Anonymous ID: 5ecb6f Q Research General #10789: Keeping Evil On A Short Leash Edition March 15, 2020, 11:58 a.m. No.8426836   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7264 >>7354

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Monday 03.09.2020

>>8358897 rt >>8358859 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” GOD WINS (Cap: >>8358921)

>>8358831 ————————————–——– Backchannels are important when the 'news' itself is untrustworthy [controlled]. (Cap: >>8358856)

>>8357903 ————————————–——– Silent running is a tactic used when…. (Cap: >>8359179)

>>8357870 ————————————–——– Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing! Rig for Red



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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New?: Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

Anonymous ID: 5ecb6f March 15, 2020, 12:01 p.m. No.8426882   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Global Announcements

>>8363658 Iwo Jima flag on YouTube for TOR posting



are not endorsements



>>8426705 @WANationalGuard Busy morning for our soldiers who were already in Yakima for pre-scheduled training

>>8426666 Call to diggz! Aldo Mejias

>>8426394, >>8426589, >>8426775 DO YOU BELIEVE IN COINCIDENCE?/Marker?

>>8426380 Q/Potus 1 yr Delta

>>8426337 GOP lawmaker introduces bill to end dependency on China's pharmaceutical manufacturing

>>8426271 POTUS' tweet, Capital letters F and P, FP is a programming language

>>8426261, >>8426283, >>8426329 Potus: Fake and Corrupt News never called Google

>>8426258, >>8426300 Q#945 BOOOOOM! = 5EYES BOOM TODAY, 2 YR DELTA

>>8426144 DEFCON ALERTS: What if North Korea Fired a Missile and Nobody Cared?

>>8426862 #10788



>>8425868, >>8425991 Potus: I am strongly considering a Full Pardon! (Flynn)

>>8425695 COVID-19 update Netherlands

>>8425693 Archive Update "And so it begins"Edition, I added #10686 to #10786 and updated the checksums

>>8425689 Potus: Can’t believe they are not going after Schumer for the threats he made to our cherished Supremes

>>8425623 Potus Press Conference today 5 P.M

>>8425610 planefags aloft

>>8425473 Third Gillum male ID'd

>>8425396 Potus: Great Job by Judicial Watch.

>>8425391 WH: President Trump calls the Coronavirus response a β€œwhole-of-America” effort

>>8425386, >>8425415, >>8425533, >>8425926 Potus: Medical screenings at airports/MS-13?/17 letters/collecting bad actors?

>>8426065 #10787



>>8424634 New DJT - Today is National Day of Prayer

>>8424789, >>8424944 COVID-19 compared to H1N1 - BTFObama and Fake News data sauced here

>>8424805 New DJT - watching a service by Pastor Jentezen Franklin

>>8425072, >>8425075 planefags

>>8425068 Review of Q's "Learn our Comms" and "Timestamps are IMPORTANT"

>>8425200, >>8425271, >>8425305 Found the full list of the names of the people in drop 936:

>>8425337 #10786



>>8423861, >>8423874, >>8423891, >>8423981, >>8423987, >>8424073, >>8424083, >>8424272, >>8424253, >>8424258,

>>8424502 President Trump's Tweets ,News and Decodes

>>8423957, >>8424235 US Military Tweets and news

>>8423852, >>8423939, >>8423930, >>8424206, >>8424221 Planefag Reports

>>8423846, >>8423883, >>8423853, >>8423865, >>8423873, >>8423903, >>8423897, >>8423906, >>8423933,

>>8423951, >>8423909, >>8424028, >>8424030, >>8424046, >>8424080, >>8424085, >>8424096, >>8424110, >>8424312, >>8424251,

>>8424371, >>8424430, >>8424443, >>8424479, >>8424500, >>8424555 Covid-19 Reports

>>8424019, >>8424023, >>8424026, >>8424034 Judicial Watch Update

>>8423862, >>8423901, >>8423937, >>8424001, >>8424131, >>8424273, >>8424295, >>8424471, >>8424473 Updated Celebritys Covid-19 and deaths

>>8423884, >>8423982, >>8424145, >>8424145, >>8424218, >>8424301, >>8424309, >>8423980, >>8424337,

>>8424363, >>8424282, >>8424459 Tom Hanks Tweet Intense Digs MOAR!

>>8423910, >>8424103, >>8424321, >>8424385, >>8424404 National Day of Prayer

>>8423922 Dday flyover

>>8423926 MPC Capital /Clinton Foundation /2016 Caribbean infrastructure projects

>>8424004, >>8424038, >>8423978, >>8424053, >>8424113 Relevant Q drops noted to re examine

>>8424118 PANIC MODE mediapost news

>>8424207 Sidney Powell, General Flynn's attorney, confirms the rumor regarding shocking and unlawful material contained on Anthony Weiners laptop

>>8424240, >>8424216, >>8424290, >>8424434, >>8424498, >>8424539 Andrew Gillum arrest and other notes continued

>>8424274, >>8424329, >>8424298 Bill Gates' father was head of Planned Parenthood

>>8424272 DJT Proclamation: National Day of Prayer for all Americans Affected by Coronavirus Pandemic and for our National Response Efforts

>>8424447, >>8424453 β€˜Euroleaks’: Varoufakis LEAKS recordings of secretive Eurogroup talks on Greece in fight for β€˜democratization of the EU’

>>8424571 #10785


Previously Collected Notables

>>8422963 #10783, >>8423802 #10784

>>8419921 #10779, >>8420723 #10780, >>8421446 #10781, >>8422205 #10782

>>8417094 #10775, >>8417623 #10776, >>8418429 #10777, >>8419192 #10778


Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045

Notables Aggregators: & (new)

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384),

Anonymous ID: 5ecb6f March 15, 2020, 12:02 p.m. No.8426890   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Meme folder: Trump Successes!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

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Anonymous ID: 5ecb6f March 15, 2020, 12:02 p.m. No.8426894   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Anonymous ID: 000000 March 15, 2020, 12:04 p.m. No.8426911   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6917 >>6921 >>6926 >>6930 >>6941 >>6951 >>6954 >>6956 >>6964 >>6970 >>6980 >>6987 >>6989 >>6996 >>7000 >>7001 >>7008 >>7012 >>7015 >>7020 >>7026 >>7033 >>7041 >>7054 >>7063 >>7078 >>7083 >>7091 >>7099 >>7111 >>7128 >>7173 >>7183 >>7194 >>7205 >>7211 >>7224 >>7236


Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.



The INTENT of these posts is to bring awareness, these same people own all media outlets.


''Just disprove any of these posts, and they will stop. Seriously.''


Cain, Abel, and the Enochs Exposing the Jews' Family Tree Full

(It's a video, click it.)







The children of Cain / Who call themselves Jew today


The sons of the Lucifer himself / Who call themselves Jew today


The Anti-Christ / Who call themselves Jew today

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41


Libbre David 37: β€œTo communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”


Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.


Ask yourself, if these posts were coming from JIDF, what would they be hoping to achieve? What's the 'endgame'? How is exposing all this information "jewish defense"?


not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.


A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

If you lurk long enough you will notice it's always the same attacks and attackers to this and the other posts. None of them dispute the information. They can't because they know it's the truth.


Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" or "Alex Kaplan" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor Satanist/luciferian/Edomite Canaanite, or ANTIFA.

The one's making these claims are JIDF (Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews or any variant thereof" they are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) do. These crimes are so indefensible all they will do is try to distract and confuse. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.


Read the Talmud

Read the Talmud

Read the Talmud

Read the Talmud


Share this information the best you can.



If these posts aren't being posted it's because I have something else to do.


Never filter, point out the JIDF shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.


The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.


Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremacist" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.


When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define β€˜deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.



What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

b : the battle taking place at Armageddon

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation



Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.



Anonymous ID: b57fa2 March 15, 2020, 12:04 p.m. No.8426914   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6960 >>7059

JIDF (Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews" or any variant thereof they are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

Anonymous ID: 000000 March 15, 2020, 12:04 p.m. No.8426917   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6921 >>6926 >>6930 >>6941 >>6951 >>6954 >>6956 >>6964 >>6970 >>6980 >>6987 >>6989 >>6996 >>7001 >>7008 >>7012 >>7015 >>7020 >>7033 >>7041 >>7054 >>7063 >>7078 >>7083 >>7091 >>7099 >>7111 >>7128 >>7173 >>7183 >>7194 >>7205 >>7211 >>7224 >>7236


Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein (Interview with son of the devil)

Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information


@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."


JIDF will tell you to filter like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out, all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.


How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel


Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'

Anonymous ID: 000000 March 15, 2020, 12:06 p.m. No.8426930   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6941 >>6951 >>6954 >>6956 >>6964 >>6970 >>6980 >>6987 >>6989 >>6996 >>7001 >>7008 >>7012 >>7015 >>7020 >>7033 >>7041 >>7054 >>7063 >>7078 >>7083 >>7091 >>7099 >>7111 >>7128 >>7173 >>7183 >>7194 >>7205 >>7211 >>7224 >>7236





Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews


Moloch is the biblical name of a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice, through fire or war. The name Moloch results from a dysphemic vocalisation in the Second Temple period of a theonym based on the root mlk, "king".

Anonymous ID: b57fa2 March 15, 2020, 12:07 p.m. No.8426951   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6954 >>6956 >>6964 >>6970 >>6980 >>6987 >>6989 >>6996 >>7001 >>7008 >>7012 >>7015 >>7020 >>7033 >>7041 >>7054 >>7063 >>7078 >>7083 >>7091 >>7099 >>7111 >>7128 >>7173 >>7183 >>7194 >>7205 >>7211 >>7224 >>7236

PM Bibi Netanyahu Boasts about the Israeli NSA Unit 8200 Israel is the Second Eye of Five Eyes







PM Bibi Netanyahu Boasts about the Israeli NSA Unit 8200 Israel is the Second Eye of Five Eyes

Anonymous ID: cac1ba March 15, 2020, 12:08 p.m. No.8426953   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

In case you missed it.

Best Buy's executive chairman Hubert Joly to step down.


https: //

Anonymous ID: cac1ba March 15, 2020, 12:09 p.m. No.8426962   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

A retired surgeon suspected of sexually abusing as many as 349 children over nearly three decades will stand trial in what could be France's biggest-ever pedophilia scandal.


https ://

GOLD STAR RESEARCH HOMOS ID: 808d45 March 15, 2020, 12:09 p.m. No.8426968   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7046


























<but in the middle was a round hollow rising stone


<Herewith my companions were deceived,

Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein

is your tactical portashitter compliant?

does your cornholio need TP for its bunghole?

did you get a sour case of Dickel?

did new jerusalem get ruined by a milkshake?

was your shart burning the fire of desire?

did that new church douche nozzle free augustus gloop from the fudge factory ?

did that settlement arrive yet?

was it some israeli jew ass bomber fantasy?

did eating all those clones give you a big digital gaypoop ?

do you just want to shit out a eschaton?

maybe your berliner swampgases are homo?

maybe youcanhazcheeseburgertoo

maybe a boring book will help you sleep

maybe doge of ra was memeing the truth

dundun dundun dundun dundun dundundun dundundun dun dun

better ingredients, better toppings, better pizza

pizza never let you down

jew whine let you down already

what is the carbon tax on club soda?

there will be farts

hur dur de hur dur hur de de

Anonymous ID: cac1ba March 15, 2020, 12:10 p.m. No.8426974   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Fake news exposed their dishonesty with the Russia hoax.

They exposed their treachery with the impeachment hoax.

How will the public view them when they understand that the media crashed the stock market simply to get rid of POTUS?


Year of the Boomerang

Anonymous ID: b57fa2 March 15, 2020, 12:11 p.m. No.8426980   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6987 >>6989 >>6996 >>7001 >>7008 >>7012 >>7015 >>7020 >>7033 >>7041 >>7054 >>7063 >>7078 >>7083 >>7091 >>7099 >>7111 >>7128 >>7173 >>7183 >>7194 >>7205 >>7211 >>7224 >>7236

Communist China was created by the Jews and serves their interests.













Communist China was created by the Jews and serves their interests.

Anonymous ID: e478f8 March 15, 2020, 12:11 p.m. No.8426981   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7081

There was a Q drop that may have been on the CBTS threads (I tried searching Qmap and wasn't able to find it) about if the public were to

"know" something, "99% would end up in the hospital".


A similar drop stated "3-6% lost forever" or similar.


Future proves the past.

Was this in reference to the deliberate spread of Wuhan virus?

Was the meeting in Chongquing to plan the Wuhan pandemic, and somehow the plans were interfered with?

It seems that the clusters all seem to be in areas that were specifically mentioned in the Bill Gates/Johns Hopkins coronovirus "war games", and many people are no longer trusting the information being updated in the Johns Hopkins Coronovirus heat map.

Anonymous ID: 8cf02a March 15, 2020, 12:11 p.m. No.8426984   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Wondering why there’s so much chaos going on to close borders and contain this? Overreaction? It’s just a flu! What do they know? Covid 19 is just the first stage. Watch what happens to everyone who has had this virus in 6 months time.

