963. With its satirical view of Greek politics, its dark sense of humor, and its downbeat ending, the film captures the director's outrage about the junta that ruled Greece at the time of its making.


The film stars Jean-Louis Trintignant as the investigating magistrate (an analogue of Christos Sartzetakis who later served as president of Greece from 1985 to 1990). International stars Yves Montand and Irene Papas also appear, but despite their star billing have very little screen time. Jacques Perrin, who co-produced, plays a key role as a photojournalist. The film's title refers to a popular Greek protest slogan (Greek: Ζει, IPA: [ˈzi]) meaning "he lives," in reference to Lambrakis.

Anonymous ID: 6b26e7 March 14, 2020, 2:16 a.m. No.8411627   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1654


No, not that I know about. But cell towers. Those small ones on roof tops. They could have been easily upgraded to 5g.


Thanks for the vitamin C link, been regularly taking vitamin C and D. Recommending it to friends and families, more have this cough and soar throats and fatigue.


But it feels like it's getting better, 2nd week now and I can take deep breaths without pain and before the breaths were more shallow.

Anonymous ID: ca9dd2 March 14, 2020, 2:17 a.m. No.8411634   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1643 >>1741 >>1755 >>1762 >>1782 >>1818 >>1948 >>2006 >>2123 >>2239 >>2290 >>2328

The Backchannel: The SHIP


The Great Awakening ('Freedom of Thought’), was designed and created not only as a BACKCHANNEL to the public (away from the longstanding ‘mind’ control of the corrupt & heavily biased media) to endure future events through transparency and regeneration of individual thought (breaking the chains of ‘group-think’), but, more importantly, aid in the construction of a vehicle ( A 'SHIP' ) that provides the scattered (‘free thinkers’) with a ‘starter’ new social-networking platform which allows for freedom of thought, expression, and patriotism or national pride (the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment).-Q


This Backchannel Is A Ship Of Hope, Faith, Justice, Unity & Truth



Anonymous ID: 68577a March 14, 2020, 2:17 a.m. No.8411635   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8411496 lb

Funny about the recent horse racing scandals. Here's another.

Most races are going without spectators, but those with casinos added will be allowing public to play the machines.

Anonymous ID: dd5be5 March 14, 2020, 2:17 a.m. No.8411636   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1686

Sicily has figured out this whole self-isolation thing.


#COVID19 #CoronavirusPandemic

Anonymous ID: 2ea2ea March 14, 2020, 2:18 a.m. No.8411640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1649 >>1650 >>1655 >>1656 >>1661 >>1701 >>1707 >>2252 >>2290 >>2328

Serious Question:


Whats the thought when, com April 1st, everything is ok?

Billions spent, yet nothing externally is observed complete except eradication of muh' CaronaVirus?

Sports ball is continued for the masses…

A couple of resignations for some bigwigs who retire to thier islands..


Do we pretend thats a win or consider it the "storm of the century"?

Anonymous ID: e91dd3 March 14, 2020, 2:19 a.m. No.8411646   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1818


>>8411350 /lb

>We Are On A SHIP




Shipwrecked | Michael Rood {(ret Marine)} | March 2020 Love Gift

One of the most famous stories in the bible is that of the

Apostle Paul being shipwrecked.

Though it seemed all was lost, the Almighty stepped in and saved every person on board.


In his new teaching titled Shipwrecked,

Michael Rood reveals this event as a metaphor for our journey in life

— and for our responsibility as believers to rescue those drowning in hopelessness.


"(((you))) are on a ship. Thee SHIP!" {0:30 sec mark.}


White Squall ref #WWG1WGA o7 NightShift - NAVY NAVgatorsAllwaysONwatch >>8411628


Anonymous ID: 0cc2d9 March 14, 2020, 2:20 a.m. No.8411651   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1717 >>1732 >>1948 >>2123 >>2290 >>2328



The Effect of Adrenochrome and Adrenolutin On the Behavior of Animals and the Psychology of Man


Publisher Summary

This chapter describes the activity of adrenochrome and some of its derived compounds. The effect of adrenochrome is considered first upon simple systems, then more complex systems, then simple animals, and finally, upon the most complex animal, the man. animals that are given adrenochrome range from spiders, fish, and pigeons to the mammals including rats, cats, dogs, monkeys, and man. The chapter gives much original data on cats and man. Chemically, adrenochrome and adrenolutin are very reactive substances. Some of the changes produced by adrenochrome may persist several days, and in some cases, the effects lead to nearly disastrous results. Two cases of prolonged reactions are discussed in the chapter. There is also a discussion regarding the reaction that lasted more than one day after a single administration of adrenolutin as well as reactions up to one week. The changes in thinking induced by adrenochrome are similar to those observed in schizophrenia. Adrenochrome causes an elective inhibition of the process, which determines the content of associative thinking. This occurs in doses that do not heighten the lability of basic processes, do not reduce excitation, and do not loose temporary connections as is the case with LSD.

Anonymous ID: d78b4f March 14, 2020, 2:21 a.m. No.8411653   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Anonymous ID: 40022f March 14, 2020, 2:22 a.m. No.8411657   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1681 >>1741 >>1801 >>1948 >>2123 >>2290 >>2328




The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends a diluted bleach solution (⅓ cup bleach per 1 gallon of water or 4 teaspoons bleach per 1 quart of water) for virus disinfection. Wear gloves while using bleach, and never mix it with amonia or anything, in fact, except water. (The only exception is when doing laundry with detergent.)


“Bleach works great against viruses,” Sachleben says. Just don’t keep the solution for longer than a few days because bleach will degrade certain plastic containers.


Bleach can also corrode metal over time, so Sachleben recommends that people not get into the habit of cleaning their faucets and stainless steel products with it. Because bleach is harsh for many countertops as well, you should rinse surfaces with water after disinfecting to prevent discoloration or damage to the surface.


Isopropyl Alcohol

Alcohol solutions with at least 70 percent alcohol are effective against coronavirus. Do not dilute the alcohol solution. Alcohol is generally safe for all surfaces but can discolor some plastics, Sachleben says.


Hydrogen Peroxide

According to the CDC, household (3 percent) hydrogen peroxide is effective in deactivating rhinovirus, the virus that causes the common cold, within 6 to 8 minutes of exposure. Rhinovirus is more difficult to destroy than coronaviruses, so hydrogen peroxide should be able to break down coronavirus in less time. Pour it undiluted into a spray bottle and spray it on the surface to be cleaned, but let it sit on the surface for several minutes.


Hydrogen peroxide is not corrosive, so it’s okay to use it on metal surfaces. But similar to bleach, it can discolor fabrics if you accidentally get in on your clothes. “It’s great for getting into hard-to-reach crevices,” Sachleben says. “You can pour it on the area and you don’t have to wipe it off because it essentially decomposes into oxygen and water.”

Anonymous ID: 63f665 March 14, 2020, 2:22 a.m. No.8411658   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This smells of obama and soros..

Cities for Citizenship is a major national initiative of 72 cities and counties aimed at increasing citizenship among eligible U.S. permanent residents and encouraging cities across the country to invest in citizenship programs. It is chaired by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, with support from the National Partnership for New Americans and Center for Popular Democracy. Citi Community Development is the Founding Corporate Partner. Learn more about Cities for Citizenship (C4C) at


According to an analysis from the University of Southern California, there are more than 200,000 immigrant adults in Arizona who are eligible for naturalization.


Several Arizona groups have programs to encourage immigrants who are permanent residents to apply for citizenship. Since October 2016, Promise Arizona has helped over 400 eligible immigrants apply for naturalization, said Petra Falcon.


In fiscal year 2019, USCIS naturalized 834,000 people, which marked an 11-year high, according to agency spokeswoman Maria Elena Upson.


The Trump administration has proposed a 61 percent increase the fees of applying for naturalization, taking it from $725 to $1,170, and eliminating waivers for low-income applicants.


Interactive Map: Eligible-To-Naturalize Populations in the U.S.

Anonymous ID: 6b26e7 March 14, 2020, 2:22 a.m. No.8411661   🗄️.is 🔗kun


We're looking at April 10th.


Good Friday, and Donald J Trump day.


In my time schedule, it's the Defender Europe 2020 bigly exercise that is the perfect timing for mass arrests.


This whole Wuhan virus is [Their] play to buy time, postpone the inevitable.

Anonymous ID: d5a870 March 14, 2020, 2:22 a.m. No.8411663   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Do ‘echo chamber’ tactics provide validation / credibility to the topic/point being discussed?

Threat to intellectual freedom?

Would control over[of] these institutions/organizations allow for the mass control of a populations viewpoint re: a desired topic?

Read again – digest.

Would control over[of] these institutions/organizations allow for the mass control of a populations viewpoint re: a desired topic?

Logical thinking.

Anonymous ID: 0ac3ad March 14, 2020, 2:23 a.m. No.8411664   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1671



HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities.


  • NG acticated, check

  • cross border measures in place, check

  • counter riot measures in place, check

Anonymous ID: 60ccbf March 14, 2020, 2:23 a.m. No.8411670   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1673


I'm thinkin the same thing. Only people who seem to have it are unnamed 90 year olds who might have died of anything (correlation is not causation)…or famous politicians and movie stars. Weird.

Anonymous ID: 68577a March 14, 2020, 2:24 a.m. No.8411674   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>The infection rate is doubling EVERY FOUR DAYS.


You're missing a word inbetween 'rate' and 'is'. I believe that word is "number".

They do whatever it takes to ramp up and inflate any number they can get their crummy mouths on.


For example, you hear about 'presumptive' cases before anyone in that state has been 'confirmed'. Most sauces include both numbers.

Officials in the state this anon lives in were practically foaming at the mouths for a case before we got one. And yes, it was all 'presumptive', only 'confirmed' a fractional amount recently.

Anonymous ID: 192e06 March 14, 2020, 2:24 a.m. No.8411675   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2368 >>2372

Bill Gates steps down at MS.


“I have made the decision to step down from both of the public boards on which I serve – Microsoft and Berkshire Hathaway – to dedicate more time to philanthropic priorities including global health and development, education, and my increasing engagement in tackling climate change,” Gates said on LinkedIn.

Anonymous ID: f6233e March 14, 2020, 2:28 a.m. No.8411692   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1948 >>2123 >>2290 >>2328

In the Northern Territory, survivors of sexual assault are banned from speaking to the media

Updated 3/13/2020


“'He said he saw something special in me'

Michelle went to a Catholic educational institution. She said she excelled at mathematics and was a diligent student. That changed, she said, when a teacher at the school told her she needed to go to an after-hours "prayer session".

"He started by picking me out from the classroom one day. He said he saw something special in me, and that I needed to go to these prayer sessions with other students. But only some special ones could go," she said.

"It was the late 1960s and a time when people just trusted teachers and priests.””

Anonymous ID: 0422c7 March 14, 2020, 2:29 a.m. No.8411696   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1706

The "Virus" is changing the behavior of some people!

Yesterday, I had the first calls with respect to "what is going on?" and "I think you were right, all the time"…

And so I got a request for our Videofags! Believe me, I was trying to learn how to make it on my own, but I was afraid to smash my house to the ground, because of not getting it done! No talent with Vidfaggotery!

So… Is there someone here who could make a compilation about the handeling by the media during the swinflu and the praising of ObamaAsshole, mixed with the actual shit we got from them?

Maybe this could help to open more eyes in a time, everyone is vigliant!?

Anonymous ID: f6233e March 14, 2020, 2:30 a.m. No.8411697   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1991 >>2290 >>2328

Judge orders Buffalo Diocese to release secret files of 2 ‘notorious’ priests

But Orsolits, White files still barred from others

Updated: 1:25 PM, Mar 11, 2020


BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — Two weeks before the Diocese of Buffalo declared bankruptcy, a state judge ruled that the diocese must turn over the “secret files” of two of its most “notorious” pedophile priests.

But most Catholics – and by extension, dozens of the priests’ alleged victims – are still barred from seeing the files because of conditions the judge placed on their disclosure.

State Supreme Court Justice Deborah A. Chimes ruled Feb. 13 that after months of fighting their release, lawyers for the diocese must disclose the personnel files of Fr. Norbert F. Orsolits and Fr. William F.J. White.

Chimes’ order means the diocese was forced to provide the files to attorney J. Michael Hayes, who is suing the diocese on behalf of two men who say they were abused by the priests.

