Anonymous ID: da1b5d March 15, 2020, 8:38 a.m. No.8424915   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5042


Yes of course I know the type :D

Anon… anon…. anon…. :D

He hung upon a Roman Cross, an order given by a Roman to keep peace and quiet…. orders carried out by Romans, a spear thrust into his side by Romans….


and if it was meant to be…. EVERYBODY was simply playing their assigned roles….


You do your Jesus and I will do mine :D


and no matter how we differ I still love you.

Anonymous ID: da1b5d March 15, 2020, 8:49 a.m. No.8425000   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5078


>>simulation paused<<

oh you, you stealth sarcfag! :D

at least once a day you attack me with your stealth sarcasmery!

I will get <youif it is the last thing I do! kek


Point You

>>Resume Simulation<<



Hot Damn!

When we gonna round up all dem joos Patriot?!?



Having a blast, middle aged face mask jesus!

This timeline is so full of win!

Anonymous ID: da1b5d March 15, 2020, 9:08 a.m. No.8425174   🗄️.is 🔗kun


God? Is that (you)?


Did you see what these stupid sick fuckers have been doing down here?

Ever since those Annunaki Came!


Beam me up please!

I have muh full report!

I do not recommend extermination but that the quarantine not be lifted for some time to come.

This cheese is NOT ready! :D


I said beam me up!

Oh Alright…. pretty please!?!?!? :D

Anonymous ID: da1b5d March 15, 2020, 9:25 a.m. No.8425291   🗄️.is 🔗kun


nonsense…. he clearly stated this and there was no other context to put it in yet go on and do whatever you want with it….


Same goes for Peter and the Roman lie from that point on….


Just do whatever you want with it and some of us will continue to point out the inconsistencies your erroneous liberal interpretations create….. thanks