Anonymous ID: 730c35 March 15, 2020, 12:12 p.m. No.8426990   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

The trump kushner Zionists are clearly β€œpreying” on USA citizens. Not good!πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈTo my fellow USA Patriots β€” dig on every Zionist currently in the White House, Senate and Congress! Are you a Zionist or are you a USA Patriot? You can not be both! All Patriots need to dig deep on every Zionist in the White House, Senate and congress! Dig deep Patriots!πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Anonymous ID: 4c5701 March 15, 2020, 12:12 p.m. No.8426998   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7144 >>7164 >>7474 >>7537 >>7650 >>7681



Reposting with pics and more info


Planefags activate, seems like abnormal amount of air traffic flying south down FL 1 over Cape Canaveral area. Flying S to ESE. 0830-0930ESR. Spoke with an US airman that has lived here a while walking his dog and said hes never seen anything like this… 20+ Planes looked commercial to me. Look at type, orig and destination. There is a launch at Cape Canaveral this morning, so it could be diverted traffic…



Step up your game. You either dismissed without understanding the request or you are glowing(step your game up) and trying to distract(Admit nothing, deny everything, make [counter accusations]<you are here).


!!! This traffic was absolutely abnormal. !!!


Started around 0830 EST. If it was commercial chartered to move troops they might have had ADSB switched off. They looked commercial, but I have ridden on commercial chartered 7X7 as military. I wanted to see if planefags spotted them as mil or commercial. Looks like they didnt show up as MIL. If you see nothing of note in the historical flight paths over Cape Canaveral/Satellite beach area in the 0830 0930 EST time frame then that means ADSB was off. It was a crazy amount of traffic forming perpendicular contrails…. a crazy amount. Like I said might have been normal traffic that usually flys off coast being rerouted for the SpaceX dragon launch that ended up scrubbed around 0930ish. Were these normal recurring flights? Were they observation for launch? Etc… if you dont see them in the historic ADSB data from today it is hella notable. If it is in the historical data from today should still be dug to see if they match up orig/dest for recurring flights just rerouted around Cape Canaveral… If these were a cluster of non recurring flights that too is notable.

Anonymous ID: 07eee2 March 15, 2020, 12:13 p.m. No.8427006   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7327

Alex Jones wanted to be Bill Cooper.

The move was probably controlled opposition just like when Bannon left the Whitehouse.


Both Cooper and Jones are/were Gatekeepers or Cooper was not very smart….the choice is yours….


and yeah…. this will be exposed as well or Q would not have said Cooper was "important".


70% truth 30% lies at best. AT BEST!



Anonymous ID: cac1ba March 15, 2020, 12:13 p.m. No.8427009   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7029 >>7039 >>7061

Elizabeth Harrington




Joe Biden set up his own Wuhan virus "task force." Who did he pick to lead it?


Ezekiel Emanuel, an architect of Obamacare, who thinks life isn't worth living after the age of 75


Sick and distasteful when thinking about #COVID19's impact on the elderly

Anonymous ID: d0b9c5 March 15, 2020, 12:13 p.m. No.8427010   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7049 >>7151 >>7333




Thanks. It is very interesting, you can see the symbols evolve over time, as prototypes of the symbols they use today in masonry and related cults/religions.


Definitely the same symbology as in the frame behind Gloria Vanderbilt in Q1894. It seems that system of belief was all over the world since at least antiquity.


You should make a post showing the relation between the two. That's notable worthy.

Anonymous ID: 6088c4 March 15, 2020, 12:14 p.m. No.8427013   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

>>8426933 pb

>Time corrupts anything and everything.

With BI and Data Analytics everything should be transparent and that's how my companies would be run. I have experienced first-hand the brushing of my cases and my family's cases under-the-rug. I do believe we will soon have EVIDENCE-BASED DECISION MAKING in this Country for the public to scrutinize all service providers whether they operate under a Federal Program or Private Business. I'm a datanaut and I'm seeing it slowly rolled out now. Common data model will be implemented as well. No excuse for the spaghetti data that is out there and claims to be too chaotic to wrangle the data. NOT TRUE!

Anonymous ID: b57fa2 March 15, 2020, 12:14 p.m. No.8427015   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7020 >>7033 >>7041 >>7054 >>7063 >>7078 >>7083 >>7091 >>7099 >>7111 >>7128 >>7173 >>7183 >>7194 >>7205 >>7211 >>7224 >>7236

Why do we Believe in Moses and Not Jesus?- Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz


















Why do we Believe in Moses and Not Jesus?- Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz

Anonymous ID: 66d56a March 15, 2020, 12:14 p.m. No.8427016   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7032 >>7056

>>8425068 (pb)


A seemingly irrelevant tweet by POTUS was included in this "timestamps are important" notable… (1st graphic from there)


Last night I posted a graphic focusing on the timestamp of THAT VERY TWEET! (2nd graphic)

Two caps in graphic are from here:

>>8419434 (pb)


Partial reply to Anon who saw that graphic and asked about cryptic posts:

>>8421314 (pb)


MULTIPLE RECENT deltas from POTUS are here:

>>8397618 (pb)

>>8385536 (pb)


To be clear, these posts set out MULTIPLE posts from POTUS (and Scavino and Q) that are linked in CONFIRMABLE ways to my posts on 8kun.


Why are they giving me so many deltas in such a short span?

Because they are directing your attention to the long set of posts beginning here:

>>8329658 (pb)

and continuing here:

>>8385536 (pb)



begins when even very few anons begin to grasp the trap that has been presented there…


The amount of material in the linked sets of posts is HUGE, and much of it takes us beyond the Storm…

The SRIKE/STORM decodes are towards the end, but you are not likely to take them seriously unless you grasp that I know what I am doing,

There are multiple routes by which you might begin to get a handle on this material… just click any of the links and see where things go.


Some of my graphics seem like they are insane, but all connections overtly identified in graphics CAN BE CONFIRMED, and EVERYTHING in any graphic is there for a reason. I suggest that you simply SKIP graphics that seem to make no sense, and focus on those that do.


I am working on multiple additional written posts at the moment, but if I see anyone asking explicit questions, I will aim to respond to those first. It might be in a later bread though.


Q: "Can we simply arrest the opposition w/o first exposing the TRUTH?"/

Anonymous ID: 91b4b0 March 15, 2020, 12:14 p.m. No.8427017   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7389




FCN is a woman-owned, ISO 9001:2008 certified small business serving the Federal Government worldwide. FCN provides networking services, storage solutions, enterprise application development, personnel services, consultation services, and products vital to the operations of the Federal Government. Established in 1990, FCN has provided products and services to most three-letter agencies, and a wide range of Federal and Department of Defense (DoD) organizations globally. FCN is a premier provider of a wide range of Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) information technology (IT) products. FCN offers a unique approach to solutions by allowing customers to experience live demonstrations in our state-of-the-art engineering facility, minimizing your agency’s risk of employing new technologies.


β€œFCN’s effective contract base and our ability to directly respond to and support the needs of the DHS community in the areas of complex systems integration, mobile workforce systems, network integration/security & intelligence, high performance computing, common operating picture applications, virtualization, and intelligent storage solutions.”


Chris Schimmel, Director of Sales for FCNIT.



Anonymous ID: 2229ba March 15, 2020, 12:15 p.m. No.8427028   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7045 >>7163 >>7320

These photos are from a display at the NYC pop up shop advertising the…

Madame X Tour


There are more images in this tweet:


And in this web page:


Note that Tom Hanks is a collector of old typewriters and a few breads back someone posted some photos of Corona typewriters in his collection. I remember seeing that Madame X one there. Not sure if that was a mistake, or if there is some Madonna←->Hanx connection with the typewriter.

Anonymous ID: cac1ba March 15, 2020, 12:16 p.m. No.8427029   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


https ://


Podestas Center for American PRogress and ZEKE on CNN today instructing mayors and gov what to do instead of the feds ?


The bioethicist Ezekiel Emanuel β€” a prime architect of Obamacare β€” is the most famous person on the committee. Why is that important? Emanuel made headlines a few years ago by writing in The Atlantic that he wants to die at age 75 β€” younger than Joe Biden is today β€” and he thinks we should want that too. From his piece:


Here is a simple truth that many of us seem to resist: living too long is also a loss. It renders many of us, if not disabled, then faltering and declining, a state that may not be worse than death but is nonetheless deprived. It robs us of our creativity and ability to contribute to work, society, the world. It transforms how people experience us, relate to us, and, most important, remember us. We are no longer remembered as vibrant and engaged but as feeble, ineffectual, even pathetic.

Anonymous ID: 6e4657 March 15, 2020, 12:16 p.m. No.8427031   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7047 >>7104 >>7193 >>7398 >>7496 >>7527 >>7544 >>7563 >>7586 >>7650 >>7681 >>7690

>>8426711 pb


This is Daniel Sachs Goldman (yes, THAT Goldman Sachs family). He was the lawyer for the dems in the whole impeachment charade. And like nearly all of the other deep state actors in media, gov't, hollywood, etc., he is an Ashkenazi Jew.


The Ashkenazi Jews were the ones behind the Bolshevik Revolution and Communism. Back then they were often referred to as internationalists. Today they're called globalists.


This guy getting coronavirus is much bigger than most anons realize.

Anonymous ID: 9db02b March 15, 2020, 12:17 p.m. No.8427044   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

A song about Vegemite called Vegemite (The Black Death)


Most recent comment on this video is 4 Years ago. "My heart is in your hands. Please wash your hands: hahaha"


Closing lyrics


It's all about you, isn't it?

It's just take, take, take, take

What about me? What about my feelings?

I'm sorry

GOLD STAR RESEARCH HOMOS ID: 808d45 March 15, 2020, 12:17 p.m. No.8427046   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



























<but in the middle was a round hollow rising stone


<Herewith my companions were deceived,

Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein

is your tactical portashitter compliant?

does your cornholio need TP for its bunghole?

did you get a sour case of Dickel?

did new jerusalem get ruined by a milkshake?

was your shart burning the fire of desire?

did that new church douche nozzle free augustus gloop from the fudge factory ?

did that settlement arrive yet?

was it some israeli jew ass bomber fantasy?

did eating all those clones give you a big digital gaypoop ?

do you just want to shit out a eschaton?

maybe your berliner swampgases are homo?

maybe youcanhazcheeseburgertoo

maybe a boring book will help you sleep

maybe doge of ra was memeing the truth

dundun dundun dundun dundun dundundun dundundun dun dun

better ingredients, better toppings, better pizza

pizza never let you down

jew whine let you down already

what is the carbon tax on club soda?

there will be farts

hur dur de hur dur hur de de

The second is longer, and takes you circuitously; it is plain and easy, if by the help of the Magnet you turn neither to


left nor right. The third is that truly royal way which through various pleasures and pageants of our King, affords you a joyful journey; but this so far


has scarcely been allotted to one in a thousand. By the fourth no man shall


reach the place, because it is a consuming way, practicable only for incorruptible bodies.

Anonymous ID: 1f1a2e March 15, 2020, 12:17 p.m. No.8427050   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7159

They are still pushing get your drive thru tests.. hurry hurry come and get 'em.


What if bad actors infected the tests and it is actually a swab they be putting up peeps noses full of the virus…


Delivery system not a test kit

Anonymous ID: ddf302 March 15, 2020, 12:17 p.m. No.8427052   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7068 >>7086 >>7096 >>7115 >>7242 >>7248

Possible Q proof - Fed Restructure


Fed may announce commercial paper facilities Sunday - BofA


NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Federal Reserve may announce measures on Sunday night aimed at bolstering liquidity in the commercial paper market, used by companies for short-term loans, analysts at Bank of America wrote.


FILE PHOTO: Federal Reserve Board building on Constitution Avenue is pictured in Washington, U.S., March 19, 2019. REUTERS/Leah Millis/File Photo

The bank’s analysts said they believe the Fed will announce a Commercial Paper Funding Facility, an operation previously used in 2008 in which the Fed buys commercial paper from issuers directly, and a Commercial Paper Dealer Purchase Facility in which the Fed would buy commercial paper from dealers directly.


The measures, if taken, would be aimed at buffering the market ahead of potentially large outflows from money market funds in coming days, analysts at the bank wrote.


β€œWe believe it imperative the Fed roll out these facilities on Sunday night given the looming expected prime (money market fund) outflows and necessity of their ability to sell (commercial paper) in order to raise cash,” the report said. β€œIf the Fed waits too long the (money market fund) outflow pressure could mount and the risk of a large scale (money market fund) run could increase.”


The Fed had not yet responded to a request for comment at the time of publication.


Liquidity - or the ability for buyers and sellers to easily transact - has dried up in the commercial paper market in recent weeks as the coronavirus has roiled credit markets and hit the price of commercial paper. Expectations of a rush of new issuance has also driven prices lower.


Companies rely on the market as a source of short-term cash for payrolls, inventory and accounts payable as well as unanticipated funding needs.


Investors are demanding the highest premium since March 2009 to hold riskier commercial paper versus the safer equivalent, according to Refinitiv Eikon data. The spread between the overnight AA-rated paper of nonfinancial companies versus riskier overnight P2 paper rose to 73 basis points on Thursday, the most recent data available from the Federal Reserve US1DCP22=, US1DCP=.


Without access to the commercial paper market, companies could turn to banks to draw on their lines of credit, potentially putting stress on lenders, the analysts said. At the end of 2019, banks had $2.5 trillion of unused corporate credit commitments according to the report.


Outflows have already started in prime institutional funds and may spill over into government money market funds depending on the severity of quarantines around the county and concerns over access to cash, the bank said.


U.S. money market funds took in a record $87.6 billion in the week to Wednesday, data from Lipper showed.


The market ructions could spur nervous investors to withdraw from money market funds en masse, creating a run like that seen in 2008 with the Reserve Primary Fund, a $65 billion fund which saw its net asset value β€œfall below $1 thus resulting in investors receiving an amount of cash lower than what they originally deposited,” analysts wrote.