“We got the documents, somewhat significantly redacted,” Hayes said Wednesday. “[But] there was an awful lot of stuff there and an awful lot of pages.”

Hayes declined to comment further, adding that he was prohibited from providing any information about the files’ contents because of the judge’s order.

“I believe this is a small victory for all survivors,” said Dennis Archilla, who filed the lawsuit against White. “Not just in my case but all of the cases brought forward, because the judge’s ruling says to the diocese that it was not OK to put children at risk to protect their public perception.”

Anonymous ID: 41c14a March 14, 2020, 2:30 a.m. No.8411701   🗄️.is 🔗kun


A perp walk, before then, of a few normie heroes, complete with undeniable proof would go along way with nothing else on tv. Q says they have it all. Imagine oprah or ellen getting taken done on daytime tv. Along with damning video.

Anonymous ID: 40022f March 14, 2020, 2:30 a.m. No.8411702   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Therapy Drugs Much Quicker than…..Vaccines that could take a year to a year & a half (trials).


Therapy Drug:

“So we want desperately to have a therapy for these individuals. There are a number of candidate therapies that literally as I speak to you today are being tested in randomized control trials. One of these is called Remdesivir, which was developed by the Gilead company. It is being tested in a large trial in China, and it is also being tested here in the United States in an NIH-sponsored trial in collaboration with Gilead,”


Dr. Fauci: 80 Percent of Coronavirus Patients ‘Spontaneously Recover’


NIH's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci told the Senate Subcommittee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions on Tuesday that 80 percent of the 90,000 people who have been infected by the novel coronavirus, also referred to as COVID-19, “spontaneously recover,” meaning they get better without any specific intervention.


“If you look at the now 90,000 people who’ve been infected and the number of deaths that have occurred, about 80 percent of individuals who get infected do really quite well without any specific intervention. Namely, they spontaneously recover,”


About 15 to up to 20 percent of individuals – usually those who are elderly and in risk groups wind up getting serious disease requiring supportive care. That could be oxygen. That could be intensive care. That could be intubation or even more dramatic interventions,


Therapy Drug:

“So we want desperately to have a therapy for these individuals. There are a number of candidate therapies that literally as I speak to you today are being tested in randomized control trials. One of these is called Remdesivir, which was developed by the Gilead company. It is being tested in a large trial in China, and it is also being tested here in the United States in an NIH-sponsored trial in collaboration with Gilead,”


Therapy Drugs Much Quicker than…..Vaccines that could take a year to a year & a half (trials).

Anonymous ID: 6b26e7 March 14, 2020, 2:32 a.m. No.8411706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2046



This is a gift to us, to red-pill normies. I've tried to red pill more than ever in real life now.


Borders need to be closed.

What diseases are illegal immigrants carrying? That we have eradicated in the past.

How inclined are paper-less illegals to report sickness? self quarantine et cetera.

Anonymous ID: e91dd3 March 14, 2020, 2:32 a.m. No.8411707   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Whats the thought when, com April 1st, everything is ok?


MARCH 31 b4oneFoolsDay


>BARR's Testimony Allows For Public Dissemination of Critical Facts


BA[RR]s UP, GITMO, Prison BARges, Prison Bars, G(((u)))LAGs WATER, etc.


  1. allow for public dissemination of critical facts [possible unseal(s)-declas] prior to world televised sit down.

Sometimes the necessary forum to update the American public is provided by those same people being investigated for….

Release to change strategy?

Watch what happens next!


Anonymous ID: 60ccbf March 14, 2020, 2:32 a.m. No.8411712   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Coronavirus is another spell.

The Satanic "elites" have been gorging on their black magic for centuries (millenia), keeping us sick, poor and enslaved.

They developed "technologies" to increase the power of this black magic.

Might the sattelites Q mentioned ("corona offline") have been just such technologies? Is that why Coronavirus might be weaker than the Cabal anticipated? They are trying so hard to "pretend" it's ebola when it's obviously not. In order to enlist the co-creative consciousness of mankind to "create" a real pandemic? But it's not working anymore. They've been cut off from the source. A very good opportunity for POTUS to bring in much needed measures to finish the Cabal off for good, however.

Anonymous ID: 0cc2d9 March 14, 2020, 2:33 a.m. No.8411717   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1732



Humphry Osmond

Countering schizophrenia with vitamins

Abram Hoffer


Thu 26 Feb 2004 07.39 ESTFirst published on Thu 26 Feb 2004 07.39 EST



The outstanding achievement of the psychiatrist Dr Humphry Osmond, who has died aged 86, lay in helping to identify adrenochrome, a hallucinogen produced in the brain, as a cause of schizophrenia, and in using vitamins to counter it. This breakthrough established the foundations for the orthomolecular psychiatry now practised around the world….

Anonymous ID: 185cbe March 14, 2020, 2:33 a.m. No.8411718   🗄️.is 🔗kun

GOP senator plans to subpoena consulting firm linked to Hunter Biden, Burisma

Senate Homeland Security Committee Chairman Ron Johnson plans to subpoena a consulting firm linked to Hunter Biden and the Ukrainian energy company he worked with for records to review potential conflicts of interest – and whether individuals at the firm improperly used the relationship with the former vice president’s son to “influence” U.S. government agencies.


Johnson had initially notified the committee’s Democratic Ranking Member Sen. Gary Peters of Michigan last month that he planned to subpoena a former consultant with the firm Blue Star Strategies. But he decided, after bipartisan meetings and briefings, to instead subpoena the firm directly for documents and records, and request interviews with the firm’s founders to discuss their work on behalf of one of their clients—Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma Holdings, where Hunter Biden sat on the board.

Anonymous ID: 7fa4f0 March 14, 2020, 2:33 a.m. No.8411719   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I'm sorry, Anon. That has to be terrible for you. I lived there for 2 months and couldn't handle it (nov-dec). I saw the sun once.

Anonymous ID: 0cc2d9 March 14, 2020, 2:37 a.m. No.8411732   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1739 >>1763 >>1948 >>2123 >>2290 >>2328








From the Research Laboratories of the Medical Clinic A,

University of Li6ge, Belgium

(Received 14 January 1946)

Experiments on spontaneous haemostasis in the rabbit's ear have shown that

adrenochrome, which has no vasoconstrictor action of its own (Bacq &

Derouaux, unpublished), is, nevertheless, more powerful in shortening the

bleeding time than adrenaline (Derouaux, 1941 b). This could be explained if we

assumed that adrenochrome is necessary for the activity of the sympathetic

and is the precursor of the transmitter substance of adrenergic nerves. The

effect of adrenochrome on the bleeding time could then be explained as an

indirect effect on the sympathetic nerve endings (Roskam & Derouaux, 1944).

In fact, Bacq (1933) has shown that adrenochrome restores the effect of

accelerans stimulation on the perfused frog heart after prolonged perfusion,

when nerve stimulation has become ineffective. No such experiments have yet

been performed on warm-blooded animals, but some observations suggest that

the effect of adrenaline on sympathetic stimulation may possibly be due to an

action of adrenochrome. It has been shown that, after removal of the suprarenals, sympathetic stimulation quickly becomes ineffective (Elliott, 1904), and

can then be restored by adminlstration of adrenaline (Burn, 1932; Coombs,

1925; Secker, 1938), or of complete cortico-suprarenal extract (Secker, 1938;

Armstrong, Cleghorn, Fowler & McVicar, 1939).

If we assume that the adrenaline injected into the circulation, or released

from the suprarenals, is converted in the body to adrenochrome, these observations might suggest that adrenochrome is the precursor of the transmitter

substance of adrenergic nerves. We have therefore looked for a possible

reactivating effect of adrenochrome on sympathetic activity in the mammal.


We perfused rabbits' ears with Locke's solution without interrupting their nerve supply, according

to Pissemski's method (1914).

Rabbits weighing 2-2.5 kg., with large ears, were used without anaesthesia…




  1. Observations on spontaneous haemostasis raised the question whether

adrenochrome or a closely related compound is the promediator of the chemical

transmission of the adrenergic nervous impulses. In order to solve that

problem, ears of rabbits were perfused with Locke solution without interrupting their nervous supply.

  1. Under these conditions the vascular effect of sympathetic stimulation

was progressively abolished, but was restored by the addition of adrenaline or

adrenochrome to the perfusion fluid.

  1. The response was maintain'ed if the perfusion fluid contained adrenochrome.

  2. Stable derivatives of adrenochroine did not restore the effect of

sympathetic stimulation.

  1. These experiments suggest that the adrenergic chemical promediator is

adrenochrome or a closely related compound.

  1. Since spontaneous haemostasis is governed by the sympathetic system,



and the haemostatic action of adrenaline, due to adrenochrome, persists in

a rabbit whose ear's were denervated 4 weeks before the experiment, it must be

concluded that the storage of adrenochrome (or of the closely related compound

acting as adrenergic promediator) and its conversion into sympathin may

occur in the cells supplied by post-ganglionic fibres.

We are indebted to the 'Patrimoine de l'Universit6 de Li6ge' for a grant in aid of this investigation and to Major F. J. Lewy, U.S. Army Medical Corps, who assisted in the translation of the paper.

Anonymous ID: f6233e March 14, 2020, 2:38 a.m. No.8411735   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1758 >>1787

and we all know what happened in Saudi Arabia, right?


The Saudi Royal Purge—with Trump’s Consent

Anonymous ID: 60ccbf March 14, 2020, 2:38 a.m. No.8411736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1744 >>1746


My research says Trump actually described complaints about his handling of the virus threat as a ‘hoax’. Not the virus itself. I believe the virus is "something other" than what people are being told…but it's not really the same thing as a "hoax." And I don't think Trump actually said that it is a "hoax" – not precisely. More going on here.

Anonymous ID: 3d5d39 March 14, 2020, 2:38 a.m. No.8411738   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1740 >>1817


Also add these:


I posted these days ago, but baker didn't think they were notable :(


Top Polish general has coronavirus after German conference


Poland's top armed forces generals Jaroslaw Mika took part in a conference on strategic communication involving the "Defender-Europe 20" U.S. army deployment exercises on March 6 in Wiesbaden. The commander of US Army Europe, Lieutenant General Christopher Cavoli, along with several staff members, may have been exposed to the coronavirus during a conference.


WARSAW: One of Poland's top armed forces generals Jaroslaw Mika has tested positive for coronavirus after returning from a military conference in Germany, Poland's Defence Ministry said on Tuesday.


Mika took part in a conference on strategic communication involving the "Defender-Europe 20" U.S. army deployment exercises on March 6 in Wiesbaden, a spokesman for the Polish armed forces said.


On Monday the U.S. Army said the commander of U.S. Army Europe, Lieutenant General Christopher Cavoli, along with several staff members, may have been exposed to the coronavirus during a conference.


According to the U.S. Army Europe press office in Wiesbaden, Cavoli was also at a "Defender-Europe 20" conference in Wiesbaden on March 6.


U.S. Army Europe declined to confirm the two officers were at the same conference.


Mika is the general commander of Poland's armed forces and is one of the central European country's top commanders. The spokesman said his illness had not caused any disruption for the army.

Anonymous ID: 3d5d39 March 14, 2020, 2:39 a.m. No.8411740   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1817




Commander of U.S. Army Europe may have been exposed to coronavirus


The top U.S. Army commander in Europe may have been exposed to the coronavirus, while a Marine who tested positive for it had been working for a defense agency close to the Pentagon, officials said on Monday.


The disclosures show the risks to the U.S. military even as it tries to limit the fallout from the global virus outbreak on the more than a million active-duty troops around the world.


In the case of Lieutenant General Christopher Cavoli, the possible exposure took place during a conference with land force commanders in Europe on Friday in Wiesbaden, Germany. In a photo, Cavoli is pictured sitting next to an unnamed Italian military officer whose face cannot be seen in a military photo of the event


Reuters reported on Sunday that Italian army Chief of Staff General Salvatore Farina contracted the virus.


The U.S. Army declined to say who may have exposed Cavoli to the virus inadvertently or whether Farina was at the conference.


The Pentagon said seven cases were under investigation and that three active-duty service members so far had tested positive for the virus. Beyond the Marine, they include previously reported cases of a soldier in South Korea and a sailor in Italy.


