God our hearts are humbled before you. We wait expectantly to see your power and presence. You are LORD of all. You are the God of the victory. No one can overcome the achievement of Jesus Christ. The enemy will not overcome us in Your Name. No one can snatch us out of Your hand. We long for blessings of Your victory and good blessings on our land and in our world. We long for truth, justice, and freedom. Goodness comes from the heart of God. We want to see your kingdom come on earth. For you have said one day there will be no more pain and you will wipe every tear from our eyes. We have a great hope in You. All who have suffered and are weary can find rest in You. We have a great future in You. You will make beautiful from ashes, holy from sinful.
We trust and honor Your plan to save us from the dark. Thank You for chasing, sacrificing, and rescuing us. Thank You for not leaving us alone. Thank You for saving us. May You indeed be the Author and Perfecter.
Please watch over our government, give strength and wisdom to our president and his administration. Please watch over our patriots and Q team.
Please save the children. Let the right people be put in place to rescue them.
Please heal division in our nation. Unify us with love and truth.
Let the Light shine in the darkness for it will not be overcome, but stand as a city on hill. God is the Supreme Power. All are beneath Him. No darkness shall prevail, no weapon of the enemy prosper. May You have all the credit and glory. You are the Light of all. May Your plans come to pass for they are good.
In Jesus' lovely name, amen.