The Fed on Friday launched a wave of $37 billion of Treasury security purchases to address volatile conditions in the government bond market caused by the coronavirus outbreak.


Boeing Co (BA.N), Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc (HLT.N) and SeaWorld Entertainment Inc (SEAS.N) drew on or increased the size of their credit lines in recent days. All three companies are in sectors directly affected by reduced tourism and discretionary spending due to the coronavirus.

Anonymous ID: 2d5528 March 15, 2020, 12:18 p.m. No.8427060   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7289 >>7431


Google virus programβ€œVerily” (meaning truly) translates the word β€œAmen” which is a Hebrew word left untranslated in the Greek New Testament. So, most literally, Jesus says β€œAmen, Amen I say to you.”. Only Jesus speaks like this in the Bible. Countless times He says β€œAmen, I say to you”

Anonymous ID: cac1ba March 15, 2020, 12:18 p.m. No.8427061   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Emanuel’s advice, written in the hope that the rest of us will also β€œthink of an alternative to succumbing to that slow constriction of activities and aspirations imperceptibly imposed by aging,” is particularly relevant to this particular moment in time in which the elderly are mortally threatened by a viral epidemic:


What about simple stuff? Flu shots are out. Certainly if there were to be a flu pandemic, a younger person who has yet to live a complete life ought to get the vaccine or any antiviral drugs.


A big challenge is antibiotics for pneumonia or skin and urinary infections. Antibiotics are cheap and largely effective in curing infections. It is really hard for us to say no. Indeed, even people who are sure they don’t want life-extending treatments find it hard to refuse antibiotics. But, as Osler reminds us, unlike the decays associated with chronic conditions, death from these infections is quick and relatively painless. So, no to antibiotics.


zeke now advising CNN with Wuhans University Of Chicago

Anonymous ID: 71545b March 15, 2020, 12:18 p.m. No.8427065   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7088 >>7130

Is "Hanx" signaling imminent Spielberg muh-"Coronavirus" arrest.


When directing Jurassic Park [they] made such a fuss about how amazing it was he figured out how to make water vibrate/ripple when T-Rex (the BIGGER) Dinosaur was approaching–as a WARNING! Hunters (Jurassic Park Staff) becoming the Hunted (T-Rex Lurking). (PB) (PB)

Anonymous ID: ddf302 March 15, 2020, 12:18 p.m. No.8427068   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7214 >>7225 >>7472 >>7501



The Federal Reserve will return to its origin and it will do what it was originally designed to do. They will lend now on commercial paper rather than just government. As everyone knows, this has been my strongest recommendation and criticism of Quantitative Easing. The Fed was originally designed to create Elastic Money buying corporate paper to prevent a recession and job losses. World War I saw government interfere and directed the Fed should be buying government debt.



Injecting cash into the banks FAILED because the banks lacked the confidence to lend money. They turned and placed money at the Fed in Excess Reserves. Not that that bottomed in September 2019 with the Repo Crisis and is back on the rise again as banks are not lending.


Lowering rates FAILED because people will not borrow if they lack confidence in the future, Hence, Europe and Japan have destroyed their government bond markets and now they talk about nationalizing companies and eliminating paper money while seizing cryptocurrencies. They have no monetary power left in the central bank. All they can do now is turn draconian and seal the fate of their economic future.


The Fed will take a different path and lend directly to corporations because the bankers will hoard the cash and NEVER help the economy. This has been my #1 recommendation to save the economy and the central bank.



This is the REAL Crisis – not the coronavirus which has been at best the catalyst to set everything in motion for the monetary crisis and the Mother of All Financial Crises.

Anonymous ID: 323ad7 March 15, 2020, 12:18 p.m. No.8427070   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7075 >>7120 >>7297 >>7335 >>7348

>>8423359 (Pb)

>>8424471 (Pb)

Ty Anons! o7


>>8423191 (Pb) Other Anons list, compiled after being verified for each one.


>>8423275 (Pb) Companies affected by COVID19


Updated Part 1


COVID19 Notable Persons List


  • = suspected or "illness" reported


Tom Hanx - Actor

Rita WIlson - Hanx wife

Rudy Gobert - Utah Jazz, Center

Staff - Maria Cantwell, senate, Washington, D.C.

Eshaq Jahangiri - Iran VP

Ali Asghar Mounesan - Iran Minister of Cultural Heritage

Reza Rahmani - Iran Minister of Industry

Nadine Dorries - UK Health Minister

Donovan Mitchell - Jazz star

Janet Broderick - Matthew Broderick’s Sister

Sophie GrΓ©goire Trudeau - Justin Trudeaus wife, kek

Rabbi Yoni Golker - St John’s Wood Synagogue

Peter Dutton - Australia's minister for home affairs

Jaroslaw Mika - One of Poland's top armed forces generals

Salvatore Farina - Italian army Chief of Staff General

Francis Suarez - Mayor of Miami, Florida

FΓ‘bio Wajngarten - Communications Director for Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro

Carmel Fenves - UT (University of Texas) Austin President Gregory L. Fenves wife

Santiago Abascal - leader of Vox, a Spanish right-wing nationalistic party

Irene Montero - Spanish politician, Minister of Equality since January 2020

Carolina Darias - The Spanish politician, appointed Minister of Territorial Policy and Civil Service in January 2020

Franck Riester - French Minister of Culture

Richard Wilkins - AUS, prominent Music reporter

Chris Kielsmeier - Cleveland State women’s coach

Augustin de Romanet - CEO of Paris Airports

Philip Jansen - BT Chief Executive

Mikel Arteta - Arsenal Manager

Callum Hudson Odoi - Chelsea player

Allesando Mattinzoli - Italian Commissioner for Economic Development in Lombardy

Manolo Gabbiadini - Italian Serie A Football player

Daniele Rugani - Italian Serie A Football player

Javier Ortega Smith - Vox General Secretary of Spain Nationalist party

Tony Mazzucco - Norwood Town General Manager

Mojtaba Zonnour - Iran Head of Iranian Parliament National Security & Foreign Affairs Committee

Iraj Harirchi (Died of virus) - Iran Deputy Health Minister

Hadi Khosroshahi - (Died of virus) Iran Cleric & Diplomat. Ambassador to the Vatican

Masoumeh Ebtekar - Iran Vice President for Women & Family Affairs

Ali Akbar Velayati - Head of Tehran’s Masih Daneshvari Hospital

Mohammad Mirmohammadi (Died of virus) - Senior advisor to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

Omar Colley - Italian Serie A footballer

Albin Ekdal - Sweden midfielder

Morten Thorsby - Norway playmaker

Antonio La Gumina - Former Italy under-21 forward

Amedeo Baldari - Serie A Club doctor

Duőan Vlahović - Surbian striker

Luca Kilian - Germany, Bundesliga defender

Jaime Ruiz Sacristan - Head of Mexico’s Main Stock Exchange

Patrick Cutrone - Wolves Striker

Beth Beckman - Yale New Haven Health Chief Nursing Executive

Helene Weinstein - NYC Lawmaker

Begona Gomez - Spanish Prime Minister Predro Sanchez wife

Charles Barron - NYC Lawmaker

Christian Wood - Detroit Pistons NBA player

Pierpaolo Sileri - Italy’s Deputy Minister of Health

Nicola Zingaretti - Italy’s President of Central Lazio & Democratic Party

Alberto Cirio - Italy’s head of Northern Region of Piedmont

Anna Ascani - Italy’s Deputy Minister of Education

Brune Poirson - Secretary of State to the Minister for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition

Anonymous ID: 35f44b March 15, 2020, 12:19 p.m. No.8427074   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7178

Have Anons ever heard of Salo. A 1975 film about 4 elite men kidnapping teens and torturing them. The creator of the film was ran over with his own car.

Anonymous ID: 323ad7 March 15, 2020, 12:19 p.m. No.8427075   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7335



Updated Part 2


COVID19 Notable Persons List


  • = suspected or "illness" reported


*Pope Francis - Religious leader - reported "sick" one day after CV outreach

*Elton John - Singer - reported "pneumonia" after "final tour"

*Daniel Radcliffe - "fake coronavirus rumor"

*Queen Elizabeth - "sick" January 23, 2020

*Gwen Stefani - "cancelled a string of shows due to a mystery illness"

*"Individual working on Riverdale" - CW teen drama suspended

*Katie Price - former glamour model - back after "mystery illness"

*Celine Dion - distant cousin of Trudeau and Hillary - postponed tour due to "cold" and CV spread

*Neil Wigan - British Ambassador to Israel in self-isolation after virus case on flight

*Lieutenant General Christopher Cavoli - "Possible exposure" took place during a conference with land force commanders in Europe on Friday in Wiesbaden, Germany.

*Heidi Klum - Suffering from food poisoning before filming began in CA, now experiencing "a chill" and had started "feeling feverish".

*Mortez Rahmanzade - Iran Mayor of 13th District - "hospitalised with coronavirus symptoms"

*Ayatollah Hashem Bahtayi Golpayegani - Member of Iran’s Assembly of Experts - "suspected"

*Paulo Dybala - Juventus player - Insists he is "well" despite reports suggesting he had tested positive for coronavirus, with the Italian club also categorically denying the rumours.




# Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro on Friday announced that he has tested negative for the coronavirus, contradicting earlier reports.


# Actor Orlando Bloom to self-quarantine, gave no indication that he has the disease.


#Matt Swider - TechRadar managing editor - Tested positive, then negative for coronavirus. Now stuck in Egypt.

Anonymous ID: 7154fa March 15, 2020, 12:19 p.m. No.8427077   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7139


The Butler Said It: Epstein’s Paris Apartment Employee Claims Steve Bannon Visited in 2018


The reported Bannon-Epstein meeting in Paris occurred months after Page Six said Bannon visited Epstein’s Manhattan townhouse. That was in Aug. 2018. An unnamed source speculated that Bannon was meeting with Epstein because he β€œneed[ed] money to bankroll his political agenda” and Epstein was known to have β€œplenty of money, and crave[d] power and access.”


Bannon’s tenure as Trump chief strategist ended in Aug. 2017.

Anonymous ID: ecc9df March 15, 2020, 12:20 p.m. No.8427082   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


I've seen some of the worst horror movies out there, even the banned ones, and that makes me queasy.

Straight out of The Devils Rejects.

At least we all get to experience it together, that helps.

Anonymous ID: b57fa2 March 15, 2020, 12:20 p.m. No.8427091   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7099 >>7111 >>7128 >>7173 >>7183 >>7194 >>7205 >>7211 >>7224 >>7236




























Anonymous ID: b3f3fa March 15, 2020, 12:21 p.m. No.8427093   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7231

Watch this. It shows why we should all do the right thing and stay home to the fullest extent possible. All of us can help slow the spread of the virus, protecting the elderly, the vulnerable, and each other.

Anonymous ID: 743171 March 15, 2020, 12:21 p.m. No.8427101   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Cop Shoots FBI Agent Who Was Arresting Him for Conspiracy Against the Constitution

Anonymous ID: 4be7e7 March 15, 2020, 12:21 p.m. No.8427106   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7141 >>7152

>>8425200 PB Notable


Haven't even seen any posts since this one in PB. Been digging ever since, and could use help continuing.


My initial dig on anyone in that photo, Franz Bornewasser, the Bishop of Trier, quickly led to a primary evidence source in the Nuremberg Trials, and it is so massive that I haven't gotten any further. I'm not sure the individuals in this photo are the point, but maybe the EVENT when the photo was taken– was it at the signing of the Concordat, the church's "deal with the devil"? Look at the expressions of resignation on the bishops' faces. Man, they know.


"Documents prepared by the American OSS, and used in evidence at the Nuremberg Trials, record that the Nazis were cautious with regard to the murder of church leaders, and conscious of not wanting to create martyrs. Nevertheless, Catholic leaders frequently faced violence or the threat of violence, particularly at the hands of the SA, the SS or Hitler Youth. A number of cases were cited by the OSS, including two attacks against Bishop Bornewasser of Trier.



"S R & A 3114.4 / The Nazi Master Plan / Annex 4: The Persecution of the Christian Churches / Office of Strategic Services / Research and Analysis Branch / Draft for the War Crimes Staff/ Approved by the Prosecution Review Board / CONFIDENTIAL"

(title page in pic related)


Please take a look at this document, anons. I can NOT recall us ever digging this over the last three-plus years, and this thing is WILD. I'd never even HEARD of the Donovan Nuremberg Trials Collection before today. Why it's at the Cornell Law Library instead of the Library of Congress or National Archives, I have no idea.


I'd like to read it in detail later. Am skimming now, but from secondary sources given elsewhere, a section of the "plan" guaranteed church religious freedom to the Catholic Church in exchange for political support.


This sauce is a good quick read for the basics:


"Church leaders and clergy held a range of opinions about National Socialism. Some Catholic leaders welcomed Hitler’s call to β€œovercome the un-Germanic spirit” and feared that β€œatheistic communism” was more of a threat to the Catholic Church than the Nazis were. Others opposed the Nazis. According to historian Doris Bergen, β€œMany German Catholic clergy were initially suspicious of Nazism. They saw Nazi ideas as anti-Christian, especially the emphasis on race and blood and the obvious disrespect for human life . . . some priests had refused to administer the sacrament of communion to church members in Stormtrooper or SS uniforms." Some who opposed the Nazis also urged great caution; they were fearful of attacks on priests and nuns. That concern prompted officials of the Vatican to discuss with Hitler the possibility of an agreement: the Church would pledge to abstain from political activity in Germany in exchange for the Reich’s promise not to persecute the Catholic Church and its members…


… In July 1933, Hitler and Pope Pius XI signed a concordat, or treaty. Historian Fritz Stern explains:


On the face of it, the Vatican had scored a great triumph. No government under Weimar had been willing to sign such a concordat, which would recognize the principal rights of the churchβ€”rights that presumably would render it immune from the kind of persecution it had suffered [in the past]. By the terms of the concordat the church renounced all political activities and in turn the state guaranteed the right to free worship, to circulate pastoral epistles, to maintain Catholic schools and property. The Vatican had reason to be satisfied: Catholic rights had been put on a new basis and at the same time a regime had been strengthened that seemed to correspond to the Vatican’s sense that Mussolini and Hitler were indispensable bulwarks against Bolshevism.