U.S. officials told Reuters that the Marine worked at the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA), which helps oversee foreign military sales and international military educational partnerships. The Marine had returned last month from Ethiopia.


He is being treated at a military hospital at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, in the Washington suburbs. The Marine was living with his family at Marine Corps Base Quantico, which said in an online post that base schools were being closed until Wednesday to allow time for a thorough cleaning.


The base said his family and personnel in contact with him "have been identified and do not show symptoms."


It was unclear whether the DSCA, which is headquartered in Crystal City, Virginia, was taking any precautionary steps since the Marine tested positive for the virus.

Anonymous ID: 339146 March 14, 2020, 2:40 a.m. No.8411743   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Could well be a round about way of doing it.


One thing that strikes me is why Hussein twatter his precious endorsement of isolation/canceling events etc. is that a why to cripple the economy? Or a way to prevent good people from marching in the streets after some kind of declas revelation he saw coming?


Maybe this whole corona thing is the biggest ever DS diversion. A way to pacify the public in light of serious shit forthcoming?


Yet those resignations and especially Gates today also suggest it could be white hats seizing opportunities to clean house. Either way, fucking confusing and fascinating all at once.

Anonymous ID: afb0d0 March 14, 2020, 2:40 a.m. No.8411744   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That's right. My watching him actually say the things lead me to believe he meant the new hoax would be that he wasn't handling the situation well.

Anonymous ID: cd107a March 14, 2020, 2:42 a.m. No.8411750   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1757

These web pages telling all about jets of the rich and famous mostly hide the tail numbers in photos or post a stock photo of the aircraft type. Still digging for Celine's jet.

Anonymous ID: 6b26e7 March 14, 2020, 2:44 a.m. No.8411759   🗄️.is 🔗kun

One of the best tunes from that time, Brexit. Took 3 years. Finally freedom. Celebrate. This is the end of the European EU Soviet Union.

Anonymous ID: f6233e March 14, 2020, 2:46 a.m. No.8411766   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You do not have to guess, just read the drops and if I could recall where Q spelled that out I would grab that drop and show it to you rather than say anything at all

Anonymous ID: 6b26e7 March 14, 2020, 2:46 a.m. No.8411768   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1775


Q has explained.


HRC = Alice

SA = Wonderland


But as most Anons will explain, sometimes Q or Operators are considered Alice, in Wonderland.

Anonymous ID: 12fc7e March 14, 2020, 2:48 a.m. No.8411777   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2264 >>2292



was a virus?


January 15, 2013

Kaspersky Lab Identifies Operation “Red October,” an Advanced Cyber-Espionage Campaign Targeting Diplomatic and Government Institutions Worldwide–red-october–an-advanced-cyber-espionage-campaign-targeting-diplomatic-and-government-institutions-worldwide

Anonymous ID: f06391 March 14, 2020, 2:48 a.m. No.8411778   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1791


The thought that has been mocking around in my head is October was ground zero for virus

An anon posted the color wheel today. Green is exact opposite red on the color wheel. March is green. Green castle. Green means go. It is go time

Anonymous ID: 207b81 March 14, 2020, 2:49 a.m. No.8411779   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1912

Glenn Beck – Interview w/ Andreii Telizhenko/Blue Star Strategies, LLC

INVESTIGATION INTO BIDEN, UKRAINE MUST GO ON: Proof Democrats Tried to Squash Burisma Probe

Anonymous ID: 638307 March 14, 2020, 2:50 a.m. No.8411785   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1808

>>8411761 Was just looking to see if your info had been noted in prior breads - hadn't gotten the research done so didn't include on first pass. Doesn't mean it isn't notable, anon.

Anonymous ID: 41c14a March 14, 2020, 2:50 a.m. No.8411786   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Wiener laptop must be involved. Probably would be able to slow walk the public into the many players and then slow walk them into the horror show. If this is the case there are going to being some heart attacks if what i think is on ther is on there. 1000 ti.mes worse than Hostel or The Saw movies.

Anonymous ID: f6233e March 14, 2020, 2:51 a.m. No.8411792   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1819 >>1826 >>1834 >>1840 >>1903 >>1948 >>1994 >>2033 >>2123 >>2290 >>2328

Let's talk about this Drop.


An image of an Owl and Q named the image file what?




and the drop concerns whom/what?




P = ?

P = anything but Pope as that would mean

Pope/Vatican controls dem party and is responsible for all of the shit "resistance" that we have experienced over the last 3+ years and that has been deemed too much for the fragile minds to accept so people like INTHEPAYTRIXXX step in and help smooth the COGNITIVE DISSONANCE curve and frankly I think thats a bunch of bullshit and if it is part of the plan…. it is part of that plan that I am against…. sorry….

free speech and all that….

man…. the truth is so liberating!

Anonymous ID: 6a31b5 March 14, 2020, 2:52 a.m. No.8411796   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1824 >>1866 >>2123 >>2275 >>2290 >>2328

I will post one more time.


I am making the biggest drop in history on this board right now. donald trump was just given a prophetic word from god on corona and it was much worse than we thought. we were not in control. corona was sent from god. if he did not declare national day of prayer our country and his presidency would be destroyed. he divinely saw video and word directed to him and made day of prayer! look at dates of each. this is YUUUUGE anons. we are on brink of disaster. we must pray.

Anonymous ID: 791fb8 March 14, 2020, 2:52 a.m. No.8411799   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1812

I cannot post a message with a .pdf file tonight. I keep getting the time-out error message (pic related). Are other anons having the same problem?

Anonymous ID: 40022f March 14, 2020, 2:53 a.m. No.8411801   🗄️.is 🔗kun


For any flu season….


Have a several day/week supply of Pedialyte (for adults too) on hand to prevent dehydration,


Even Ensure (nutrition) can help (no cooking, easy to use, lasts til expiration date)


And clean with lysol brand ll EPA REG. # 777-66 or Lysol I.C. Hospital strength…kills viruses and always has.


For any flu season!

Anonymous ID: 6b26e7 March 14, 2020, 2:53 a.m. No.8411802   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1814 >>1825


^^^ This. Nice, there's no Step 5.





Evacuate. There is no Step 5.


The whole SA drops back in the days, had me bad.


SA was a priority.

We wish this was a dream.



Child sex slaves, Europeans.

Anonymous ID: b41ff8 March 14, 2020, 2:54 a.m. No.8411806   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1817

>>8411536 pb

Francis Suarez, Mayor of Miami

Fábio Wajngarten, Communications Director for Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro

Anonymous ID: 3d5d39 March 14, 2020, 2:54 a.m. No.8411807   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>yeah, let's kill these Chinese people

>They (a few) wanted to kill us, so let's kill them instead

>Killing people is great

>The White hats are killing the Chinese

>Too bad, so sad

That post sounds evil to me.

Anonymous ID: 34c71f March 14, 2020, 2:58 a.m. No.8411817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1829 >>1830 >>1843 >>1849 >>1852 >>1948 >>2123 >>2172





Ty Anons! o7




COVID19 Notable Persons List


  • = suspected or "illness" reported


Tom Hanx - Actor

Rita WIlson - Hanx wife

Rudy Gobert - Utah Jazz, Center

Staff - Maria Cantwell, senate, Washington, D.C.

Eshaq Jahangiri - Iran VP

Ali Asghar Mounesan - Iran Minister of Cultural Heritage

Reza Rahmani - Iran Minister of Industry

Nadine Dorries - UK Health Minister

Donovan Mitchell - Jazz star

Janet Broderick - Matthew Broderick’s Sister

Jaír Bolsonaro - President of Brazil

Sophie Grégoire Trudeau - Justin Trudeaus wife, kek

Rabbi Yoni Golker - St John’s Wood Synagogue

Peter Dutton - Australia's minister for home affairs

Jaroslaw Mika - One of Poland's top armed forces generals

Salvatore Farina - Italian army Chief of Staff General

Francis Suarez - Mayor of Miami

Fábio Wajngarten - Communications Director for Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro


*Pope Francis - Religious leader - reported "sick" one day after CV outreach

*Elton John - Singer - reported "pneumonia" after "final tour"

*Daniel Radcliffe - "fake coronavirus rumor"

*Queen Elizabeth - "sick" January 23, 2020

*Gwen Stefani - "cancelled a string of shows due to a mystery illness"

*"Individual working on Riverdale" - CW teen drama suspended

*Katie Price - former glamour model - back after "mystery illness"

*Celine Dion - distant cousin of Trudeau and Hillary - postponed tour due to "cold" and CV spread

*Neil Wigan - British Ambassador to Israel in self-isolation after virus case on flight

*Lieutenant General Christopher Cavoli - "Possible exposure" took place during a conference with land force commanders in Europe on Friday in Wiesbaden, Germany.

Anonymous ID: 6b26e7 March 14, 2020, 2:58 a.m. No.8411819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1948 >>2123 >>2290 >>2328


One path.








Swiss, Switzerland is full of NWO Players, bankers, and other occultists.




Anonymous ID: 6a31b5 March 14, 2020, 3:01 a.m. No.8411824   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1844






Anonymous ID: f6233e March 14, 2020, 3:01 a.m. No.8411827   🗄️.is 🔗kun


oh please anon…. what most of you kids do not understand is that to get to where I am, we came through where you are now…. exactly that way and one day we realized that we were victims of gatekeepers.


Not that Israel is innocent….




but that something far powerful was behind Israel, the C_A etc etc et al…. yes and what we find is the Church and the Jesuits and their power was built over a period of 1600 years.


No Jewish Bauers simply took over the european banking system etc etc complete and utter bullshit when a little poison would fix that problem…. nip it right in the bud it would….


I know more than you and you do not believe it…. is all…. is all it ever was…..

Anonymous ID: 12fc7e March 14, 2020, 3:01 a.m. No.8411828   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1948 >>1993 >>2123 >>2290 >>2328








Virginia Giuffre


Not too far from reality- these ppl are sick. Mentally, physically & sexually! This might’ve been a photo shoot but not a far truth from inside the dungeons. #Epstein














aka Rina

Anonymous ID: 339146 March 14, 2020, 3:01 a.m. No.8411830   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1906


Fabio Wajngarten

The press secretary of Brazil's leader, Jair Bolsonaro, has been diagnosed with coronavirus. Both recently attended the Forum of the Americas in Miami, Florida, where they were in contact with figures like Donald Trump.

Anonymous ID: 7fa4f0 March 14, 2020, 3:03 a.m. No.8411834   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1846


yes, pope.

lets just say its a good thing you aren't running the operation to recover humanity.

Always fighting the symptom, never the disease.

Not this time, though.

Anonymous ID: 498e8f March 14, 2020, 3:03 a.m. No.8411835   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>"I don't feel sick, why are you taking me away?"


>Sir, get in the vehicle, the "virus" can take 3 weeks to incubate"


>Sheep "i see"

Anonymous ID: 6b26e7 March 14, 2020, 3:03 a.m. No.8411837   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I think they are child victims.

A question is, what does it to their psyche?

Damaged for life?


They are perpetrators, child handlers. For the elites. The elites can't steal/kidnap and traffic children as sex slaves.


So they have the White Rabbits. Often them self victims of these networks.

Anonymous ID: 12fc7e March 14, 2020, 3:04 a.m. No.8411841   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1948 >>2001

Bitcoin just crashed spectacularly

The price of bitcoin has plummeted dramatically, losing 20 per cent of its value in less than an hour. The cryptocurrency crash takes bitcoin below $7,000 - its lowest value in months. Several other

Anonymous ID: 6a31b5 March 14, 2020, 3:04 a.m. No.8411844   🗄️.is 🔗kun






Anonymous ID: f6233e March 14, 2020, 3:06 a.m. No.8411846   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes… I know…. everyone but me is an expert at saving the world….

Not sure where they all got their PhD's in saving the world at but they sure seem to act like they have them! :D

Anonymous ID: 339146 March 14, 2020, 3:07 a.m. No.8411849   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1906


Irene Montero

The Spanish politician has been the Minister of Equality since January 2020. She has also tested positive for coronavirus.


Carolina Darias

The Spanish politician was appointed as the Minister of Territorial Policy and Civil Service in January 2020. She has tested positive for coronavirus.

