It is normal traffic. If you weren't so science ignorant you would know what a contrail is. If you weren't so ignorant about the disinfo on the net you might know what you're looking at. I am a planefag and worked on them for years. THERE ARE NO SPRAYERS ON COMMERCIAL AIRLINERS. And, we would not maintain them if there were. If you knew how many flights took place everyday and how many airplanes the spooks have for their fuckery you might get it. Wasting bread talking to you and your kind.
Good thing they don't let dumb fucks like you work on airplanes.
A meaningless map snippet is not an argument.
Sorry so many shills on right now. New plane fagging so don't know if I can back up in time.
As they fly thru different levels of relative humidity the moisture from combusting hydrocarbons will either dissipate into the dryer air or hang in the saturated air like a cloud does.