Anonymous ID: d2d353 March 15, 2020, 8:55 a.m. No.8425057   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8424692 Cabal has had 90% of public officials in their pocket for generations, world wide. Even the 10%, if they received a demand from da boyz to perform act X, would likely do it after considering the consequences. The choice: Receive certain nice benefits of monetary or other nature, or be at the very least run out of your position/career. And if it's important enough, and they don't play ball, they have been dead—up until now.


This is how the sea of LARPs was/are accomplished. Public officials play along, as do the local media (long controlled, just like the majors). Trusting public believes(d) any BS they put out there, especially in the gullible decades following WW2. When this is all unraveled, every town/county/state in America is going to discover that certain notorious local events that everyone "knew" happened, really did not. And that well known locals, with money & rep, have betrayed their trust for generations, even as the clown show ran full bore in DC, Hollywood, etc.