Hitler had even more reason to be satisfied. The concordat was his first international agreement, and it vastly enhanced his respectability in Germany and abroad. A great moral authority had trusted his word. But did the Vatican . . . really believe that National Socialism would abide by the concordat, was there really much likelihood that the regime would leave untouched a rival organization with its own dogmas and with such sweeping power over education?"


Faster read, and pretty good:

Anonymous ID: 905a48 March 15, 2020, 12:22 p.m. No.8427113   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

POTUS: "…an endless price to pay." We know it, & they know it. Not just Schumerβ€”all of them. On Earth, they have a choice–either off themselves or face arrest, trial, & public punishment. Afterward, they have no choice about standing before the Seat of Judgment. Endless price.

Anonymous ID: cac1ba March 15, 2020, 12:23 p.m. No.8427125   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7142

Larry Elder


β€œAndrew Gillum apologizes after being found 'inebriated' in hotel room where police say man was treated for 'possible drug overdose'”


Gillum’s dilemma: How to blame Trump, and how to play the race card. But he’s up for the challenge.


https: //

Anonymous ID: ebea32 March 15, 2020, 12:23 p.m. No.8427127   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7337



>>8426163 UK to put all citizens over 70 into isolation for MONTHS as coronavirus spreads across the country

>>8426177 Midtown Manhattan Bank Runs Out Of $100 Bills Amid Corona Panic

>>8426179, >>8426412, >>8426436, >>8426449 FEAR PORN

>>8426190 Netanyahu takes test for coronavirus despite lack of ANY symptoms amid trial delay uproar

>>8426188, >>8426223 Assemblywoman Weinstein 'doing fine' as she recovers from coronavirus (Is that a dude?)

>>8426292 Media Matters Brags About Efforts to Get FOX Business Network’s Trish Regan Taken Off the Air for Defending President Trump

>>8426315 Devin Nunes Suggests Going Out To Restaurants β€” Health Experts Advise The Opposite

>>8426322 Cop Shoots FBI Agent Who Was Arresting Him for Conspiracy Against the Constitution

>>8426344 Nike Says It Will Close Its Stores Around the World Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic

>>8426353 Greece Erects Massive Concrete Blocks On Border To Halt Migrant Wave From Turkey

>>8426405 Romanian lawmakers reinstate PM Orban amid coronavirus fears

>>8426490 US Customs and Border Patrol Agents Intercept Package Filled With Fake Coronavirus Testing Kits

>>8426505 UN Angry After Hundreds of Europe-bound Migrants Stopped at Sea, Returned to Libya

>>8426542 21 Smugglers Arrested with 2 Tons of Marijuana and 64 Gallons of Cannabis Oil, Say Feds

>>8426606 Leftist Michigan Governor Flirts with Invoking β€œMartial Law” using Virus as Excuse to Power Grab

>>8426607 World Bank Launches First-Ever Pandemic Bonds to Support $500 Million Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility 2017 to mature 2020

>>8426614 Putin formally signs off on constitutional changes that allow him to extend power

>>8426664 Santiago falls into chaos | Protesters demand president’s resignation

>>8426710 Alex Jones' ex-wife files for emergency custody of their kids because she fears they're in 'danger' after the Infowars boss' DWI bust

>>8426727 Israeli Scientists Claim It’s β€˜Pure Luck’ They Were Already Working On A COVID-19 Vaccine Prior To The Outbreak

>>8426784 Rivlin to task Gantz with forming government after he receives 61 endorsements

>>8426817 French court officially recognizes Bitcoin as money

>>8426839 '7th Heaven' child actor Lorenzo Brino dies in car accident at 21: 'I'll love you forever'


Fucking CLOWN Baker leaving all this behind


We fight and we PRAY!



Anonymous ID: b57fa2 March 15, 2020, 12:23 p.m. No.8427128   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7173 >>7183 >>7194 >>7205 >>7211 >>7224 >>7236

ISIS = MOSSAD (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service) - 100% PROOF





























ISIS = MOSSAD (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service) - 100% PROOF

Anonymous ID: 71545b March 15, 2020, 12:23 p.m. No.8427130   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7190 >>7219 >>7226 >>7323 >>7336 >>7477



>>8426128 (PB)


>>8426155 (PB)


Posted too quickly…


Is "Hanx" signaling imminent Spielberg muh-"Coronavirus" arrest.


When directing Jurassic Park [they] made such a fuss about how amazing it was he figured out how to make water vibrate/ripple when T-Rex (the BIGGER) Dinosaur was approaching–as a WARNING! Hunters (Jurassic Park Staff) becoming the Hunted (T-Rex Lurking).

Anonymous ID: 42d821 March 15, 2020, 12:23 p.m. No.8427136   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7268


Remarkable response from King Felipe to yesterday's The Telegraph exclusive: 1) Spain's king renounces any inheritance his father Juan Carlos had prepared for him. 2) Juan Carlos will no longer be paid a salary from the state budget for the Royal Household #CasaReal #FelipeVI

Anonymous ID: 077ca1 March 15, 2020, 12:24 p.m. No.8427144   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7175 >>7188 >>7253 >>7371 >>7390 >>7419 >>7456


It is normal traffic. If you weren't so science ignorant you would know what a contrail is. If you weren't so ignorant about the disinfo on the net you might know what you're looking at. I am a planefag and worked on them for years. THERE ARE NO SPRAYERS ON COMMERCIAL AIRLINERS. And, we would not maintain them if there were. If you knew how many flights took place everyday and how many airplanes the spooks have for their fuckery you might get it. Wasting bread talking to you and your kind.

Anonymous ID: ebea32 March 15, 2020, 12:24 p.m. No.8427145   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Coronavirus: Israel halts commercial activity


Israel decided Saturday to halt almost all commercial activity due to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, Anadolu Agency reports.


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced the new measures to combat COVID-19 at a news conference.


He said the government decided to close cafes, restaurants, hotels, shopping malls and entertainment venues.


Supermarkets, pharmacies, banks and gas stations would remain open and public transportation system will continue as usual.


Meanwhile, health officials said the number of confirmed cases in the country rose to 193.


After emerging in Wuhan, China last December, the virus known as COVID-19, has spread to at least 123 countries and territories.


The global death toll from the virus has surpassed 5,300 with more than 142,000 cases confirmed worldwide, according to the World Health Organization.


A vast majority of those who become infected recover from the illness.

Anonymous ID: ebea32 March 15, 2020, 12:25 p.m. No.8427150   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

UAE, Saudi central banks roll out $40 billion stimulus for virus-hit economies


March 15, 2020 at 1:04 pm


The central banks of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia, the two largest Arab economies, on Saturday announced stimulus plans worth a combined $40 billion to ease the impact of the coronavirus outbreak in their respective countries, Reuters reports.


The UAE regulator plans to support banks and businesses in the country, where the outbreak is affecting major economic sectors such as tourism and transport, with a 100 billion dirham ($27 billion) economic plan, it said on Saturday.


In a separate statement, the Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority said it had prepared a 50 billion riyal ($13.32 billion) package to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) cope with the economic impacts of coronavirus.


The disease has so far infected 85 people in the UAE and 105 in Saudi Arabia.


The Saudi funding aims to grant SMEs six-month deferrals on bank payments, concessional financing and exemptions from the costs of a loan guarantee programme, SAMA said.


Concerts, sporting events and industry conferences have been cancelled or postponed in the past few weeks in the UAE to contain the spreading of the new coronavirus.


In Dubai, the Middle East’s trade, finance, tourism and transportation hub, some businesses have started to feel the pain from the global travel slowdown caused by the outbreak.


Saudi Arabia, which has already suspended the Umrah pilgrimage and locked down its eastern Qatif region where many infections are located, plans to halt all international flights for two weeks from Sunday.


The UAE central bank said it will provide 50 billion dirhams through collateralised loans at zero cost to all banks operating in the UAE while an additional 50 billion dirhams will be freed up from lenders’ capital buffers.


β€œThe CBUAE is allowing banks to free-up their regulatory capital buffers to boost lending capacity and support the UAE economy,” it said in a statement.


It said the scheme offers banks relief for up to six months from the payments of principal and interest on outstanding loans for affected private sector companies and retail customers.

Anonymous ID: 42fd66 March 15, 2020, 12:26 p.m. No.8427151   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7318 >>7333


"…Yet some skeptics remained. Perhaps the children had been burned after they had died of natural causes?

The inscriptions on the urns are helpful in this regard. Some of them record that vows to Tanit and Baal Hammon had been met (Tanit was the consort of Baal Hammon. She is known as Ashtoreth in the Bible – 1 Kings 11:23). Many other inscriptions record dedications from the children’s parents to Baal Hammon or Tanit, ending with the explanation that the god concerned had β€œheard my voice and blessed me”

Anonymous ID: 4be7e7 March 15, 2020, 12:26 p.m. No.8427152   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7166




Turns out we DID dig on the Concordat/Reichskonkordat


Q Research General #9821: No Benghazi For This President! Marines Going In!!!!!! Edition


P controls the Chair?




The Reichskonkordat ("Concordat between the Holy See and the German Reich"[1]) is a treaty negotiated between the Vatican and the emergent Nazi Germany. It was signed on 20 July 1933 by Cardinal Secretary of State Eugenio Pacelli, who later became Pope Pius XII, on behalf of Pope Pius XI and Vice Chancellor Franz von Papen on behalf of President Paul von Hindenburg and the German government. It was ratified September 10, 1933 and it has been in force from that date onward. The treaty guarantees the rights of the Roman Catholic Church in Germany. When bishops take office Article 16 states they are required to take an oath of loyalty to the Governor or President of the German Reich established according to the constitution. The treaty also requires all clergy to abstain from working in and for political parties. Nazi breaches of the agreement began almost as soon as it had been signed and intensified afterwards leading to protest from the Church including in the 1937 Mit brennender Sorge encyclical of Pope Pius XI. The Nazis planned to eliminate the Church's influence by restricting its organizations to purely religious activities.[2]


The Reichskonkordat is the most controversial of several Concordats that the Vatican negotiated during the pontificate of Pius XI. It is frequently discussed in works that deal with the rise of Hitler in the early 1930s and the Holocaust. The Concordat has been described by some as giving moral legitimacy to the Nazi regime soon after Hitler had acquired quasi-dictatorial powers through the Enabling Act of 1933, an Act itself facilitated through the support of the Catholic Centre Party. The Holy See became the first legal partner to Hitler's regime.


It is still in force today.


About the Reichskonkordat


The Reichskonkordat was signed in Rome as the bells of St. Peter's rang out. Both sides saw themselves as the winners. And both sides were glad to be free of the independent, democratic Catholic Centre Party which had been dissolved during the negotiations. Now the German Catholics were being told it was their Christian duty to support Hitler.

Secret Supplement hints at Vatican plans


The Concordat includes the Secret Supplement. Naturally, this is omitted on Catholic sites because it shows that by 1933 the Vatican knew that Hitler was going to re-arm in defiance of the Treaty of Versailles, and the Church wanted to help him keep it secret. In fact, the Secret Supplement of the Austrian Concordat indicates that two years earlier the Vatican was already planning for this eventuality.


The reason is clear. Already in 1929, the year Pacelli was appointed Secretary of State, the Vatican had set up an ambitious programme to train missionaries for the USSR and when Hitler invaded Russia in 1941 these priests set off for the East. [10]


This helps to explain Pius' shabby treatment of the Poles. After the invasion of Poland by the Germans the Vatican broke the Polish Concordat by appointing a foreign bishop - a German, no less - over a part of Polish territory. In the minds of many this helped to legalise the German occupation. In fact, it has been argued that the Vatican supported the Nazis and viewed their planned conquest of Catholic Poland as collateral damage. This is because the German 1941 military campaign against Russia, if successful, would have opened up the prospect of the conversion of Russia to Catholicism. [11] Thus the Secret Supplement, which quietly provided for an illegal German re-armament, looks like a very shrewd piece of Vatican strategy.



Anonymous ID: a4319f March 15, 2020, 12:27 p.m. No.8427160   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7207


Links from article to biz search show J as middle initial, not E.

Anonymous ID: 2229ba March 15, 2020, 12:27 p.m. No.8427163   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7181



I know this looks like an inverted cross but it is actually a sword. It is on the right side of her robe behind her leg so she has to pull the robe around to make it visible. Later she pulls around the left side and we see a snake. Therefore I believe this is symbolism representing Michael the Archangel and the Serpent (or St George and the Dragon).


The front of her robe has a large Q

Anonymous ID: 4be7e7 March 15, 2020, 12:27 p.m. No.8427166   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7192 >>7595


#6419637 at 2019-05-05 14:28:16 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #8209: 5:5 Edition


Bourbon anon here.