Anonymous ID: 60ccbf March 14, 2020, 3:07 a.m. No.8411850   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1869


Note also how the rabbit is chased down the hole. And so much of the Satanic Cabal ritual/torture takes place in underground tunnels. Rabbit hole = underground torture dungeon?

Anonymous ID: f6233e March 14, 2020, 3:08 a.m. No.8411854   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1865 >>1889 >>1948 >>2123 >>2290 >>2328


I believe many of us come to the conclusion that this is in reference to the Black Nobility:


One of these families might be one of the remaining 3 primary families that support the cabal. The 4th was Saudi Arabia….

Maybe the Medicini….

Anonymous ID: 6b26e7 March 14, 2020, 3:08 a.m. No.8411857   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1880



Maybe they're both.

White Rabbits were once victims them self.

Then become perpetrators for the Elites, procuring children, child handlers. Participating in the rapes/abuse/sacrifices.


And the evil cycle continues. And the Elites can participate, use it to ensnare others into their sick network.

Anonymous ID: 608870 March 14, 2020, 3:09 a.m. No.8411858   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Coronavirus exponential death Toll over last 4 days in US….


29 deaths 4 days ago

48 deaths as of today.


It's pandemonium out here

Anonymous ID: 608870 March 14, 2020, 3:11 a.m. No.8411868   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Questions for the Dumb Ohio Governigger who said Ohio has 100,000 infected currently:


  1. How many confirmed Positive patients do you currently have?

  2. How many mortalities have occurred?

  3. What is the growth rate modeled out 30 days?


These people are stupid.

Anonymous ID: 5bd41f March 14, 2020, 3:11 a.m. No.8411869   🗄️.is 🔗kun


little girl, lured by rabbit underground to be a plaything for the queen after being indoctrinated by mad hatter.


little girl, hunting the rabbit & forcing her way into the hatter party before attempted overthrow of queen.

Anonymous ID: 60ccbf March 14, 2020, 3:12 a.m. No.8411871   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Argh! You're right. I have no idea what that would be. Every line of every Q drop is a year's worth of research at least. This will take mankind a very long time to understand all the meanings therein.

Anonymous ID: 12fc7e March 14, 2020, 3:13 a.m. No.8411872   🗄️.is 🔗kun



over the last few days my head has felt different


no cold or virus


just strange


you guys?

Anonymous ID: 7fa4f0 March 14, 2020, 3:14 a.m. No.8411880   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1904


>Maybe they're both.

there is never one answer but there is only one meaning.

that's what Q is hoping you will realize.

We don't fight a "people" we fight an ideology.

"Those who say they are jews and are not, but do lie."

same enemy. 1000's of years of warnings. Massive confusion

judaism, kabbalism, talmudism, satanism, luciferianism, communism, and on and on….

All one ideology. One enemy. Anti-Human. Fallen.

Anonymous ID: 185cbe March 14, 2020, 3:14 a.m. No.8411882   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1948 >>2123 >>2290 >>2328

Coronavirus becomes a pandemic: What to know about the classification

What's the difference between an epidemic and a pandemic? A pandemic spreads across multiple countries or continents, for one.

The outbreak of the novel coronavirus that’s now sickened more 100,000 people across the world has officially been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) — weeks after WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told reporters in February that the outbreak of the virus, and the disease it causes –COVID-19– “absolutely” had the potential to become a pandemic.


"WHO has been assessing this outbreak around the clock and we are deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity and by the alarming levels of inaction," Tedros said during a Wednesday press conference. "We have therefore made the assessment that COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic."

Anonymous ID: f6233e March 14, 2020, 3:14 a.m. No.8411884   🗄️.is 🔗kun


of course Wiki has been censored yet why would we trust Websters or some other group of people to not be? Nah man Funk and Wagnals cannot be deep state! :D


Sounds like you have dug into them?

My fingers are scared from digging.

How about a summary?


new eyes and all that :D

Anonymous ID: 6a31b5 March 14, 2020, 3:15 a.m. No.8411888   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1919 >>1935


bigger than anything we have ever seen. god was going to destroy us from fear of corona and trump presidency. we all must pray. god said it is on par with moses leading the Israelites out of egypt!!! thats the biggest story in the bible and their history!!!!!!!

Anonymous ID: df41ba March 14, 2020, 3:16 a.m. No.8411889   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1909 >>1948 >>2123 >>2290 >>2328




"Following the conclusion of the Lateran Treaty in 1929, the Black Nobility were given dual citizenship in Italy and Vatican City."


Maybe our group assumption that dual citizenship applies only to Israel/USA was incorrect.

Anonymous ID: ad4f09 March 14, 2020, 3:16 a.m. No.8411890   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1895 >>1908 >>1916



Is this virus real? If this virus is a cover for a round-up of unsealed indictment people, WHY would nursing homes be on lockdown? Was there a threat made to elderly people in nursing homes that caused them to lock the elderly inside? Was that cluster of nursing home deaths in that one nursing home real and they are targeting nursing homes? It seems that if they are not letting even family members visit, then this virus is a real thing?


Trying not to be a concernfag, but momanon is locked up and it's very distressing not to be able to put the pieces together.


Blessings to everyone.

Anonymous ID: 6a31b5 March 14, 2020, 3:18 a.m. No.8411895   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I didnt think it was until i saw this prophecy from god. It came from

heaven with design to destroy like never before!!!! god is with us and giving us a way out!

Anonymous ID: 34c71f March 14, 2020, 3:20 a.m. No.8411906   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1913 >>1938 >>1948 >>1949 >>1957 >>2123 >>2172


Sure does!



Already added earlier.





Added ty anons o7




COVID19 Notable Persons List


  • = suspected or "illness" reported


Tom Hanx - Actor

Rita WIlson - Hanx wife

Rudy Gobert - Utah Jazz, Center

Staff - Maria Cantwell, senate, Washington, D.C.

Eshaq Jahangiri - Iran VP

Ali Asghar Mounesan - Iran Minister of Cultural Heritage

Reza Rahmani - Iran Minister of Industry

Nadine Dorries - UK Health Minister

Donovan Mitchell - Jazz star

Janet Broderick - Matthew Broderick’s Sister

Jaír Bolsonaro - President of Brazil

Sophie Grégoire Trudeau - Justin Trudeaus wife, kek

Rabbi Yoni Golker - St John’s Wood Synagogue

Peter Dutton - Australia's minister for home affairs

Jaroslaw Mika - One of Poland's top armed forces generals

Salvatore Farina - Italian army Chief of Staff General

Francis Suarez - Mayor of Miami

Fábio Wajngarten - Communications Director for Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro

Carmel Fenves - UT (University of Texas) Austin President Gregory L. Fenves wife

Santiago Abascal - leader of Vox, a Spanish right-wing nationalistic party

Irene Montero - Spanish politician, Minister of Equality since January 2020

Carolina Darias - The Spanish politician, appointed Minister of Territorial Policy and Civil Service in January 2020


*Pope Francis - Religious leader - reported "sick" one day after CV outreach

*Elton John - Singer - reported "pneumonia" after "final tour"

*Daniel Radcliffe - "fake coronavirus rumor"

*Queen Elizabeth - "sick" January 23, 2020

*Gwen Stefani - "cancelled a string of shows due to a mystery illness"

*"Individual working on Riverdale" - CW teen drama suspended

*Katie Price - former glamour model - back after "mystery illness"

*Celine Dion - distant cousin of Trudeau and Hillary - postponed tour due to "cold" and CV spread

*Neil Wigan - British Ambassador to Israel in self-isolation after virus case on flight

*Lieutenant General Christopher Cavoli - "Possible exposure" took place during a conference with land force commanders in Europe on Friday in Wiesbaden, Germany.

*Heidi Klum - Suffering from food poisoning before filming began in CA, now experiencing "a chill" and had started "feeling feverish".

Anonymous ID: b16f11 March 14, 2020, 3:21 a.m. No.8411908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1942


The virus is very real and likely the latest move by the deep state & cabal. The silent war; moves & countermoves. Q's response so far is "God Wins", meaning no matter what they do, God wins in the end.

Anonymous ID: f6233e March 14, 2020, 3:21 a.m. No.8411909   🗄️.is 🔗kun



muh group is being misled by idiots and their gatekeepers who are quite crafty at misdirection….


Israel is not Innocent yet who controls Mossad?

Does the C_A control Mossad?

Does the Vatican control/controlled the C_A?

Anonymous ID: eecb47 March 14, 2020, 3:21 a.m. No.8411912   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Biden's complicit with the Chinese. Will come out and be linked with Chinese activity and mistakes in controlling virus spread. Any Chinese apologist is linked to Biden. Chinese are engaged in plot to stop Trump's re-election. Biden takes everyone down with him.


Thinking Steinbart's showing of images of what look to be brain scans may be directed at Biden, Pelosi, Clinton, etc. Med stuff drop is way too big to casually passed off, LARP or not. Last warning? How can that YouTube channel still be up?


My 2 cents.

Anonymous ID: 498e8f March 14, 2020, 3:23 a.m. No.8411916   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1925 >>1942


The "Virus" is basically a cold / flu, but it is much harder on older people, and people who have other medical issues. Locking down a Nursing Home is basically good in this case. Given an incubation period for ANY cold or flu, you don't want the older folks exposed to it, and given that they live in basically a large indoor community, it would spread to all inside very quickly, if it were introduced into that environment. Remember, older people have much more fragile immune systems.


Yes, the COVID-19 is a real thing, but the effects and overall numbers are being blown way out of proportion by the MSM. Do a bit of reading Anon, and sort through the misinformation.

Anonymous ID: 9f02bb March 14, 2020, 3:25 a.m. No.8411924   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1932

yell.OW! drag-on sp. read for moor stay.bull few.tour [s.pace ship hearth kneads] two pre.pair four few.tour war.fare w/ back.terra. the organ.i.[c]see sub. stance is re.duking swell.ling pop. all hands on d|Eck.bat.ten d.own the hat.chess. rig four red. sigh. lint run.thing.

Anonymous ID: 40022f March 14, 2020, 3:26 a.m. No.8411926   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1928 >>1948 >>2123 >>2290 >>2328



Where are you more likely to pick up germs…using the same items, key pads etc. as the public…Bring your own universal stylus and pen with you. gloves, or wash your hands immediately after use.


Credit/Debit card machines

Gas Pumps

Pharmacy computer pads/signature needed with stylus or pen

Anonymous ID: 5bd41f March 14, 2020, 3:26 a.m. No.8411927   🗄️.is 🔗kun

i want to troll athletes & actors that fell into kung flu fear propaganda. i need something better than #CoronaBitch. any suggestions?

Anonymous ID: f6233e March 14, 2020, 3:27 a.m. No.8411929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1940


or payseur or parliament or pindar et al

you know…. anything but POPE/VATICAN as that would mean that all of our anger and hatred that we express every second of every day at people like PELOSI and SOROS…. you know…. ALL THAT ENERGY?


is being focused in the wrong direction and upon the henchmen instead of the true masters of illusion.


Shame that….

Anonymous ID: 339146 March 14, 2020, 3:27 a.m. No.8411930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1943


Some stats/datafag will know. Probably need a cross reference section for individuals with known connections to cabal/ds too.


Hate to say it, but… may also get to a point where it’s impossible to keep up…

Anonymous ID: 498e8f March 14, 2020, 3:28 a.m. No.8411934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1947


Not saying this is a Hoax.. however, consider this:


POTUS goes along with a lot of hoaxes.. ask yourself what happens after he does Anon.


We've seen this many times.

Anonymous ID: 11674d March 14, 2020, 3:29 a.m. No.8411937   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The 'Mueller' Virus.


The 'Ukraine' Virus.


The 'Corona' Virus.


Funny, one after the other. Desperate to stop the awakening. What's after this? What happens when normies awaken to find they've been dragged through needless pain for decades to service a secret society?


I saw it with my own eyes today in grocery stores that were being razed by the panicked libtards. The normies, standing in lines back to the meat counter talking with each other and commenting on how fake this pandemic is.


2 + 2 is starting to equal 4 again.

Anonymous ID: ad4f09 March 14, 2020, 3:30 a.m. No.8411942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1964 >>1967



I appreciate the response. Yes, I've been reading and trying to absorb all of the info available, but still questioning WHY the TOTAL lockdown NOW, when lockdown of elderly facilities was never done prior, such as with SARS, ZIKA, H1N1, etc…Lockdown was never done for serious flu seasons and elderly have always been more prone to hospitalization due to flu than general pop throughout.

