Anonymous ID: 81ee84 March 15, 2020, 9:39 a.m. No.8425407   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5423



>>8425275 lb


Mayor Isko says Manila to impose curfew from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. in response to COVID-19 threat


MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine capital will impose curfew hours from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. in response to the threat of novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), Manila Mayor Francisco “Isko Moreno” Domagoso announced Sunday.


In a Facebook Live video, Domagoso said that under the new curfew policy, no person shall be allowed in the streets, commercial establishments, recreation centers, malls or other areas outside the immediate vicinity of their residence.


“May bago pong curfew na magaganap sa lungsod ng Maynila. Simula alas-otso ng gabi hanggang ala-singko ng umaga, paiiralin ang curfew sa Manila, in line with our challenges, and to continue to fulfill our plan in the city of Manila against COVID-19,” he said.


Mayor Isko said that a resident may only be allowed to go out during curfew hours in cases of emergency, and for purposes of buying essential needs or performing work-related requirements.

Anonymous ID: 81ee84 March 15, 2020, 9:41 a.m. No.8425423   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Lodge Grass Mayor enforces town-wide 9 o'clock curfew


ODGE GRASS, Mont. – A 9 o'clock curfew started Monday in an effort to make Lodge Grass safer as the town's Mayor says there's not enough law enforcement on the Crow Reservation.


He says at 9 p.m., a town alarm goes off alerting people to return to their homes. Dabney says state and tribal law enforcement work together to keep the streets clear and encourage people to go inside. He says this isn't the first time a curfew has been implemented, and he appreciates the community for being cooperative.


"With everything else that was happening with missing people/missing youth, it was just time to really bring that back and one of the reasons why we didn't bring it back is lack of law enforcement in Lodge Grass," he says, "but we made ties with the B.I.A. and the tribe as well with some of their officers. So now they come and it's going great."


Dabney says he may extend the curfew to 10 p.m. during the summer.

Anonymous ID: 81ee84 March 15, 2020, 9:49 a.m. No.8425490   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5560

Justin Trudeau: Canada not ruling out closing US border due to coronavirus


anadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Sunday said he would not rule out closing the nation's borders or forcing people arriving from abroad to go into self-isolation to help combat a coronavirus outbreak.

Asked whether Canada might shut its frontiers to Europe or the United States, Trudeau told CTV: "We have taken some very strong measures and we are not taking anything off the table."

So far at least 249 Canadians have tested positive and one person has died.

Canada, acting on the advice of health experts, has already boosted monitoring at airports and is urging its citizens to return from abroad while they still can.

"We're going to continue trusting our public health officials but of course we're hearing the concern people have had. The shift in posture in the United States of course gives us significant things to think about," said Trudeau.

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a coronavirus aid package on Saturday that would provide free testing and paid sick leave.

Closing borders could have a major economic impact, given that Canada sends 75% of its goods exports to the United States.

Anonymous ID: 81ee84 March 15, 2020, 9:57 a.m. No.8425584   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5621 >>6047 >>6059

US airports swamped as coronavirus screening stalls returns from Europe


Thousands of travelers returning from Europe crowded terminals at several U.S. airports Saturday night in cramped, hours-long lines amid newly implemented heightened coronavirus screening.


The massive lines came hours after the Trump administration's 30-day travel ban on most of Europe took effect. The ban doesn’t apply to American citizens or permanent U.S. residents.


Travelers returning from across the Atlantic were being routed to 13 U.S. airports, including Chicago O’Hare where waits were reportedly as long as eight hours to get through screening for the virus.


Acting Secretary Chad Wolf of the Department of Homeland Security called for patience in a pair of Twitter messages early Sunday.


"DHS is aware of the long lines for passengers who are undergoing increased medical screening requirements. Right now we are working to add additional screening capacity and working with the airlines to expedite the process," he wrote.


He said it takes about one minute for medical professionals to screen each passenger.


"We will be increasing capacity but the health and safety of the American public is first & foremost," he wrote.

Mayor, governor respond


Nevertheless, Chicago's mayor and Illinois' governor, both Democrats, criticized federal agencies' handling of the situation.


Mayor Lori Lightfoot called the O’Hare crowding “unacceptable.”


“The reactionary, poorly planned travel ban has left thousands of travelers at ORD forced into even greater health risk,” she tweeted. @realdonaldtrump and @CBP: no one has time for your incompetence. Fully staff our airport right now, and stop putting Americans in danger.”


Gov. J.B. Pritzker said he had spoken to Lightfoot and the state’s U.S. senators – Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth, both Democrats – to get the government to resolve the situation.


“The federal government needs to get its s@#t together. NOW,” he pointedly tweeted.

Anonymous ID: 81ee84 March 15, 2020, 10:03 a.m. No.8425621   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Fauci on airport screening lines: 'We'd like to not see crowds like that'


The head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci, said Sunday that public health officials would “like to not see crowds like” the ones seen awaiting coronavirus screening when returning to U.S. airports.


“We’d like to not see crowds like that,” Fauci told Fox News’s Chris Wallace on “Fox News Sunday.” “I think people understand if you’re an American citizen, if you are a family member, that you can get back, you don’t need to rush back. But it’s understandable if when people see a travel ban, they immediately want to … get home.”


Fauci conceded that the U.S. “probably, unfortunately, will see” similar scenes in the near future.


“Obviously whenever you have crowds, that’s the thing we’ve been talking about that we really want to implement is to have that kind of social separation, that is countermanding that and hopefully people understand that you don’t have to rush back,” he said.


Addressing his own congressional testimony that the outbreak would likely intensify, Fauci told Wallace that “things are going to get worse before they get better, but the kinds of things we’re doing now will hopefully mitigate that.”


“To think that right now everything’s going to be okay if you don’t do anything, that’s absolutely incorrect. We’ve got to really always be ahead of the curve,” Fauci added, saying that if he was forced to choose, “I’d like to be criticized for being overreactive.”


Wallace asked Fauci if the U.S. was likely to impose full lockdowns similar to those in Italy, France and Spain, either regionally or nationally.


“The idea of what’s going on in Europe is they got into that isolation phase, so what they’re doing now is playing catch up,” Fauci told Wallace. “We feel that with rather stringent mitigation and containment without necessarily complete lockdown we’d be able to prevent ourselves from getting to where unfortunately Italy is now.”


While he refused to rule out the possibility of domestic travel bans at some point in the future, Fauci said, “I can tell you that has not been seriously considered” at this point.