I'm convinced French royalty was forced to operate in the shadows after the French revolution.

Shortly after, napoleon returned and reestablished the church's existence in french society with the Concordat 1801.

Napoleon notoriously being backed by Rothschild and french bankers.

(And if P = Payseur, and payseur = french royalty, and payseur is rich enough to control other families as fronts…)

Napoleon went on to wage war against the holy see through the first quarter of the 19th century.

Napoleon went as far as to KIDNAP the pope.

If you read the writings of many of the most famous bankers in Paris during this time they were pushing the acceptance of Usury, a crime up until this point.

Theres a lot of metadata to organize. What banks were involved in the loan to the holy see?

Banque J. Hagerman

Banque AndrοΏ½ & Cottier

Banque Fould-Oppenheim & Cie

Banque J. A. Blanc

Colin et Compagnie

Banque Gabriel Odier & Compagnie

Banque Wells & Compagnie

and of course: Banque Rothschild

This is a who's who of French nobility.

Baron titles abound.


The recent house to hold this crown was

HOUSE OF BOURBON which still sits in some european thrones

These modern Bourbon thrones connected closely to BUSH and other swamp monsters.

Monarchy of Spain

But that's the not the point of this dig update.

You can start from the loan to the vatican, you can start with the history and connections that evolve from that…

Or we can map out the vatican bank as it stands now and go backwards

see if they merge at some point.

Well…funny enough:

The current President of the Board of Superintendence of the Vatican Bank is:

Jean-Baptiste Douville de Franssu

Douville de Franssu being a long established French family of nobility.

Almonds activated.

JB just so happens to be the director of the board of the Banque Degroof Petercam SA.

The founder of this bank being Jacques Errera, whos wife is Marie Oppenheim.

Jacques father in law and funder/partner in his banking operations is JOSEPH OPPENHEIM


So on one end we have the Banque Fould-Oppenheim & Cie participating in the loan to the Holy See in 1832

And known agents of the French crown, House of Bourbon.

And on the other end, the Vatican Bank is being RUN by a french nobleman who is HIGHLY placed in the SAME OPPENHEIM BANKING FAMILY.

So that's the most recent dig into the vatican bank.

Add this to the previously discovered connections between THE BUSH FAMILY and House of Bourbon in Spain.

You start to see a long established centralization of money and wealth that's asserting itself over our most trusted institutions.

The church, monetary control, government…

The dig goes on. Help digging into those other french banks and their connections would be supremely helpful.

Anonymous ID: ebea32 March 15, 2020, 12:28 p.m. No.8427172   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7195 >>7359

President Trump β€˜STRONGLY’ Considering General Flynn Pardon, Tees Off on FBI


We all know that the FBI has been caught lying multiple times during the fake Russian hoax. It’s abundantly clear at this point.


Even Special Counsel Robert Mueller found zero evidence of the Trump Administration or campaign working with Russians.


Now it came out on Sunday that the FBI has literally lost all of the General Flynn files, how convenient, right?


The President agrees with me.


β€œSo now it is reported that, after destroying his life & the life of his wonderful family (and many others also), the FBI, working in conjunction with the Justice Department, has β€œlost” the records of General Michael Flynn. How convenient. I am strongly considering a Full Pardon!”

Anonymous ID: eb5370 March 15, 2020, 12:28 p.m. No.8427174   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Kemp Authorizes Call of Georgia National Guard for COVID-19 Response

Anonymous ID: 9e5960 March 15, 2020, 12:28 p.m. No.8427178   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


yes, that was one sick film


i think when it came out in the 70s, not many people saw it because ordinary cinemas wouldn't show it. And most 'respectable' people in society, even truthseekers, felt icky about the idea of going to a XXX theater to see it, so they didn't.


But watching that film with what we know now….


it turns out that elite satanic motherfuckers really do eat feces

GOLD STAR RESEARCH HOMOS ID: 808d45 March 15, 2020, 12:29 p.m. No.8427189   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz



>>8425096 (You)

>that is the one destined for you by immutable Fate, nor can you go back in it save at great peril to life.

>>8425124 (You)

>The fourth path is the letters of Paul. This is where one finds the teaching of the dead raised incorruptible (I Cor 15:52),


The first path leads to rocky places and this is reminiscent of Peter, "the rock" as he's portrayed in the synoptic gospels. The second path in the text is the path taught in John's gospel, as CRC is told not to turn to the left or right on this path and John's is the only account not to mention two men crucified to the right and to the left of Jesus while on the cross as thieves (John 20:18). The third path would be the general letters of Peter, James, Jude, and John. In the letter of James we find reference to the royal way or royal law (Jas 2:8). In the second letter of Peter we find the only reference to one in a thousand (II Pet 3:8). The fourth path is the letters of Paul. This is where one finds the teaching of the dead raised incorruptible (I Cor 15:52), and the only place that the word "consuming" appears in the New Testament (Heb 12:29).


By us the Bridegroom offers you a choice between four ways, all of which, if you do not sink down in the way, can bring you to his royal court. The first is short but dangerous, and one which will lead you into rocky places, through which it will scarcely be possible to pass. The second is longer, and takes you circuitously; it is plain and easy, if by the help of the Magnet you turn neither to left nor right. The third is that truly royal way which through various pleasures and pageants of our King, affords you a joyful journey; but this so far has scarcely been allotted to one in a thousand. By the fourth no man shall reach the place, because it is a consuming way, practicable only for incorruptible bodies. Choose now which one you will of the three, and persevere constantly therein, for know whichever you will enter, that is the one destined for you by immutable Fate, nor can you go back in it save at great peril to life. >>8425096





Caiaphas is the high priest of Jerusalem who, according to Christian scripture, advises a council of chief priests and Pharisees that it is expedient that "one man should die for the people" so that "the whole nation perish not" (John 11:50). Considering this proclaimed interest in the welfare of his people to be false and self-serving, Dante places Caiaphas among the hypocrites in the sixth pit, with an added contrapasso: because Caiaphas and other members of the council (including Caiaphas' father-in-law, Annas) supposedly called on the Romans to crucify Jesus (John 18:12-40; 19:1-18), they are now themselves crucified to the floor of the pit (Inf. 23.109-20). Here Dante endorses the repugnant view of Jesus' crucifixion as justification for the persecution of Jews (Inf. 23.121-3). >>8424900


Dante adorns the hypocrites in religious garb–hooded cloaks similar to the elegant ones worn by the Benedictine monks at Cluny (in France)–in accordance with the biblical condemnation of false piety: just as Jesus compares hypocritical scribes and Pharisees to tombs that appear clean and beautiful on the outside while containing bones of the dead (Matthew 23:27), so the bright golden cloaks of Dante's hypocrites conceal heavy lead on the inside (Inf. 23.64-6).

Aesop real or legendary Greek author of fables; supposed to have lived in the sixth century b.c.


Frederick's capes Frederick II executed people by placing them in a leaden shell which was then melted around them.


Jovial Friars the nickname of the monks of the Glorious Virgin Mary from Bolongna.


Bolognese of Bologna, its people, or their dialect.


Pharisees a member of an ancient Jewish party or fellowship that carefully observed the written law but also accepted the oral (or traditional) law; advocated democratization of religious practices; mainly they hated Jesus for questioning their authority.

Dante angrily begins to speak to the friars of their evil, when he sees a figure on the ground held by three stakes. Friar Catalan explains that this is Caiaphas, the high priest who told the council of Pharisees that it was better for Jesus to die than for the whole nation to perish. Therefore, he lies where each one who passes by must step upon him, and his father-in-law (Annas) and the Council are punished in the same manner. Virgil looks at Caiaphas for some time.>>8424790








Anonymous ID: ebea32 March 15, 2020, 12:30 p.m. No.8427199   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Government okays using phones to track coronavirus carriers


Minister promises use of anti-terror technology will not turn Israel into a dystopian state, despite worries of over-reach amid health crisis


Government hashing out privacy-safety balance for Shin Bet phone tracking


The Prime Minister’s Office says the government is working to strike a balance between allowing the Shin Bet security service to track the phones of carriers of the coronavirus and limiting privacy violations.


Earlier in the evening, the government approved a controversial measure to allow the Shin Bet to use cellular data to retrace the steps of those infected with the virus in order to find people who were in contact with them and instruct them to go into quarantine.


This proposal, which has raised a number of privacy and civil liberties concerns, still requires final approval by the Knesset’s subcommittee on clandestine services.


β€œThe prime minister did not accept the original version of the decision and requested many more restrictions in order to limit the scope of the information, the amount of people with access to it and to ensure that this information is not used for any purpose besides the fight against the corona pandemic,” the PMO says.


The government says this power will end 30 days after it is granted by the Knesset subcommittee.


Government officials stress that this effort is meant to save lives.

Anonymous ID: ebea32 March 15, 2020, 12:30 p.m. No.8427202   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Russia suspends trains to and from Ukraine, Moldova over coronavirus


Russia earlier suspended trains to and from the French city of Nice and Germany’s capital of Berlin, as well as through coaches to and from the Czech capital of Prague


MOSCOW, March 15. /TASS/. Russia will suspend trains to and from Ukraine and Moldova on March 17 due to the coronavirus outbreak, the Federal Passenger Company - a Russian Railways subsidiary - said in a statement on Sunday.


"As Ukraine and Moldova have announced decisions to suspend train traffic on March 17 in order to prevent the spread the novel coronavirus infection, passenger trains and through coaches will be suspended until further notice," the statement reads.


The company added that restrictions would also apply to trains to and from Latvia. In particular, trains between Moscow and the Latvian capital of Riga would be suspended on March 15 and trains between St. Petersburg and Riga on March 16.


Russia earlier suspended trains to and from the French city of Nice and Germany’s capital of Berlin, as well as through coaches to and from the Czech capital of Prague.

Coronavirus pandemic


In late December 2019, Chinese authorities notified the World Health Organization (WHO) about the outbreak of a previously unknown pneumonia in the city of Wuhan, central China. Since then, cases of the novel coronavirus - named COVID-19 by the WHO - have been reported in more than 120 countries, including Russia. Most cases outside of China have been recorded in South Korea, Iran and Italy.


On March 11, the WHO declared the outbreak a global pandemic. As of now, more than 150,000 people have been infected around the world and about 5,400 have died of it. Russia has so far identified 59 coronavirus cases.

Anonymous ID: 7d7d90 March 15, 2020, 12:31 p.m. No.8427203   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

There is no words I can say what I think about this f*ker


Instead of saying if we can world together and control this he is telling them they have no control and there is nothing they can do. The way he talks he's making everyone that is sick feel guilty! He is also seeding the AI is better then people when it comes to testing.



Coronavirus outbreak: NY governor on containment of COVID-19 spread and possible school closures

Anonymous ID: b57fa2 March 15, 2020, 12:31 p.m. No.8427205   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7211 >>7224 >>7236

100% Proof the Jewish Talmud Approves Pedophilia!



































100% Proof the Jewish Talmud Approves Pedophilia!

Anonymous ID: f4c4fc March 15, 2020, 12:31 p.m. No.8427209   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Qatar funded the TNC, Transitional National Council, in 2012 after the obama intervention in Libya. (state dept vrtual reading room emails)


Qatar was working with Turkey to develop a natural gas pipeline 2012/2013 to connect to Europe. But to get agreements to build across Syria they needed to replace the Assad government. We know how that worked out. (articles posted on the Romania bread concerning Turvey and Levant pipelines)

Anonymous ID: c92604 March 15, 2020, 12:32 p.m. No.8427214   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>The Federal Reserve will return to its origin and it will do what it was originally designed to do

The federal Reserve was originally intended to corrupt governments and enslave the people through their debt based system.

You really need to research before posting such lies as if it were true or at least without thoughtful comment critiquing what you post!

Anonymous ID: 18b7b7 March 15, 2020, 12:32 p.m. No.8427221   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

I do not have conclusive evidence, but I have hypothesized a link between the 1918 "flu" pandemic which apparently started among military recruits in Kansas and the current "coronavirus" pandemic which has suspicious similarities to events conveniently predicted by Bill Gates and his Foundation.


Check it out. Rockefeller trained doctor by the name of Frederick Gates using an experimental vaccine on military recruits in Kansas! Rigjt about the time of the "flu pandemic"?!


I cannot establish a relationship between Bill Gates and Frederick Gates. I have discovered that Bill Gates's father has sat on the board of Planned Parenthood.

Anonymous ID: ebea32 March 15, 2020, 12:32 p.m. No.8427222   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7235

Churches, Don't Let the Government Trample on Your Rights in the Name of Fighting Coronavirus


As President Donald Trump declared a national emergency over the coronavirus, state and local governments have leaped into action, prohibiting large gatherings and in some cases even mobilizing the National Guard to combat the spread of the virus. Yet even in this time of crisis, Americans still have constitutional rights β€” and some governments have arguably already trampled on those rights.


In order to equip churches in this trying and confusing time, the religious freedom law firm First Liberty released an essential guidance document.


"Unlike other, voluntary restrictions self-imposed by organizations such as the NCAA or the NBA, state-mandated restrictions carry the power of law, violating them may lead to legal consequences," the guidance notes.


First Liberty presents three important pieces of advice.


First, churches and other religious institutions "should continue to serve their local communities." The guidance encourages churches to persist in "acts of mercy, providing shelter, or simply being a source of encouragement and peace in times of crisis," carrying on a proud tradition of religious contributions to American life. Before worrying about asserting their rights, churches "should continue to be a source of strength through service to their local community, especially as their communities may be particularly burdened during this pandemic."