Anonymous ID: 34c71f March 14, 2020, 3:31 a.m. No.8411943   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Hate to say it, but… may also get to a point where it’s impossible to keep up…


That will most likely be the case.


However we will do our best. At least we will have a starting point on first public cases of the TPTB.

Anonymous ID: 64631b March 14, 2020, 3:32 a.m. No.8411948   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1958 >>1963 >>2001

#10769 NB@150

>>8411809 President Trump's Tweets and Decodes

>>8411713, >>8411828 Virginia Guiffre twat - lie down with dogs

>>8411688 Centcom Tweet (NZ timestamp) We have effectively destoryed these facilities

>>8411647, >>8411657, >>8411676, >>8411684 COVID mini bun

>>8411634 Anon opines on The Ship as backchannel

>>8411588, >>8411598, >>8411598, >>8411621, >>8411630 Anon asks What Plan Z is and gets answers

>>8411605, >>8411885, >>8411882, >>8411926 Covid-19 News

>>8411647 14 day lockdown for NZ

>>8411651, >>8411608, >>8411732, >>8411763 Notes on Adrenochrome and Adrenolutin

>>8411761, >>8411790, >>8411692 Facts concerning Molestation by the CATHOLIC CHURCH

>>8411688, >>8411726, >>8411795 US Military tweets / news

>>8411787 SA Purge continued recently, more house arrests.

>>8411817, >>8411829, >>8411836, >>8411843, >>8411852, >>8411906, >>8411938 COVID19 Notable Persons List

>>8411792, >>8411819, >>8411826, >>8411854, >>8411865, >>8411889 Owl Drop 1413 Guardian of the pope

>>8411796m >>8411873 Donald Trump was just given a prophetic word from God on corona

>>8411833 The late Andrew Breitbart, on Hollywood.

>>8411841 Bitcoin just crashed spectacularly

Anonymous ID: dd5be5 March 14, 2020, 3:32 a.m. No.8411949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1990 >>2123 >>2290 >>2328



Actor Orlando Bloom to self-quarantine


Actor Orlando Bloom to self-quarantine

© Getty Images

Orlando Bloom says he plans on self-quarantining after returning from traveling overseas due to concerns about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).


The actor gave no indication that he has the disease.


"It’s farewell from us as we go home to be quarantined," the "Pirates of the Caribbean" actor said in a Wednesday Instagram Stories post, according to ABC News.


Bloom, 43, had been filming the second season of Amazon's "Carnival Row" in Prague.


"We’re coming home to the States, at least I’m coming home to the States, because we want to get in before the quarantine," the performer, who was born in England, said.

Anonymous ID: 11674d March 14, 2020, 3:33 a.m. No.8411952   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1961 >>2076


Andrew Gillum came within 70,000 votes of being the Governor of Florida.


This is the Democrat Party vision for America - to be run by highly compromised sex/drug addicts that have no allegiance to family faith or freedom.

Anonymous ID: 000000 March 14, 2020, 3:34 a.m. No.8411957   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1990


There is also Franck Riester, French Culture Minister

Anonymous ID: f6233e March 14, 2020, 3:34 a.m. No.8411958   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1962


hard core bakes


I might actually pick and choose muh words moar wisely now! kek


twice in 24 hours muh idle ramblings sound notable…. shit is gettin' weird up in this mother! :D

Anonymous ID: d07244 March 14, 2020, 3:36 a.m. No.8411961   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Normally, it would be business as usual for the dems.. but this year feels different.. the progressives are talking alot about not supporting Ds based on their principles.. I wouldn't be surprised to see a new party emerge relatively soon

Anonymous ID: 498e8f March 14, 2020, 3:36 a.m. No.8411964   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1979 >>1984


A lot of the lockdowns are not called by POTUS. Many, nearly all, are being decided locally. Again, none of the other diseases, SARS, ZIKA, H1N1, etc, were fearfagged by the MSM as this one, and the other factor with all of them is President Trump wasn't the President during those periods. If you look hard enough, all of those were also occurring during Election years. This is nothing new, just a hell of a lot more screaming and fearfagging while they try to smear POTUS even more.

Anonymous ID: dd915a March 14, 2020, 3:36 a.m. No.8411965   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1988

Russia shuts multiple land borders while New Zealand introduces toughest border restrictions in the world and Italy prepares to close parks as battle against coronavirus pandemic continues


By James Gant For Mailonline

10:30 GMT 14 Mar 2020 , updated 10:34 GMT 14 Mar 2020

Anonymous ID: c3886c March 14, 2020, 3:37 a.m. No.8411967   🗄️.is 🔗kun


think of it as a dye

being chased through

the body politic


further nursing homes got "upgraded" status

so now docs can push off to them quicker


on the west coast there was a unprecedented

outbreak in little china

Anonymous ID: 339146 March 14, 2020, 3:38 a.m. No.8411970   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Interdasting new phenomenon. Even rampant anti trumpers I know are starting to post memes blaming/linking msm for corona fear porn.

Anonymous ID: d2c93c March 14, 2020, 3:39 a.m. No.8411972   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2020


Needs to be careful with that tannerite i remember few years back seeing some guy on youtube put some under old ridding mower he was going to blow up and the damn mower blade about killed him when he blew apart

Anonymous ID: 621936 March 14, 2020, 3:40 a.m. No.8411979   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2034


It ain’t working. Most I encounter are more annoyed than anything and rightly note that flu has one million hospitalizations annually and averages 40k deaths in the US alone. This is all bs. No, I don’t want to catch a cold and yes, elderly people are more succeptible. And that’s different from any other day of the year how?

Anonymous ID: 41c14a March 14, 2020, 3:40 a.m. No.8411980   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This could be the corona halftime show.

Have a group of proven to be healthy people come up and take the test we were supposed to take proving they all give false positives.

Anonymous ID: ad4f09 March 14, 2020, 3:41 a.m. No.8411984   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2053 >>2067


Was told by nursing facility that they shut down on orders by CDC. Only allowing hospice patients to have a visitor. They won't even consider designating one family member as a visitor even if masked, gowned, gloved. The hospitals are not on lockdown and there are lots of elderly & vulnerable patients there. It's probably for the best, but this is very distressing for the elderly patients who can't comprehend the situation and feel abandoned.

Anonymous ID: 34c71f March 14, 2020, 3:42 a.m. No.8411990   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2172 >>2290 >>2328


Added to sub-notes on list. o7



Added ty anon o7




COVID19 Notable Persons List


  • = suspected or "illness" reported


Tom Hanx - Actor

Rita WIlson - Hanx wife

Rudy Gobert - Utah Jazz, Center

Staff - Maria Cantwell, senate, Washington, D.C.

Eshaq Jahangiri - Iran VP

Ali Asghar Mounesan - Iran Minister of Cultural Heritage

Reza Rahmani - Iran Minister of Industry

Nadine Dorries - UK Health Minister

Donovan Mitchell - Jazz star

Janet Broderick - Matthew Broderick’s Sister

Sophie Grégoire Trudeau - Justin Trudeaus wife, kek

Rabbi Yoni Golker - St John’s Wood Synagogue

Peter Dutton - Australia's minister for home affairs

Jaroslaw Mika - One of Poland's top armed forces generals

Salvatore Farina - Italian army Chief of Staff General

Francis Suarez - Mayor of Miami

Fábio Wajngarten - Communications Director for Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro

Carmel Fenves - UT (University of Texas) Austin President Gregory L. Fenves wife

Santiago Abascal - leader of Vox, a Spanish right-wing nationalistic party

Irene Montero - Spanish politician, Minister of Equality since January 2020

Carolina Darias - The Spanish politician, appointed Minister of Territorial Policy and Civil Service in January 2020

Franck Riester - French Minister of Culture


*Pope Francis - Religious leader - reported "sick" one day after CV outreach

*Elton John - Singer - reported "pneumonia" after "final tour"

*Daniel Radcliffe - "fake coronavirus rumor"

*Queen Elizabeth - "sick" January 23, 2020

*Gwen Stefani - "cancelled a string of shows due to a mystery illness"

*"Individual working on Riverdale" - CW teen drama suspended

*Katie Price - former glamour model - back after "mystery illness"

*Celine Dion - distant cousin of Trudeau and Hillary - postponed tour due to "cold" and CV spread

*Neil Wigan - British Ambassador to Israel in self-isolation after virus case on flight

*Lieutenant General Christopher Cavoli - "Possible exposure" took place during a conference with land force commanders in Europe on Friday in Wiesbaden, Germany.

*Heidi Klum - Suffering from food poisoning before filming began in CA, now experiencing "a chill" and had started "feeling feverish".




# Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro on Friday announced that he has tested negative for the coronavirus, contradicting earlier reports.


# Actor Orlando Bloom to self-quarantine, gave no indication that he has the disease.

Anonymous ID: 638307 March 14, 2020, 3:43 a.m. No.8411991   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2010 >>2123 >>2290 >>2328

>>8411697 Can't be a coincidence that Bishop Malone decided to retire early in the same month that a whistle blower testified and that the diocese has declared bankruptcy….effectively freezing the case.


(screen shots from your linked article:

Anonymous ID: 426ae7 March 14, 2020, 3:44 a.m. No.8411996   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2002 >>2003 >>2011 >>2013 >>2014 >>2030 >>2032 >>2072 >>2125 >>2129 >>2136 >>2203 >>2227

Hey friends, gotta be quick. I researched Q and participated as an Anon on the boards heavily for a good while, but once I landed my first job after the Bar exam (crim defense attorney), compounded by the fact that Anon went dark for soooo long only 3 mos after I started the job, I've been quite absent - just listening to YTube channels in morning, following along on, etc, etc, and having some scattered hardcore research days.

And maybe I'm an idiot, atm at least, but my BF (who Ive been raving about Q to for two yrs.)is arguing QAnon is a cult. Someone give me a concise argument to effectively debunk him from totally dismissing Qteam and us as a cult?

Anonymous ID: 4399c1 March 14, 2020, 3:47 a.m. No.8412006   🗄️.is 🔗kun


well if were ghosting along with Davey Jones and "time" is up, i think everyone of us can take a page or two from this honorable badass.

Love You Brother.

Anonymous ID: f6233e March 14, 2020, 3:49 a.m. No.8412010   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2123 >>2290 >>2328



The Church is in Total Damage Control mode.


It is all completely unprecedented which gives me great hope yet I still feel the need to wake anons up with these articles you know?


None of these cases would ever see the light of day if SOMETHING has not changed in the Diplomatic relations between the USA and the Holy See.


Some deal must have been reached that most are completely unaware of/classified?

Anonymous ID: 6a31b5 March 14, 2020, 3:49 a.m. No.8412015   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2031


ALL ANONS MUST SEE THIS. IS THERE ANY VIDEO FAG THAT CAN CUT VIDEO AND START AT MINUTE 13:00 to play? This is most important sauce over posted on 8ch. We need this up and being circulated immediately.

Anonymous ID: cfce26 March 14, 2020, 3:51 a.m. No.8412021   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2050


Anonymous ID: f2f824 March 14, 2020, 3:52 a.m. No.8412025   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2069

That gun is as heavy as TEN BOXES that you might be moving… and the bullet that is utilized, the 50 CALIBER, these kinds of bullets need to be licensed and do not need to be on the streets.



Anonymous ID: 791fb8 March 14, 2020, 3:53 a.m. No.8412032   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2044


Cults demand you give up all your money (to them). QAnon demands zero money and shames the "paytriots."


Cults use mind-control techniques such as sleep deprivation and demanding you eat unfamiliar foods. QAnon only encourages ingestion of popcorn and avoidance of pizza, with all other dietary decisions left up to the anons.


Cults require their inner circle to unquestioningly accept their dogma. QAnon demands that anons think for themselves, and encourage original research above and beyond monitoring worldwide news reports.


If your BF cannot differentiate between cults and QAnon after reviewing the above facts, he needs to study some Aristotelian logic.

Anonymous ID: 34c71f March 14, 2020, 3:53 a.m. No.8412033   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2075 >>2123 >>2290 >>2328


This brought this film animation to mind;


Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole


Soren, a young owl, is kidnapped by the evil owls of St Aegolious and want to turn him into a soldier. He escapes with some of his friends and warns the mythical guardians about the evil plan.