Second, the guidance notes that "evenly applied restrictions may be permissible. The government may not substantially burden the free exercise of religion unless it has a compelling reason for doing so, and even then it must use the least burdensome approach that achieves that compelling interest. Temporary action to reduce the spread of a global pandemic is almost certainly a compelling reason, so long as the government is not treating religious institutions unfairly compared with how it treats other comparable gatherings."


The government may not engage in religious discrimination by requiring that each religious service has no more than 250 persons, for example, but failing to prohibit the same for secular gatherings.


Finally, the First Liberty guidance notes that "extraordinary state action to limit the peaceful gathering of American citizens must be temporary. Permanent restrictions on the peaceful assembly of American citizensβ€”and especially those gathered to exercise their religionβ€” violate the U.S. Constitution and are not permissible."


The government may use extraordinary measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, but those measures must be applied equally and they must be temporary. Churches should be on the lookout to make sure that their rights are not infringed.


However, churches and other religious institutions cannot be more focused on their rights than on their central calling. Churches best prove their value to society by serving others and by preaching the gospel. Indeed, the coronavirus should remind churches that the ancient Roman plagues in the 160s and 250s A.D. proved central to the rise of Christianity β€” because Christians, unlike their pagan neighbors, cared for the sick and dying, exposing themselves to the disease but also keeping people alive and forming closer social bonds. The important work of following Jesus' example of charity β€” not asserting legal rights β€” enabled the church to grow by leaps and bounds.

Anonymous ID: b57fa2 March 15, 2020, 12:33 p.m. No.8427224   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7236

Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it





































Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it

Anonymous ID: d0b9c5 March 15, 2020, 12:33 p.m. No.8427234   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7249



I have actually recently started to listen to the recordings of the "Hour of the time". They are all available on the site:


I am also reading "The Two Babylons

or The Papal Worship Proved to be

the Worship of Nimrod and His Wife"

By the Late Rev. Alexander Hislop (1958). Spooky!

Anonymous ID: b57fa2 March 15, 2020, 12:33 p.m. No.8427236   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories Censored w A.I. Algorithms says ADL




































Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories Censored w A.I. Algorithms says ADL

Anonymous ID: bdebe4 March 15, 2020, 12:33 p.m. No.8427237   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7246 >>7278 >>7306 >>7398 >>7542 >>7544 >>7553 >>7636 >>7650 >>7681

>>8424207- sauce added to pb Notable start at 54:00


Full Video of Sidney Powell responding to question about Weiner Laptop- A MUST SEE

Flynn tweeted about it, Erik Prince but this really confirms something Anons knew for a long while.

[Q 854: Is the stage set for a drop of HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5). EX-rvid5774.]


wakeup time:

Q 142: The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital

Q 111: The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a hospital. POTUS is our savior.Pray.Operators are active.We are at war.

Q 2896: These people are SICK & EVIL.

Q 3724: These people are sick.

We, the People, are the cure.

Anonymous ID: 21781b March 15, 2020, 12:35 p.m. No.8427251   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Don't worry! Trump is on Twitter "seriously considering" pardoning a loyal General who Trump allowed to be prosecuted by his own DOJ! I mean, he could have shut it down three years ago or he could just pardon him today, but he's whining on Twitter so cool.

Anonymous ID: 4c5701 March 15, 2020, 12:36 p.m. No.8427253   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7380


Stop making counter accusations. I never said chemtrails AFAiK, nor do I believe there are sprayers on planes. I have never seen 30 commercial planes fly over a single spot like that. It was abnormal, I even grabbed a US active duty Airman that has lived there for years and he said it was the first time he ever saw anything like it.


I have been here for weeks and regularly look towards the sky when I do abstract thinking to remove visual stimuli…. Stop discounting this, the info for the dig is here. You attempted to distract by accusing me of trying to distract… sound familiar?


Glow harder then neck yourself.

Anonymous ID: b3f3fa March 15, 2020, 12:37 p.m. No.8427263   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7280 >>7292 >>7319 >>7325 >>7343 >>7346 >>7404 >>7460 >>7544 >>7620 >>7650 >>7681

Florida National Guard activates task force for coronavirus in Broward County


The Florida National Guard announced Sunday the activation of a task force to assist with the worsening coronavirus situation in Broward County.


The guard will form Task Force - Medical, made up of all the guard's medical professionals to support the state health department's efforts in Broward, which has emerged as the worst-hit county in Florida.

Details of the guard’s plans were not immediately available. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is expected to address the guard’s actions at a news conference Sunday at 6 p.m. in Tallahassee.


Broward County has 36 of the state’s total of 109 cases, according to figures released Sunday by the state health department.


Several workers serving cruise ships at Port Everglades were found to be infected. Another cluster occurred among six students at Nova Southeastern University who recently returned from a study-abroad trip to Ireland. Other cases remain under investigation.;


Of the 16 new cases in Broward County, seven were classified as travel-related, suggesting that the rest might have been through community spread. Experts say the worst is yet to come, with some estimates calling for the pandemic to last two months. At the current rate, Broward County alone could see more than 800 cases in the next two weeks.

Anonymous ID: 8485e0 March 15, 2020, 12:37 p.m. No.8427264   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7269 >>7272 >>7312 >>7317 >>7324 >>7354 >>7420



So who did this?


Wuhan, China. 3 million people die in one day during the early coronavirus "epidemic".

Cause: a hijacked 5G network switched frequency and power, and killed them all.

How: via a satellite; either a legitimate 5G related satellite was hijacked or a different bad-actor satellite did it.


Who did this to Wuhan?

Where are they now?

What will become of these criminals?

Anonymous ID: 36909e March 15, 2020, 12:40 p.m. No.8427279   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



Erev Rav (Hebrew: Χ’Φ΅Χ¨ΦΆΧ‘ Χ¨Φ·Χ‘ erev rav 'mixed multitude') was a group that included Egyptians and others who had joined the Tribes of Israel on The Exodus. According to Jewish tradition, they were accepted by Moses as an integral part of the people. Their influence is said to have been involved in the golden calf and other incidents where the people questioned Moses and his laws.

Anonymous ID: cac1ba March 15, 2020, 12:40 p.m. No.8427283   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7294 >>7311 >>7331 >>7345 >>7360 >>7363 >>7379 >>7397 >>7400 >>7409 >>7413 >>7423 >>7426 >>7429 >>7469 >>7544 >>7630 >>7650 >>7681

ROYAL RETREAT Queen quits Buckingham Palace over coronavirus fears


Queen leaves London to Safe house


THE Queen has quit Buckingham Palace over coronavirus fears.


Plans are in place to quarantine her and Prince Philip, 98, at Sandringham if the outbreak worsens.


Queen not safe in palace


https ://

Anonymous ID: 2229ba March 15, 2020, 12:41 p.m. No.8427287   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7316 >>7654

I know that many people see only evil in this stuff.


However I believe that there is a spiritual battle going on and that the angels are in process of defeating the demons. As a demon is defeated, I believe that they Rise Up to their angelic nature again, supported by the angelic hosts, and that also raises up those who were possessed by the demon.


In this performance, I see someone who was once possessed, now making use of her skills and her audience connections to spread a new message. A more angelic one of community, of hope and of The Great Awakening.


It is appropriate on this day of prayer to thank God for the work of the angels even though it is mostly unseen to us. We are feeling its benefits as we pull together with our neighbors to weather the storm.


And Madonna quite rightly tells us that THE STORM isn't in the air, it's inside of us. We all feel this storm of emotions and doubt and fear as the COVID19 event unfolds. But through prayer God will give us the confidence that we can come through it.


It is worth while to watch this one time with the assumption that it contains a Godly message because in the end, symbols are made by God as is everything in our universe.


Madonna sings My life is Gold

And it's true that the only valuable treasure that we have on this earth is the life that God gave to us.



To err is human, to forgive divine

God did not give us the right to judge others.

That is for God alone to do.

Anonymous ID: 76668d March 15, 2020, 12:41 p.m. No.8427296   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

>>8426779 lb stank alert ←the next hoser on fox news pundity


heard they wanna replace the great and BEAUTIFUL TRISH REGAN OR KENNEDY w/ this ugly stank FFS jus becuz paulie muhwhorin ryan has to go down on hilldawgs spawn doensnt mean wearr gonna do it!!



Anonymous ID: 6e4657 March 15, 2020, 12:42 p.m. No.8427305   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


That's good to hear. As for the story itself, it's just some fake stuff that's going viral on social media with no evidence to back it up. The people spreading it on twitter/Facebook are just hurting our movement by making us look stupid.

Anonymous ID: d1c49e March 15, 2020, 12:42 p.m. No.8427309   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7364 >>7370



Not pissing on my parade, Anon.

But she is definitely in a better position source and credibility-wise to insinuate such habbenings.

But are correct.

Technically hearsay…second hand source.

Doesn't seem to matter much for Whistleblowers nowadays?

Anonymous ID: d0b9c5 March 15, 2020, 12:43 p.m. No.8427318   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



Is the left part of the last picture related to the Jesuits (because of INRI)?


It's exactly the same thing!! Though the sacrifice part is removed. (I know this has been posted before, but I have recently started digging on the Jesuits, the Templars, etc., and some of the dignitaries of the Vatican since the beginning, and I must say, it is all in plain sight, in most of the major churches of the word!)

Anonymous ID: 4be7e7 March 15, 2020, 12:43 p.m. No.8427325   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7346 >>7351 >>7374


Debbie Wasserman-Schultz base of operations

Remember, she appointed her dirty sheriff to head up all security operations at both the Hollywood airport AND Port Canaveral!

WTF had they been doing at Port Canaveral?

Shipping people, drugs, weapons, anything they'd sold

No one there to check shipping containers

Their buddy Epstein was a close recon point and close by in the Virgin Islands

Remember Epstein's "office" was right smack at the foot of the cruiseship pier there, and his private island was next door.

Anonymous ID: a2d3c1 March 15, 2020, 12:44 p.m. No.8427337   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


same here, all the way around, o7 m8



youre not fooling anybody


if you really cared you'd post a bun this bread

with no self noms

i'll add anything you bun

shall we play a game?

betcha i can guess you ID last bread simply by looking at this bun

Anonymous ID: 8485e0 March 15, 2020, 12:46 p.m. No.8427354   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7365 >>7447

>>8426836 (OP)


So who did this? (Repost w/ sauce)


Wuhan, China. 3 million people die in one day during the early coronavirus "epidemic".


Cause: a hijacked 5G network switched frequency and power, and killed them all.


How: via a satellite; either a legitimate 5G related satellite was hijacked or a different bad-actor satellite did it.


Who did this to Wuhan?


Where are they now?


What will become of these criminals?


>>8427264 (You)


Part 1:


Part 2:


(Watch part 2 first for relevance)

Anonymous ID: 3a92a5 March 15, 2020, 12:47 p.m. No.8427364   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7388


No it doesn't anon, and if it gets it back in the public eye then that's good. Just as we see things with new eyes today from a couple of years ago, so will normies - the Weinstein case(s) being particularly helpful on waking people up a bit more.

Anonymous ID: c42371 March 15, 2020, 12:48 p.m. No.8427376   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

'In April 2014, Hunter Biden joined the board of the Ukrainian gas company, Burisma Holdings. He served on the board until early 2019. Burisma, which was under investigation by the Ukrainian government stated at the time of his hiring that Biden would, be β€œin charge of the Holdings’ legal unit and will provide support for the Company among international organizations.” Biden had no previous energy experience.


In November 2019, through analysis of Obama-era White House visitor logs, Judicial Watch broke the story of Ciaramella’s White House meetings. Ciaramella was detailed to the Obama White House in 2015 and returned to the CIA during the Trump administration in 2017. The list of persons Ciaramella met with includes, but is not limited to, Daria Kaleniuk, co-founder and executive director of the Soros-funded Anticorruption Action Center (AntAC) in Ukraine; Gina Lentine, formerly the Eurasia program coordinator at Soros funded Open Society Foundations; and former Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, who had extensive involvement with Clinton-funded dossier. The logs also reveal that Alexandra Chalupa, a contractor hired by the DNC during the 2016 election who coordinated with Ukrainians to investigate President Trump and his former campaign manager Paul Manafort, visited the White House 27 times.


On January 22, 2020, Fox News’ Laura Ingraham reported that New York Times journalist Ken Vogel was investigating the January 19, 2015 meeting at the White House. Vogel had contacted the State Department via email for comment, specifically mentioning concerns about Hunter Biden’s position with Burisma:


β€œWe are going to report that [State Department official] Elizabeth Zentos attended a meeting at the White House on 1/19/2016 with Ukrainian prosecutors and embassy officials as well as … [redacted] from the NSC … The subjects discussed included efforts within the United State government to support prosecutions, in Ukraine and the United Kingdom, of Burisma Holdings … and concerns that Hunter Biden’s position with the company could complicate such efforts.”


β€œThese lawsuits could confirm that President Trump had every right to be concerned about Ukraine and Biden corruption – and that the impeachment against him was a shameful attempt to cover up these scandals,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.


Judicial Watch last month sued for Ciaramella’s CIA emails and for information on his links to the FBI/DOJ Russiagate investigation. Judicial Watch also sued for records about the firing of Ukraine’s top prosecutor after then-Vice President Joe Biden threatened to withhold aid.'

Anonymous ID: cb1527 March 15, 2020, 12:48 p.m. No.8427378   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7402


no, it won't. Media is owned and operated by pedovores who have carried out a decades long psyop on the American people. They have proected pedovores, covered up their crimes and attempted a coup. They will ALL be delivered to justice.

also just remembered you're a shill.