Excerpt from the synopsis: The other captured owls are forced to sleep under the full moon. Gylfie informs Soren that this will cause "moon-blinking", a trancelike state in which owls lose all sense of will and individuality.

Anonymous ID: f6233e March 14, 2020, 3:53 a.m. No.8412035   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I believe this to be correct yet there could still be a direct controller of the Pope/Chair other than the Roths/Bauers.


A few names have been tossed around…. Mossimo… Medicini….

Anonymous ID: c3886c March 14, 2020, 3:54 a.m. No.8412037   🗄️.is 🔗kun


little girl, lured by rabbit underground to be a plaything for the queen after being indoctrinated by mad hatter.


little girl, hunting the rabbit & forcing her way into the hatter party before attempted overthrow of queen.

Anonymous ID: 6a31b5 March 14, 2020, 3:55 a.m. No.8412039   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2049




excellent job anon. circulate!!!!! this is a matter of our country and president survival! nothing else we are doing here matters at this moment compared to this.

Anonymous ID: 621936 March 14, 2020, 3:55 a.m. No.8412041   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2059


Anonymous. No leaders. No followers. We dig. We meme. We pray. We don’t get together, ritualistically shave each other’s nuts and then sacrifice a chicken. We freedom. We disseminate news the black hats don’t want us to know. If that’s cult behavior, well, sign me up!

Anonymous ID: 0422c7 March 14, 2020, 3:56 a.m. No.8412046   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2057


Yep… I have told them all to prepear two years ago and mentioned especially toiletpaper… Anyway…


This vid is gold too… "I was wrong all the time! We all going to die! Look, this patient is near death! No hope! Terrible! God have merci!"

And… the anchorbitch is trying to make more panic…

Anonymous ID: 498e8f March 14, 2020, 3:58 a.m. No.8412053   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Was told by nursing facility that they shut down on orders by CDC.


CDC Director works for POTUS.. they are NOT ran by POTUS.


Yes, it has to be really bad for the older People that are in the Homes, and their concerns are valid. They are victims of the MSM as well, and they have little outside News, and probably subjected to CNN's bullshit 24/7 just like people in Airports or cheap restaurants.

Anonymous ID: 948564 March 14, 2020, 4 a.m. No.8412059   🗄️.is 🔗kun



You literally just described the secret society.

They have no leaders, have no followers (they make their own paths), they research, they spread ideas, they pray to the macros.


The one who shave each others nuts are for the plebs.

Anonymous ID: 41c14a March 14, 2020, 4:02 a.m. No.8412063   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Stick with me anons.

Ok hilliary was supposed to win.

Full control.

5g is part of this.

They can turn it up when they want.

Pandemic of choice used with rigged for red tests.

Virus not much worse than the flu.

Turn up the the 5g.

Everyone feels much worse.

The stars get sick, follow the stars, be good and compliant .

The nice people at fema come into help.

You need to come with us for a nice train ride.


Trump fucked them . No we don't want those test kits. No there is no need for fema. Hawae can't use your 5g here.


He has starved them of their adrenachrome. They are desperate and hungry. Biden is probably on a low grade substitute therefore not at his best.

The screenshot is an emf reading from my area. I have had reading like that , that covered a 8 block radius of my home if not more.

Anonymous ID: 93809e March 14, 2020, 4:07 a.m. No.8412071   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If Ivanka has it, so does Trump. If Trump has it, so does Pence. If Trump and Pence die, guess what. That's why all the toilet paper is needed…

Anonymous ID: f6233e March 14, 2020, 4:09 a.m. No.8412075   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2084


Very interesting.

triggers many thoughts but the main thought is evil gnostics…. for several decades now…. cannot shake it…. 6 electrons….. 6 protons….. 6 neutrons…. basic carbon 12 which all life here is based upon.


and this triggers steve martin saying "they hate these cans!" as the sniper missing hits the oil cans behind him! :D


They hate this life…. they hate this creation…. they hate this construct and they make life hell and make people like me hate it too!!!!


until one day I saw the light again….

Anonymous ID: 6b26e7 March 14, 2020, 4:11 a.m. No.8412079   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2100

Night Shift is over, it's morning in the New World.

God bless Anons.


Le Roy lui dit "c'est point assez:

Nous défendrons la Chrétienté."


_/_ Defendat Terra Nostros


Europe is for Europeans.

Anonymous ID: 185cbe March 14, 2020, 4:11 a.m. No.8412080   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Congress asks govt. to pass on benefit of fall in crude oil prices to consumers

The Congress on Saturday demanded that the benefit of a sharp fall in international crude oil prices should be passed on to consumers immediately and attacked the Narendra Modi government for increasing excise duty on petrol and diesel to ensure that retail prices did not come down.


Senior Congress leader Ajay Maken told reporters at a press conference that the government should reduce the rates of petrol, diesel, and LPG by at least 35-40%.

Anonymous ID: 791fb8 March 14, 2020, 4:13 a.m. No.8412090   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2123 >>2290 >>2328

>>8409695 (pb+1)

>What dosage is proving to be effective? Anyone know?


Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt is treating cases of covid19 in Seattle and Germany. He recommends 2G 2x/day, plus some other herbs. He said, if you cannot afford all the herbs, and could afford only one, get Andrographis tincture, and take 2 droppersfull twice a day to avoid getting sick. If already sick, he said take 4 droppersfull twice a day until well.


Another doctor, Dr. Marco Ruggiero, who is treating covid19 in Italy and Switzerland, published a paper on the way covid19 infects cells - basically by hijacking furins - and he recommends chondroitin sulfate because it deactivates the positively-charged spikes which covid19 uses to enter our cells.


Therefore, if you take doses of vitamin C recommended by Linus Pauling, who won the Nobel Prize for discovering vitamin C, and then add to it either Andrographis or Chondroiting Sulfate, you should be protected from this virus ever infecting you, regardless of exposure levels.


For sauce, you can watch a video and download a .pdf by Dr. Marco Ruggiero at this URL <>.


Required reading, especially for the anons who are suppressing the postings about vitamin C. Why would we ever care what Politifact thinks anyway?

Anonymous ID: b16f11 March 14, 2020, 4:14 a.m. No.8412091   🗄️.is 🔗kun

8411931 Get help. Turn yourself in at the nearest police station as a deep state plant that plans to throw shade at the Q movement. Do this before you actually hurt or make believe hurt someone. Your acting is getting tiresome.

Anonymous ID: c32893 March 14, 2020, 4:16 a.m. No.8412099   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I thought you Anon's could use a good laugh this morning. I miss this guy, told it like it is. George we hear you, love you, and will never forget your humor to life's issues. Just genius.

Anonymous ID: dd915a March 14, 2020, 4:17 a.m. No.8412101   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anonymous ID: b16f11 March 14, 2020, 4:17 a.m. No.8412103   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2107

>>8411931 Get help. Turn yourself in at the nearest police station as a deep state plant that plans to throw shade at the Q movement. Do this before you actually hurt or make believe hurt someone. Your acting is getting tiresome.

Anonymous ID: b31a76 March 14, 2020, 4:18 a.m. No.8412105   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2153


Literally nobody cares about this and they still try to make it a big thing. These people are literally the most useless subhumans on the planet that they just randomly make things up for their audience of 100 people and think it matters.

Anonymous ID: dd5be5 March 14, 2020, 4:21 a.m. No.8412119   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2125

On there are tabs on the side , proofs/memes and other info.

Also and there are other links in the bread here for more graphics and proofs.


pic 1. An early proof. Anons asked Q to have Potus tweet wonderful day.

After not tweeting for 24hrs, Trumps first tweet contained those words.


Pic 2 is a proof about Iran. You would have to explain that Q's posts match Trumps tweets by subject/time stamp,date, etc. They also match to events occurring in the news.

Explain there are thousands of proofs.

Mathematically impossible


Pic 3, BDT proof


It also helps if

  1. your BF is a Trump supporter

  2. Understands and knows about fake news( operation mockingbird) and their manipulation of the people

  3. If he is redpilled about globalists/NWO the pyramid( pic5) Rothschild banking, etc etc

Anonymous ID: d6aba4 March 14, 2020, 4:22 a.m. No.8412121   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2132

TRAGIC Conor McGregor left heartbroken after aunt dies from ‘coronavirus’ and UFC star slams ‘stupid’ disease in emotional Instagram tribute

Anonymous ID: 64631b March 14, 2020, 4:23 a.m. No.8412123   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2144 >>2154 >>2172 >>2201 >>2349

>>8412117 Q digits ! Plenty of Adventure and Rewards ! Join the bake sQuad today !


#10769 NB@150

>>8411809, >>8412018 President Trump's Tweets and Decodes

>>8411713, >>8411828, >>8411993 Virginia Guiffre twat - lie down with dogs

>>8411688 Centcom Tweet (NZ timestamp) We have effectively destoryed these facilities

>>8411647, >>8411657, >>8411676, >>8411684, >>8412090 COVID mini bun

>>8411634 Anon opines on The Ship as backchannel

>>8411588, >>8411598, >>8411598, >>8411621, >>8411630 Anon asks What Plan Z is and gets answers

>>8411605, >>8411885, >>8411882, >>8411926, >>8411949 Covid-19 News

>>8411647 14 day lockdown for NZ

>>8411651, >>8411608, >>8411732, >>8411763, ,>>8412024,>>8411823 Notes on Adrenochrome and Adrenolutin

>>8411761, >>8411790, >>8411692 Facts concerning Molestation by the CATHOLIC CHURCH

>>8411688, >>8411726, >>8411795 US Military tweets / news

>>8411787 SA Purge continued recently, more house arrests.

>>8411817, >>8411829, >>8411836, >>8411843, >>8411852, >>8411906, >>8411938, >>8411978 COVID19 Notable Persons List

>>8411792, >>8411819, >>8411826, >>8411854, >>8411865, >>8411889, >>8411994, >>8412033 Owl Drop 1413 Guardian of the pope

>>8411796, >>8411873 Donald Trump was just given a prophetic word from God on corona

>>8411833 The late Andrew Breitbart, on Hollywood.

>>8411973 Bill Maher "Real Time"Goes Offline Indefinitely after Sunday

>>841169, >>8411991, >>8412010 Judge orders Buffalo Diocese to release secret files of 2 ‘notorious’ priests

>>8412106, >>8412110 Q RANT ??? TUNES

Anonymous ID: b31a76 March 14, 2020, 4:23 a.m. No.8412124   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2148 >>2213


Praying does nothing. Focus on research and connecting dots. Praying is a complete waste of time. For years I did it, nobody answered, nothing happened. Focus on the real world and what can be done by connecting dots. God is gone until the Vatican and various churches can be cleansed of evil. Until then he is vacant and won't do anything.

Anonymous ID: 6a31b5 March 14, 2020, 4:23 a.m. No.8412126   🗄️.is 🔗kun






Anonymous ID: 6b26e7 March 14, 2020, 4:23 a.m. No.8412128   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Vrais chevaliers tombez toute parure

Armez-vous drapez-vous de votre Foi

Fiers chrétiens le Seigneur vous envoie






Take back your country.

Godspeed from another Europoor Anon.

O7 Fight fight fight. For Freedom.

Anonymous ID: a21bf4 March 14, 2020, 4:24 a.m. No.8412129   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2160 >>2203



We are a cult.

Everything is a cult.

Every BRAND is a cult.

Every TV show.

Every sports team.


We are a cult that demands TRUTH and that EVERYONE searches for truth THEMSELVES and doesn't ask to be spoon fed. We are a cult that demands evidence and logic over emotion at all times, and where we are ALL equal and we do not charge for information because




So yeah, we're a cult, but we're a GREAT Cult, and Cults RULE THE WORLD, just like this one here does. KEK!!


Cap this post and tell her Anon invites her to come and LOOK for herself instead of looking to another to spoon feed her TRUTH.




Anonymous ID: 7fc1e7 March 14, 2020, 4:25 a.m. No.8412135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2142 >>2145 >>2193 >>2274 >>2290 >>2316 >>2328

>>Where are all the videos of the sick?


When China went into lockdown we saw videos of people dropping in the streets and other various dramatic vids of this illness…and that was in a severely controlled environment.