Anonymous ID: eb5370 March 15, 2020, 12:49 p.m. No.8427386   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7520

Dockweiler Beach in L.A. County could be used as coronavirus quarantine zone

Anonymous ID: 783184 March 15, 2020, 12:50 p.m. No.8427389   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

>>8427017 I'd like to know how a company that has $2.7 Billion dollars in USG contracts gets to call itself a small business. Located in Rockville, Md. - a Metro ride away from Pentagon or downtown DC.

GOLD STAR RESEARCH HOMOS ID: 808d45 March 15, 2020, 12:50 p.m. No.8427394   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7435

is your tactical portashitter compliant?

does your cornholio need TP for its bunghole? did you get a sour case of Dickel? did new jerusalem get ruined by a milkshake? was your shart burning the fire of desire? did that new church douche nozzle free augustus gloop from the fudge factory ? did that settlement arrive yet? was it some israeli jew ass bomber fantasy? did eating all those clones give you a big digital gaypoop ? do you just want to shit out a eschaton? maybe your berliner swampgases are homo? maybe youcanhazcheeseburgertoo, maybe a boring book will help you sleep, maybe doge of ra was memeing the truth, dundun dundun dundun dundun dundundun dundundun dun dun, better ingredients, better toppings, better pizza, pizza never let you down, jew whine let you down already what is the carbon tax on club soda? there will be farts. hur dur de hur dur hur de de

Anonymous ID: 73a077 March 15, 2020, 12:53 p.m. No.8427416   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7436


They have it all, however there is ZERO legit MSM "news" source to get the Truths to the People! MUST get rid of FNN, Faux "I Think" Reaction Chat, CommieCast, and the other Communist-Controlled sludge posing as "news" before POTUS' Team can do a damn thing.

Anonymous ID: 4be7e7 March 15, 2020, 12:53 p.m. No.8427418   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Shit, and even George Webb has been bird-dogging Broward County and how DWS and Biden have been coordinating contraband smuggling out of Port Canaveral and communicating via encrypted BlackBerries? (arms to the Middle East? How about our military hardware that Clinton, Bush and Obama had mothballed? New classified stuff that they sold anyway?) Their Muslim Brotherhood pals were no doubt the buyers– loaded with cash and craving American military muscle.

Anonymous ID: 8b9280 March 15, 2020, 12:53 p.m. No.8427421   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

everyone talks like they have any idea what they're talking about

like if you pontificate it'll somehow make it true

or garner favor with Q team for your blind zealotry

Anonymous ID: 6509e5 March 15, 2020, 12:53 p.m. No.8427424   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7457 >>7481


On the north side of Church Street between Thames Street and Worth Street in New York City, known as Thoma Street 33, is a windowless skyscraper.


It has a 29-story building, with all the supplies needed to survive at least 1,500 people for two weeks without having to go out or get outside help, plus 250,000 gallons of fuel needed to operate electric generators. There are other of these reserves.

Anonymous ID: 730c35 March 15, 2020, 12:54 p.m. No.8427430   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7445

Using our brave soldiers as β€œcheap labor” is an insult to everyone who serves in uniform. Also makes the entire force vulnerable. All states, including the feds should be hiring Bio-Cleaning companies to do this job. Sick and tired of the USA Military members and families being used and abused!πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈBetter yet, let’s get all the politicians finally working for once. Every state, local and federal politician should be required to suit up and CLEAN!πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈThen quarantine every last one of them for at least a year. That’s one way to DRAIN THE SWAMP!πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

GOLD STAR RESEARCH HOMOS ID: 808d45 March 15, 2020, 12:55 p.m. No.8427435   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>>8420992 >BUT WAS IT GHEY?! >>8420943 >>BUT WAS IT GHEY?! >>8420882 >>BUT WAS IT GHEY?! >>8420860 >BUT WAS IT GHEY?! >>8420852 >BUT WAS IT GHEY?! >>8420846 >BUT WAS IT GHEY?! >>8420813 >BUT WAS IT GHEY?! >>8425350 >>8425299 >>8425276 >Within it were formed six sepulchres, and by each of them was a >stone; but in the middle was a round hollow rising stone. In these grave >the coffins were quietly and with many ceremonies laid. The stones were >shoveled over them, and they shut fast. But the little chest was to lie in the <middle. Herewith my companions were deceived, for they imagined nothing other but that the dead corpses were there.

>>8425251 >>8425202 >>8425178 >>8425155 >GOT TEH LEAGALLY "GAY" LICENSED NEW JEW DEAL

>>8425124 >>8425096 >This is where one finds the teaching of the dead raised incorruptible (I Cor 15:52)

>>8425350 >By the fourth no man shall

>reach the place, because it is a consuming way, practicable only for incorruptible bodies.

>>8426947 >>8426908 >>8426873 >>8426826 >>8426786 >>8426757 >>8426721 >>8426675 >>8426628 >>8426603 >>8426559 >>8426171 >>8426448 >>8426426 >>8426397 >>8426374 >>8426365 >>8426345 >>8426323 >>8426306 >>8426286 >>8426263 >>8426246 >>8426203 >>8425492 <but in the middle was a round hollow rising stone

>>8425492 <Herewith my companions were deceived,

Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein

Anonymous ID: de31d7 March 15, 2020, 12:55 p.m. No.8427438   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7458

South Africa has 61 cases. They also have about 30 percent AIDS.


National State of Disaster Declared

β˜‘οΈ Travel ban from foreign nationals from high risk countries from 18th march 2020.

β˜‘οΈSA citizens advised to refrain from travel to or through high risk countries effective immediately.

β˜‘οΈSA citizens returning from high risk countries will have testing and self isolation.

β˜‘οΈAll foriegn nationals having arrived into the country since mid February from high risk areas must be tested

β˜‘οΈAll spheres of government must not take non essential travel.

β˜‘οΈGathering of more than 100 people prohibited

β˜‘οΈSchools closed from 18 March until after the "easter" weekend break.

β˜‘οΈVisits to all correctional facilities canceled for the next 30 days.

β˜‘οΈAll businesses must ensure all measures taken to intensify hygiene control

β˜‘οΈAll shopping centres must ensure all measures taken to intensify hygiene control

β˜‘οΈCapacity of health centers being increased nationally

❗Call for all to wash hands for 20 seconds.

❗Call for all to sneeze with a closed hand into a tissue of elbow

❗Call for all to avoid close contact with those who have flue like symptoms

❗Call for all to practice the "elbow" greeting and not shake hands.

β˜‘οΈNational command council has been established, meeting 3 times a week, chaired by the president.

❗This virus will have significant and drastic effect on our economy.

❗Cabinet is finalizing a package of varying fiscal measures for business labour etc.

❗We must stop speading fake and fear promoting news

β˜‘οΈ Swift, purposeful, and collective action required.

Anonymous ID: e60538 March 15, 2020, 12:55 p.m. No.8427442   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7454


Kek, poor fucking Flynn will be in the mother of all financial holes for years thanks to our Justice Dept and FBI, all of whom are still drawing pensions if not salaries paid by you

>B-b-b-b-but "we have everything"?!?!?!


Do you idiots understand yet that there will be no arrests, no indictments, and the next head to fall will be another Trump associate?

Do Boomers ever learn?

Anonymous ID: 2229ba March 15, 2020, 12:56 p.m. No.8427447   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7462





Proof that it is fake? You have NO sources except some YouTube videos which I am not going to watch.


Show me an EpochTimes article and then I might have time for you. Or RT or Breitbart or someone else reputable.

GOLD STAR RESEARCH HOMOS ID: 808d45 March 15, 2020, 12:57 p.m. No.8427455   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

The second is longer, and takes you circuitously; it is plain and easy, if by the help of the Magnet you turn neither to

left nor right. The third is that truly royal way which through various pleasures and pageants of our King, affords you a joyful journey; but this so far has scarcely been allotted to one in a thousand. By the fourth no man shall reach the place, because it is a consuming way, practicable only for incorruptible bodies. But there was not yet any natural warmth or sensibility in them. They

were dead figures, yet of a lively and natural colour; and since care was to be taken that they did not grow too big, the old man would not permit anything more to be given to them, but covered their faces too with the silk, and caused the table to be stuck round about with torches. Within it were formed six sepulchres, and by each of them was a stone; but in the middle was a round hollow rising stone. In these graves the coffins were quietly and with many ceremonies laid. The stones were shoveled over them, and they shut fast. But the little chest was to lie in the middle. Herewith my companions were deceived, for they imagined nothing other but that the dead corpses were there. Upon the top of all there was a great flag, having a phoenix painted on it, perhaps the more to delude us. Here I had great occasion to thank God that I had seen more than the rest.

>>8425202 >First English version appeared in 1690, by Ezechiel Foxcroft, followed by translations into many languages throughout time.

>Although the book first appeared in 1616, the story takes place over 150 years earlier. The events of this story span seven days and are divided into seven chapters, each chapter relating a different day. The story begins on an evening near Easter. In the final chapterβ€”the seventh dayβ€”CRC is knighted; the year is 1459. It was on Easter-day 1459 that the Constitutions of the Freemasons of Strasburg was first signed in Regensburg, with a second signed shortly afterwards in Strasburg. The Gutenberg Bible began printing in Mainz, Germany in 1455, and the first Bible in German, the Mentel Bible, was printed in Strasburg in 1466. >>8425178

<The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz ROSENKRATX UND GUIL_ERSTERN IST DAS WALRUSJEW UND DANIELFAGGOT CARPENTER >>8425096 <that is the one destined for you by immutable Fate, nor can you go back in it save at great peril to life.

>>8425124 >The fourth path is the letters of Paul. This is where one finds the teaching of the dead raised incorruptible (I Cor 15:52),


Anonymous ID: 31422f March 15, 2020, 12:57 p.m. No.8427456   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7498


If contrails are not chemical trails at all then why does the same jet leave a contrail for a certain distance, then stop leaving a contrail for another distance, then start leaving a contrail again. Do they shut off engines and glide mid-flight or something else?

GOLD STAR RESEARCH HOMOS ID: 808d45 March 15, 2020, 12:58 p.m. No.8427468   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

The first path leads to rocky places and this is reminiscent of Peter, "the rock" as he's portrayed in the synoptic gospels. The second path in the text is the path taught in John's gospel, as CRC is told not to turn to the left or right on this path and John's is the only account not to mention two men crucified to the right and to the left of Jesus while on the cross as thieves (John 20:18). The third path would be the general letters of Peter, James, Jude, and John. In the letter of James we find reference to the royal way or royal law (Jas 2:8). In the second letter of Peter we find the only reference to one in a thousand (II Pet 3:8). The fourth path is the letters of Paul. This is where one finds the teaching of the dead raised incorruptible (I Cor 15:52), and the only place that the word "consuming" appears in the New Testament (Heb 12:29).

>>8425124 By us the Bridegroom offers you a choice between four ways, all of which, if you do not sink down in the way, can bring you to his royal court. The first is short but dangerous, and one which will lead you into rocky places, through which it will scarcely be possible to pass. The second is longer, and takes you circuitously; it is plain and easy, if by the help of the Magnet you turn neither to left nor right. The third is that truly royal way which through various pleasures and pageants of our King, affords you a joyful journey; but this so far has scarcely been allotted to one in a thousand. By the fourth no man shall reach the place, because it is a consuming way, practicable only for incorruptible bodies. Choose now which one you will of the three, and persevere constantly therein, for know whichever you will enter, that is the one destined for you by immutable Fate, nor can you go back in it save at great peril to life. >>8425096

>>8425039 DOGE OF RA HAS MEMED >>8425026 >>8424900 Caiaphas is the high priest of Jerusalem who, according to Christian scripture, advises a council of chief priests and Pharisees that it is expedient that "one man should die for the people" so that "the whole nation perish not" (John 11:50). Considering this proclaimed interest in the welfare of his people to be false and self-serving, Dante places Caiaphas among the hypocrites in the sixth pit, with an added contrapasso: because Caiaphas and other members of the council (including Caiaphas' father-in-law, Annas) supposedly called on the Romans to crucify Jesus (John 18:12-40; 19:1-18), they are now themselves crucified to the floor of the pit (Inf. 23.109-20). Here Dante endorses the repugnant view of Jesus' crucifixion as justification for the persecution of Jews (Inf. 23.121-3). >>8424900

Dante adorns the hypocrites in religious garb–hooded cloaks similar to the elegant ones worn by the Benedictine monks at Cluny (in France)–in accordance with the biblical condemnation of false piety: just as Jesus compares hypocritical scribes and Pharisees to tombs that appear clean and beautiful on the outside while containing bones of the dead (Matthew 23:27), so the bright golden cloaks of Dante's hypocrites conceal heavy lead on the inside (Inf. 23.64-6).

Aesop real or legendary Greek author of fables; supposed to have lived in the sixth century b.c.

Anonymous ID: bdebe4 March 15, 2020, 12:58 p.m. No.8427472   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


> bankers will hoard the cash and NEVER help the economy

The banks who are part of FRS system own the FED shares.This article really is disinfo.


To add the Cabal families owned the commercial/merchant banks when they created fed, those banks became part of the FRS by buying/acquiring shares in the Fed upon its inception. So the owners of the Banks who own the Fed are the Cabal so Cabal=FED.

Anonymous ID: 9d11de March 15, 2020, 12:58 p.m. No.8427476   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Kim Clement's SECRET letter to TRUMP


Kim Clement's SECRET letter to TRUMP: Donne' Clement Petruska plans to read significant portions of a "secret" letter from her father, Kim Clement, to president Trump which she found several weeks ago going through Clement's things.