Now that it's out and about in 'the real world' where are all the vids? Where's the drama? The only thing I see are TV new people talking about it.



I think this virus is made up. It has to be a psyop.

Anonymous ID: e73235 March 14, 2020, 4:29 a.m. No.8412152   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Good morning anons.

Does anyone have the document regarding the use of bismuth for SARS? It was posted on February 29th.


Inhibition of SARS coronavirus helicase by bismuth complexes

Anonymous ID: 57b2a6 March 14, 2020, 4:30 a.m. No.8412157   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2164

Coronavirus: British scientists close to developing vaccine after tests on mice

A team of British scientists are working with colleagues in Paris to produce a vaccine and have so far had success with its effectiveness in monkeys. It could be ready for human trials by June.

Anonymous ID: 791fb8 March 14, 2020, 4:31 a.m. No.8412160   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2188 >>2203


Anon, you're redefining "cult" to mean whatever you want it to mean. When attempting to reach someone, one must use that person's definitions if one hopes to differentiate between groups of people. Entire tomes have been written defining "cult" for the mass audiences. It is that definition which the other anon most likely must address in her response.

Anonymous ID: 9f31da March 14, 2020, 4:31 a.m. No.8412162   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You could maybe fix that yourself,anon. Have a garage sale, have a pick up game at a park, teach your children at home. Older children can work on marketable skills. If your children miss their friends send them out to play.


I hope to reconnect with a route driver who would sell rural produce and meat. Rebuild the real (person to person) economy

Anonymous ID: 4399c1 March 14, 2020, 4:31 a.m. No.8412165   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2167


honestly not even remotely bad as it looks. just how they fumigate in asia.

kek not kidding, fancy resort in bali did the exact same thing few years back just for bugs.

everyone of us assumed that crap was still worse than the bugs.

Anonymous ID: 2ab9ec March 14, 2020, 4:34 a.m. No.8412173   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2179 >>2290 >>2328

Some fucking next level planefagging going on last night, ty anon!

I bet scrutinizing their movements makes them very uncomfortable.



>planefag spots rare 2-DEER 787 Dreamliner from Panama Tocumen Int'l en. This is a super-luxurious 787 and has been for sale by the HNA Group


>Harrison Ford just landed at Westover Airport in Chicopee, MA.


>Spielberg landed in Teterboro, NJ. Completes the hat trick.

>>8408873, >>8409037

>planefag tracking the stars

>>8411291, >>8411432, >>8411479, >>8411531, >>8411539

>Planefags aloft: The flight of Spielberg's jet Missoula > Van Nuys

Anonymous ID: 6b26e7 March 14, 2020, 4:34 a.m. No.8412174   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2230 >>2290 >>2328


RE: The continued SA Purge


I recall reading a news story that actually referenced the 2017 Purge and these arrest was continuation on that path.


For the bakes. Sauce.

Anonymous ID: e1d97b March 14, 2020, 4:35 a.m. No.8412178   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2205 >>2290 >>2328

What if we all have this corona virus inside us but it’s dormant? Maybe it’s like when we got chicken pox as kids it “stays dormant” until activated again by stressors and then SHINGLES.

What if the shingles vaccine caused it?

What if one of those mandatory vaccines we get every year like flu and for the older populations pneumonia vaccines, along with freaking out(stress) has caused this virus to go mad?

It is affecting the elderly populations more and a load of them get the shingles vaccine, flu vaccine, and pneumonia vaccine…

Just a thought…

Anonymous ID: cfce26 March 14, 2020, 4:35 a.m. No.8412180   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2182

Anonymous ID: cfce26 March 14, 2020, 4:37 a.m. No.8412183   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2185

Anonymous ID: 3df2e1 March 14, 2020, 4:38 a.m. No.8412184   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2195 >>2261 >>2290 >>2328

13 Mar 2020 | By Gina Harkins

A lawmaker wants answers from the Pentagon about whether coronavirus tests are being sent to military bases worldwide after he said troops in Afghanistan based miles from a town where people have contracted COVID-19 are showing symptoms.

Several U.S. troops in Afghanistan are experiencing flu-like symptoms but have tested negative for influenza, according to Rep. Mark Pocan, a Wisconsin Democrat. Now, there are concerns the troops, who are 75 miles from Iran where the coronavirus is rampant, could have COVID-19, he said.

Anonymous ID: b3212a March 14, 2020, 4:38 a.m. No.8412186   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2290 >>2328

dafuq going on with spoopy nos on COVID-19 counter [John Hopkins]



Anonymous ID: a21bf4 March 14, 2020, 4:38 a.m. No.8412188   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2203


We're a cult.



I'm not here to debate with you. I'm that Anon who has successfully red pilled so many thousands of people, on SO many topics, for so many decades, I couldn't even fathom, so….your "correction" is falling on deaf ears and I reject it wholeheartedly.



Anonymous ID: 261fec March 14, 2020, 4:39 a.m. No.8412193   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The field test kits have a 50-80% false positive rate.

If you falsely test positive and someone else near you shows symptoms - at best, flip a coin. Heads, they "Have Corona."


This accounts for effectively all of the R0 of 2.4 - 3 claimed by doctors. At this point, there is almost no effective means of determining whether or not the present global outbreak is anything more than a statistical phantom.

Anonymous ID: 7a31aa March 14, 2020, 4:41 a.m. No.8412196   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Got this book and read it. Passed it to a family member that refused to listen to my "madness" and finally he is now at least willing….


Dunno if the Anon is on here or will even see this, but I am thankful for what you and others do. Saw you posted a vid and shared it where I could. God bless you and all the Anons - you are doing God's work. Amen

Anonymous ID: 9029cd March 14, 2020, 4:44 a.m. No.8412211   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2232

Donald J. Trump

Good teamwork between Republicans & Democrats as the House passes the big CoronaVirus Relief Bill. People really pulled together. Nice to see!

Anonymous ID: 4399c1 March 14, 2020, 4:45 a.m. No.8412217   🗄️.is 🔗kun


familiar with crispr enough to tell you absolutely true and theyve had it in the bag for years.

that being said its still not what the news is saying even remotely.

eye got a pretty good handle on whats going on.

minus the bullshit and lies id say were in for a thoroughly intense ride but its not gonna be people coughing to death from sars x.


think future tech more than superbug.

which is epic on a grand scale.

eye know but im not about to spoil the fun i intentionally instigated.

Anonymous ID: 3df2e1 March 14, 2020, 4:45 a.m. No.8412219   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2236 >>2326

March 13, 2020

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Google said a life sciences division, Verily, is in the early stages of developing a tool to help triage Americans who may need testing for the coronavirus.

“Verily is in the early stages of development, and (is) planning to roll testing out in the Bay Area, with the hope of expanding more broadly over time,” Google’s communications department announced in a statement on Twitter.

Shares of Google parent Alphabet Inc closed up more than 9% after U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday that the search giant would create a website to help determine whether individuals need a coronavirus test or not. The president said that 1,700 company engineers were working on the site.

Like Google, Verily is a subsidiary of Alphabet, which is based in Mountain View, California.

Anonymous ID: b31a76 March 14, 2020, 4:47 a.m. No.8412221   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2277 >>2288


Lot of potential in that song list. We need his as well and compare/contrast. But I think this is a good lead to at least check. Will be fast and if it amounts to nothing, no loss. But these people are stupid and their coms are fucked so they would definitely need new sources through the media so a song list would make sense.

Anonymous ID: f6233e March 14, 2020, 4:49 a.m. No.8412230   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2290 >>2328



I think this made notables that day yet something must have been distracting me as otherwise I would not have missed reading this.




"“With these arrests, MBS consolidated his full grip on power. It’s over with this purge,” the source said, according to Reuters."



Anonymous ID: 791fb8 March 14, 2020, 4:50 a.m. No.8412234   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Well it looks like the shills are winning the battle for bandwidth. Time to call it quits for me.


Happy Pi Day everyone!

(pi=approx. 3.14159…) (March 14th= 3.14)

Anonymous ID: b31a76 March 14, 2020, 4:51 a.m. No.8412238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2256


Listen my man, I have no problem with those who pray or are religious, in fact, I think it is a necessity to regain society as it should be. I am simply saying that in many decades and many times praying, not a single positive thing ever happened regardless of belief, which once was extremely high. Nobody ever answered and nobody ever will.


Why would they when our most holy places have been corrupted and now all these church events are led by who they are led by? The evil kicked God out (in my OPINION). This battle is not anything but good people against bad people, there is no spiritual element to it, and there is no guarantee of one winning or the other. It takes sacrifice, dedication, and risk to win battles and ultimately wars and this is no different. God doesn't win these things: Good people, brave people…. they do.

Anonymous ID: 1c2204 March 14, 2020, 4:52 a.m. No.8412242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2251 >>2268 >>2295

A rumor floating around, is Prince Phillip dead?

Anonymous ID: 2a7cad March 14, 2020, 4:54 a.m. No.8412251   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2269


>A rumor floating around, is Prince Phillip dead?




The timing seems right, he wanted to come back as a virus.

Anonymous ID: 791fb8 March 14, 2020, 4:55 a.m. No.8412256   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2260


>Nobody ever answered and nobody ever will.


I was facing homelessness. I prayed. Same day, a home became available. Coincidence? The address of the home matched the last part of my cellphone number. Sometimes God signs His work :-)


Faith can and does move mountains. It's important to notice when your prayers are answered, and to acknowledge it with gratitude.

Anonymous ID: dd915a March 14, 2020, 4:56 a.m. No.8412258   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2290 >>2328

United Nations non-essential staff in NY to work from home

As Philippine diplomat at UN headquarters tests positive this week, secretary-general says plan is to reduce physical presence at New York hub due to coronavirus outbreak



Today, 1:08 pm

Anonymous ID: 4399c1 March 14, 2020, 4:57 a.m. No.8412261   🗄️.is 🔗kun


its the absolute dumbest line of events.

oh were afraid of a "pandemic"

tests tests tests we need tests


like hugh laurie saying what do you fix first the pipes are bursting the wallpapers ripping off the walls and the tiles are coming apart?

NONE. it means the fucking house is on FIRE.

that is fighting the symptom not the problem


still not a flu

Anonymous ID: 9b7d2c March 14, 2020, 4:57 a.m. No.8412262   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2294

adrenochrome – what's it for, besides thrills?

Is it prescribed to people with hemophilia in case they get a cut, to stop the bleeding?


Do the bloodline families have hemophilia?


Is the thrill kill cult usage of adrenochrome an "off label" use?

Anonymous ID: dd915a March 14, 2020, 4:57 a.m. No.8412263   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Canadian woman and Italian man kidnapped in Burkina Faso released


By REUTERS MARCH 14, 2020 12:56

Twitter Email LinkedIn Whatsapp Facebook

BAMAKO - A Canadian woman and Italian man kidnapped in Burkina Faso in December 2018 have been released to the United Nations' peacekeeping mission in neighboring Mali and appear to be in good health, a mission spokesman said on Saturday.

Anonymous ID: 428ffc March 14, 2020, 4:58 a.m. No.8412267   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2270


The Japanese story of the cherry blossom is that of a samurai who grew old and watched his favorite cherry tree begin to die.

In service to the tree, the old man sat at the bottom of the tree and committed ritual suicide.

His life essence nourished the tree which then thrived 'to this day.'

Within an hour of his death the tree began to blossom and that is why the cherry tree blossom is the national flower of Japan.

Anonymous ID: 1c2204 March 14, 2020, 4:58 a.m. No.8412269   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2290 >>2328



Kek instead he was taken by one.


Q1582017-11-20 08:29:21 (UTC+1)


(cont..) When was this announced? When did events in SA transpire? Who controlled a large portion of Twitter stock? Why is this relevant? Define oppression. Who controls the narrative? Who really controls the narrative? Who guards the narrative? Does the MSM shelter and protect select 'party' members? Does this protection insulate these 'party' members? Who controls the narrative? What laws were put in place to protect the MSM from lawsuits? Who specifically passed this law? What is immunity? What prevents a news organization from simply 'making up sources & stories'? What prevents a news organization from simply 'making up sources & stories'? What previous SC ruling provided protection to reporters from having to reveal their 'confidential' source(s)? How many people are unaware of the 'truth' due to the stranglehold? How must people be made aware of an alternate reality? What are crumbs (think H-wood/DC) Define 'lead-in' (think play)? What has been occurring recently? The stage must be set. Crumbs are easy to swallow. What if Hugh Hefner was /a Clown In America? What is a honeypot? Define blackmail. How could this be applied? Fantasy land. WHO HAS ALL OF THE INFORMATION? No Such Agency.


The Hunter becomes

the hunted

Operations underway. Operators active. Disinformation is real. Disinformation is necessary. Silent war (some gets out). The Great Awakening. Iron Eagle. Godfather III. The Hunt for Red October. Q

Anonymous ID: dd915a March 14, 2020, 4:59 a.m. No.8412272   🗄️.is 🔗kun

There are probably many more

Anonymous ID: a9ff86 March 14, 2020, 4:59 a.m. No.8412274   🗄️.is 🔗kun


And how did those vids get out of China? I don’t see how a Chinese citizen can film the police executing people in the street then upload it to twatter.

Anonymous ID: 0892ee March 14, 2020, 4:59 a.m. No.8412275   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2304



Im guessing it has to do with this Qdrop




Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 187fba No.229717


Jan 31 2018 22:27:01 (EST)

Anonymous ID: aa4ee2 No.229662


Jan 31 2018 22:24:01 (EST)


Im Guessing that the Freedom Statue & Freedom Day have to do with the Q stringers for FREEDOM….



News unlocks MAP.


Anonymous ID: 16f789 March 14, 2020, 5 a.m. No.8412276   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2282 >>2292


Anonymous ID: cfce26 March 14, 2020, 5:01 a.m. No.8412279   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anonymous ID: cfce26 March 14, 2020, 5:04 a.m. No.8412289   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anonymous ID: 64631b March 14, 2020, 5:04 a.m. No.8412290   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2328

#10769 NB@150

>>8412173 Planefag Reports

>>8411809, >>8412018, >>8412151, >>8411628, >>8412181 President Trump's Tweets and Decodes

>>8411713, >>8411828, >>8411993 Virginia Guiffre twat - lie down with dogs

>>8411688 Centcom Tweet (NZ timestamp) We have effectively destoryed these facilities

>>8411647, >>8411657, >>8411676, >>8411684, >>8412090, >>8412178 COVID mini bun

>>8411634 Anon opines on The Ship as backchannel

>>8411588, >>8411598, >>8411598, >>8411621, >>8411630 Anon asks What Plan Z is and gets answers

>>8411605, >>8411885, >>8411882, >>8411926, >>8411949, >>8412186, >>8412167, >>8411640, >>8412252 Covid-19 News

>>8411647 14 day lockdown for NZ

>>8411651, >>8411608, >>8411732, >>8411763, >>8412024, >>8411823, >>8412247 Notes on Adrenochrome and Adrenolutin

>>8411761, >>8411790, >>8411692 Facts concerning Molestation by the CATHOLIC CHURCH

>>8411688, >>8411726, >>8411795, >>8412184 US Military tweets / news

>>8411787, >>8412174, >>8412230 SA Purge continued recently, more house arrests.

>>8411990 >>8411829, >>8411836, >>8411843, >>8411852, >>8411938, >>8411978, >>8412198, >>8412258, >>8412269 COVID19 Notable Persons List plus notes

>>8411792, >>8411819, >>8411826, >>8411854, >>8411865, >>8411889, >>8411994, >>8412033 Owl Drop 1413 Guardian of the pope

>>8411796, >>8411873 Donald Trump was just given a prophetic word from God on corona

>>8411833 The late Andrew Breitbart, on Hollywood.

>>8411973 Bill Maher "Real Time"Goes Offline Indefinitely after Sunday

>>8411697, >>8411991, >>8412010 Judge orders Buffalo Diocese to release secret files of 2 ‘notorious’ priests

>>8412106, >>8412110, >>8412201 Q RANT ??? TUNES

>>8412135 Where are all the videos of the sick?

>>8412149 QAnon Memes Requested Noteable bun

Anonymous ID: 16f789 March 14, 2020, 5:05 a.m. No.8412292   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2300 >>2312





Link is getting subtley changed when posting here.


Search for:


Kaspersky Lab Identifies Operation “Red October,”


and you should be able to get to the page from search results.


Or wayback:–red-october–an-advanced-cyber-espionage-campaign-targeting-diplomatic-and-government-institutions-worldwide

Anonymous ID: 4b0708 March 14, 2020, 5:05 a.m. No.8412293   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This is an old meme.

Dating back to at least Jan 2018.

It’s my favorite Trump/QAnon/GA meme of all.

It has been since the moment I saw it.

It’s perfect.

Perfectly represents the Trump era.

So good.

If the creator of this meme is out there, o7

Anonymous ID: dd915a March 14, 2020, 5:06 a.m. No.8412297   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2301 >>2324 >>2328


CORONA CUFFING Police given powers to arrest coronavirus victims in emergency plans to fight deadly bug

Lottie Tiplady-Bishop

14 Mar 2020, 0:26Updated: 14 Mar 2020, 0:30

Anonymous ID: e3a9bf March 14, 2020, 5:06 a.m. No.8412298   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2318 >>2328 >>2341

Not only TP, some stores in Tx completely sold out of eggs, fruit and milk. Several stores closing at 8 pm last night to stop the stampede.




Gov. Abbott warns against hoarding toiletries, food amid coronavirus fears


To prepare our stores to better serve our customers, all H-E-B, Joe V's Smart Shop, Mi Tienda and Central Market stores in the Houston area will shift to modified hours, closing at 8 p.m. today. Starting tomorrow, March 14 we will shift to modified hours of 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. until further notice.



One line in HEB's statement caught my eye


HEB: Prepare, Don’t Stockpile


Texas-based grocer HEB is addressing the widespread reports of people clearing out store shelves amid the panic over coronavirus. In a statement HEB says:


“H-E-B has been preparing for coronavirus for several months and we are in a strong position to keep replenishing our shelves. Customers should not panic, we have the ability to restock shelves and encourage our customers to remain calm. H-E-B Partners are ready to help Texas slow the spread.”


HEB will limit purchases to four bottles of hand-sanitizer and four bottles of hand soap per transaction, per trip.

Anonymous ID: 6a31b5 March 14, 2020, 5:08 a.m. No.8412304   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Anonymous ID: 16f789 March 14, 2020, 5:10 a.m. No.8412312   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Anonymous ID: dd915a March 14, 2020, 5:11 a.m. No.8412319   🗄️.is 🔗kun–regional/ohio-state-fire-marshal-steps-down/czddQpSgJYthhpDxj9TXrL/

Anonymous ID: 57b2a6 March 14, 2020, 5:12 a.m. No.8412322   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I had a dream (this is NOT PM) that Candace was moving into an apartment near us and we had an extra couch. We gave it to church friends to give to her. We forgot to clean it and we’re embarrassed.

There was a huge plane crash through the complex (may not have been a plane, lots of fire and destruction over a large area and the apartments were hit but not Candace’s apartment) saw a man holding his dead daughter while I was looking down from a bridge and he screams for me (after making eye contact) to stop looking at him while he’s crying. I’m wailing crying. Can’t drive. I call My spouse, and get picked up in a huge boat.

I haven’t had a nightmare in a LONG time. I can usually pinpoint why certain things pop

up in my dreams. Not last night.

Anonymous ID: db9920 March 14, 2020, 5:13 a.m. No.8412325   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sos were the shill doind speed and alcohol all night again orsomething? The leftover convo fromns isvery degenerated.


Godspeed Frenz

Anonymous ID: 64631b March 14, 2020, 5:13 a.m. No.8412328   🗄️.is 🔗kun


#10769 NB@150

>>8412173 Planefag Reports

>>8411809, >>8412018, >>8412151, >>8411628, >>8412181, >>8412314, >>8412323 President Trump's Tweets and Decodes

>>8411713, >>8411828, >>8411993 Virginia Guiffre twat - lie down with dogs

>>8411688 Centcom Tweet (NZ timestamp) We have effectively destoryed these facilities

>>8411647, >>8411657, >>8411676, >>8411684, >>8412090, >>8412178 COVID mini bun

>>8411634 Anon opines on The Ship as backchannel

>>8411588, >>8411598, >>8411598, >>8411621, >>8411630 Anon asks What Plan Z is and gets answers

>>8411605, >>8411885, >>8411882, >>8411926, >>8411949, >>8412186, >>8412167, >>8411640, >>8412252 Covid-19 News

>>8411647 14 day lockdown for NZ

>>8411651, >>8411608, >>8411732, >>8411763, >>8412024, >>8411823, >>8412247 Notes on Adrenochrome and Adrenolutin

>>8411761, >>8411790, >>8411692 Facts concerning Molestation by the CATHOLIC CHURCH

>>8411688, >>8411726, >>8411795, >>8412184 US Military tweets / news

>>8411787, >>8412174, >>8412230 SA Purge continued recently, more house arrests.

>>8411990 >>8411829, >>8411836, >>8411843, >>8411852, >>8411938, >>8411978, >>8412198, >>8412258, >>8412269, >>8412297, >>8412298 COVID19 Notable Persons List plus notes

>>8411792, >>8411819, >>8411826, >>8411854, >>8411865, >>8411889, >>8411994, >>8412033 Owl Drop 1413 Guardian of the pope

>>8411796, >>8411873 Donald Trump was just given a prophetic word from God on corona

>>8411833 The late Andrew Breitbart, on Hollywood.

>>8411973, >>8412305 Bill Maher "Real Time"Goes Offline Indefinitely after Sunday

>>8411697, >>8411991, >>8412010 Judge orders Buffalo Diocese to release secret files of 2 ‘notorious’ priests

>>8412106, >>8412110, >>8412201 Q RANT ??? TUNES

>>8412135 Where are all the videos of the sick?

>>8412149 QAnon Memes Requested Noteable bun

>>8412290 #10769

Anonymous ID: 8b447b March 14, 2020, 5:14 a.m. No.8412332   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Feb 14 2020

>video threat (sell greenland or die) March 6th

Anonymous ID: c3886c March 14, 2020, 5:16 a.m. No.8412343   🗄️.is 🔗kun


what a bunch

o maroonies


Jun 24, 2016It has absolutely nothing to do with Tony Robbins," she said. This isn't the first time injuries occurred at a Robbins event. Nearly two dozen were burnt walking across hot coals in San Jose


dis virginia is a cult

Anonymous ID: dd915a March 14, 2020, 5:18 a.m. No.8412346   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Chaos at Heathrow as huge queues of people try to get back to the US while Donald Trump considers adding UK to list of European countries locked out of America over coronavirus

By Harry Howard For Mailonline

09:50 14 Mar 2020, updated 10:24 14 Mar 2020

Anonymous ID: e3a9bf March 14, 2020, 5:18 a.m. No.8412347   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2351



seriously, if everyone would stop the selfish, there would be enough for everyone




Anonymous ID: 1b804e March 14, 2020, 5:20 a.m. No.8412352   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Okay, I keked!!


Austin seems to be a nice guy. He talks super smart trash talk, seems to meet people that most people could never meet, has a really good basketball game, has a pretty wife who strikes me as being truly down, looks good in a tux, is either full of the most shit or is the realest, is either DIA or CIA depending on how smart you are, and he REALLY stirs up and pisses off some people off in a way that really thrills this Anon.


My bottom line is, I don't want this to end. I HATE watching TV and movies and videos 99% of the time, but this man IS




Personified, no matter WHAT his gig is, and I'm enjoying watching the whole thing as WELL as the reactions from SO many people so quickly….And SO polarized. I just can't imagine getting THAT worked up about a self-admitted "crazy internet guy", but folks are, and I'm loving the show.


And that's "Anons Character Review".


Now back to The Movie

Anonymous ID: 7b48b5 March 14, 2020, 5:21 a.m. No.8412360   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Denmark is closing its borders.

Anonymous ID: dd915a March 14, 2020, 5:21 a.m. No.8412361   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2367

TThe head of a Google-funded think tank is resigning after suggesting to his Twitter followers that he would like to see President Donald Trump die from coronavirus, Politico reported Friday.


TechFreedom president Berin Szóka is going on an indefinite sabbatical to write a book on tech policy, the libertarian-leaning group told Politico. Szóka got into some hot water Monday after saying on Twitter that it would be “poetic justice” for Trump to die from the deadly virus.