Anonymous ID: 730c35 March 15, 2020, 12:59 p.m. No.8427482   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7561


How many of you remember when the only photos that would β€œpopulate” were these? Now ask yourself why? How many Zionist mossad clowns are on this board? Think USA Patriots! Think!πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈWhy did Q push this weirdo? Why was/is he in the White House? Think Patriots, think!πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

GOLD STAR RESEARCH HOMOS ID: 808d45 March 15, 2020, 12:59 p.m. No.8427483   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Frederick's capes Frederick II executed people by placing them in a leaden shell which was then melted around them.

Jovial Friars the nickname of the monks of the Glorious Virgin Mary from Bolongna. Bolognese of Bologna, its people, or their dialect. Pharisees a member of an ancient Jewish party or fellowship that carefully observed the written law but also accepted the oral (or traditional) law; advocated democratization of religious practices; mainly they hated Jesus for questioning their authority.

Dante angrily begins to speak to the friars of their evil, when he sees a figure on the ground held by three stakes. Friar Catalan explains that this is Caiaphas, the high priest who told the council of Pharisees that it was better for Jesus to die than for the whole nation to perish. Therefore, he lies where each one who passes by must step upon him, and his father-in-law (Annas) and the Council are punished in the same manner. Virgil looks at Caiaphas for some time.>>8424790


>>8420992 >BUT WAS IT GHEY?! >>8420943 >>BUT WAS IT GHEY?! >>8420882 >>BUT WAS IT GHEY?! >>8420860

Anonymous ID: bf22cf March 15, 2020, 12:59 p.m. No.8427486   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Proverbs 29:2


β€œWhen the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.”


King James Version (KJV)

Anonymous ID: 1eb497 March 15, 2020, 12:59 p.m. No.8427487   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


( 6 of 6 )


United States Patent 7,220,852

Rota , et al. May 22, 2007

Coronavirus isolated from humans



Disclosed herein is a newly isolated human coronavirus (SARS-CoV), the causative agent of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). Also provided are the nucleic acid sequence of the SARS-CoV genome and the amino acid sequences of the SARS-CoV open reading frames, as well as methods of using these molecules to detect a SARS-CoV and detect infections therewith. Immune stimulatory compositions are also provided, along with methods of their use.


Inventors: Rota; Paul A. (Decatur, GA), Anderson; Larry J. (Atlanta, GA), Bellini; William J. (Lilburn, GA), Burns; Cara Carthel (Avondale Estates, GA), Campagnoli; Raymond (Decatur, GA), Chen; Qi (Marietta, GA), Comer; James A. (Decatur, GA), Emery; Shannon L. (Lusaka, ZM), Erdman; Dean D. (Decatur, GA), Goldsmith; Cynthia S. (Lilburn, GA), Humphrey; Charles D. (Lilburn, GA), Icenogle; Joseph P. (Atlanta, GA), Ksiazek; Thomas G. (Lilburn, GA), Monroe; Stephan S. (Decatur, GA), Nix; William Allan (Bethlehem, GA), Oberste; M. Steven (Lilburn, GA), Peret; Teresa C. T. (Atlanta, GA), Rollin; Pierre E. (Lilburn, GA), Pallansch; Mark A. (Lilburn, GA), Sanchez; Anthony (Lilburn, GA), Tong; Suxiang (Alpharetta, GA), Zaki; Sherif R. (Atlanta, GA)

Assignee: The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Washington, DC)

N/A (N/A)

Family ID: 38049542

Appl. No.: 10/822,904

Filed: April 12, 2004

Related U.S. Patent Documents

Application Number Filing Date Patent Number Issue Date

60465927 Apr 25, 2003

Current U.S. Class: 536/23.72; 435/235.1

Current CPC Class: A61K 39/215 (20130101); C07K 14/005 (20130101); C12N 7/00 (20130101); A61K 39/12 (20130101); C12N 2770/20021 (20130101); C12N 2770/20022 (20130101); C12N 2770/20034 (20130101)

Current International Class: C12N 15/50 (20060101); C12N 7/00 (20060101)

Field of Search: ;536/23.72 ;514/44 ;435/235.1,320.1

References Cited [Referenced By]

U.S. Patent Documents

2005/0181357 August 2005 Peiris et al.

Foreign Patent Documents

WO 2004/085633 Oct 2004 WO

WO 2004/092360 Oct 2004 WO


This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/465,927 filed Apr. 25, 2003, which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.



We claim:


  1. An isolated nucleic acid molecule consisting of the nucleotide sequence as set forth in SEQ ID NO: 1.





This invention was made by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an agency of the United States Government. Therefore, the U.S. Government has certain rights in this invention.




This invention relates to a newly isolated human coronavirus. More particularly, it relates to an isolated coronavirus genome, isolated coronavirus proteins, and isolated nucleic acid molecules encoding the same. The disclosure further relates to methods of detecting a severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus and compositions comprising immunogenic coronavirus compounds.




The coronaviruses (order Nidovirales, family Coronaviridae, genus Coronavirus) are a diverse group of large, enveloped, positive-stranded RNA viruses that cause respiratory and enteric diseases in humans and other animals. At approximately 30,000 nucleotides (nt), their genome is the largest found in any of the RNA viruses. The genus Coronavirus includes at least 13 species which have been subdivided into at least three groups (groups I, II, and III) on the basis of serological and genetic properties


Here's how to get rid of covid19 - go have fun at your local hot tub and stream room business!

Anonymous ID: 912495 March 15, 2020, 1 p.m. No.8427491   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Woman turned away for coronavirus testing by Swedish


>in part

Then on Friday night, a nurse with UW called her back and after hearing her symptoms, told her to call 911, saying she was β€œon the brink of pneumonia.” Instead her husband drove her to the emergency room at Swedish in Issaquah Friday night.


Teixeira says that even at one point even the doctor she had been working with seemed distraught by all of it.


β€œHe said in the beginning they were told not to test then they were told to test anyone who came in and then he said two days ago they were told that they were not to test anyone again. He said if I had come in Monday I would’ve gotten a test.”


When asked by KOMO News if she was told what warranted a test or what the testing protocol entailed, Teixeira says a doctor told her, β€œYou have to be hospitalized, like on a ventilator.

Anonymous ID: b4861a March 15, 2020, 1 p.m. No.8427492   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7510


The deepstate & fed realistically owes every u.s. citizen a nearly incalculable sum of money.

30 trillion just in "bank bailouts" just from one hussein "presidency". Not even counting black budget siphoning probably 10x over what most of us even think.


Knowing how fake and manipulated all the media is now, anyone think maybe theres a lot more to Patton Oswalt than we were told?

Not a bad dude?


Also if we on a ship, mates, in case no one ever been on a big rig at sea extended periods of time; when hittin the head if its yellow let it mellow.


Way hay and up she rises

Anonymous ID: 46162f March 15, 2020, 1:01 p.m. No.8427505   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7594

The technical term for sheep who do not stay alert is "gyro."

The world is being shut down. That much is plain.



Team, we need our focus back. We have to solve the problem and generate the counter response.

Anonymous ID: b3f3fa March 15, 2020, 1:02 p.m. No.8427506   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Ohio Department of Health Director: "Some of our kids will get sick and some of our kids will die"

Anonymous ID: cac1ba March 15, 2020, 1:02 p.m. No.8427508   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Illinois Gov. Pritzker on Coronavirus: Trump Administration β€˜Has Fallen Down,’ States Are β€˜On Our Own


Sanctuary Cities ?

open Borders ?

Wuhan Invasion ?

Cartel ?

Human Trafficking ?

mayor of chicago with police we do not need the help of the feds !!

Fires chief of police ?



https ://

Anonymous ID: ac8ae1 March 15, 2020, 1:03 p.m. No.8427519   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7560

CoronaVirus or New World Order?


With less people affected and dying than from the yearly seasonal flu, this "virus" is being hyped way out of proportion on purpose as they are now testing out quarantining entire huge cities like Shanghai and Wuhan, and the sheeple seem to be following suit as expected. This is being used as a vehicle to push/test draconian government measures that would never be rolled out otherwise. They are now also developing a vaccine which will likely be forced on people one way or another.

Anonymous ID: ddfe94 March 15, 2020, 1:04 p.m. No.8427522   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

>>8426478 LB

>Are there any good books out there for men who never had dads but want to start acting tough, you know like they grew up having a dad?

Suggest movies starring John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, and Charles Bronson

Anonymous ID: cac1ba March 15, 2020, 1:04 p.m. No.8427524   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7533

Delingpole: Kamikaze Greenies – Extinction Rebellion Plots Suicide Stunt


Extinction Rebellion (XR) activists, increasingly overshadowed by the coronavirus, have been discussing new and ever more desperate ways to grab attention for their next big publicity stunt.


Mooted tactics include: committing suicide in public (perhaps at the UN’s next climate summit in Glasgow later this year); hunger strike to the death; painting parliament green; spraying traffic lights black; blocking every station, airport, and motorway in Britain; and β€œscare the fuck out of people”.


https: //

Anonymous ID: 730c35 March 15, 2020, 1:04 p.m. No.8427526   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7551


Fellow USA Patriots β€” here we have Zionist mossad clown. These fuckers are all over this board and they are some sick fucks.πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈThe Zionist mossad clowns are easy to spot once you realize how many are here!

Anonymous ID: 66791e March 15, 2020, 1:05 p.m. No.8427536   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7578 >>7650 >>7659 >>7681 >>7724

COVID-19 response update from Canada's public health officer


I knew Canada was a fucking joke, but this is just fucking insanity. What a farce. They didn't answer fuck all. Basically every question is WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU LETTING PEOPLE IN FROM CHINA, IRAN AND ITALY STILL? No answer.


I am trapped in this shit hole. Flights cancelled OUT of Canada, not in? How many respirators do we have and can we get more if needed? NO ANSWER. Why aren't you testing people at airports, even their temperature? NO ANSWER. At this point I can only pray Trump invades Canada so I'm free of these mentally retarded, SJW chinks, faggots, foreigners and lesbians.



Anonymous ID: a2d3c1 March 15, 2020, 1:06 p.m. No.8427544   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


saving humanity one nom at a time



>>8427031 Daniel Sachs Goldman has teh corona

>>8427237, >>8427246, >>8427278 Full Video of Sidney Powell responding to question about Weiner Laptop

>>8427263 Florida National Guard activates task force for coronavirus in Broward County

>>8427283 Queen quits Buckingham Palace over coronavirus fears

>>8427322, >>8427412 DeWine (Ohio) to close all bars and restaurants at 9pm toniight


newsfag's ID - ebea32

Anonymous ID: 17b583 March 15, 2020, 1:07 p.m. No.8427549   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7575


Aspartame awareness has spread far enough that companies have even stopped trying to sneak it into every type of bubble gum. It's just most of them now. Bubblicious and Fruit Stripe stopped using it. Things have progressed a long way since the days that Donald Rumsfeld bribed the FDA to cut the tumors out of the aspartame lab rats.

Anonymous ID: d93482 March 15, 2020, 1:08 p.m. No.8427561   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7574 >>7606


Have any of you ever stopped to ponder how the Jews went from the Holocaust to running the world, as so many of you propagate?! Ever heard of Operation Paperclip? Did it ever occur to any of you that the Nazis that were part of that program might have stolen Jewish identities to commit their crimes? Come on, Anons.

Anonymous ID: 4ab4a9 March 15, 2020, 1:09 p.m. No.8427571   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


will be able to fly over Sudan in its direct flights between South America and #Israel, after Kharthoum authorized direct flights to Israel over its territory for the first time ever



More than you know

Anonymous ID: 1cd440 March 15, 2020, 1:09 p.m. No.8427572   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

We really need to get the memes out for this.

Peter Navarro asks Congress to pass Trump payroll tax cut

Anonymous ID: 07eee2 March 15, 2020, 1:10 p.m. No.8427575   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7610 >>7621


Rumsfeld went as far as to change the guidelines to get aspartame approved after being denied over a dozen times as I recall.


Old anons know that Rummy was a Neocon, baby Anons have no clue.


It should be banned immediately.

Anonymous ID: 1f80ce March 15, 2020, 1:10 p.m. No.8427577   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


this. it's teasing anons.


As much as I adore her work on the right, I've been burned too many times: sauce or GTFO.


This anon has come tot he sad relization as great as some researchers are, we just don't have access to certain fields for digging. If we can't dig, "the choice to know" isn't even a possible choice.


What would make the world go 99% to the hospital would not send anons there.40/60. We have the right to know because WE FUCKING PAID FOR IT in taxes and being fucked over.

Anonymous ID: c56bb0 March 15, 2020, 1:10 p.m. No.8427581   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

18 Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news: β€œI have seen the Lord!” And she told them that he had said these things to her.



Anonymous ID: c42371 March 15, 2020, 1:10 p.m. No.8427585   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

'Days before the November election, Prince appeared on Bannon's program again, saying that he had "well-placed sources" in the New York City Police Department telling him they were preparing to make arrests in the investigation of former congressman Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y., over allegations he exchanged sexually explicit texts with a minor. Flynn tweeted a link to the Breitbart report on the claim. No arrests occurred.


Prince went on to make a series of unfounded assertions that damaging material recovered from Weiner's computers would implicate Hillary Clinton and her close adviser, Huma Abedin, who was married to Weiner. He also called Abedin an "agent of influence very sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood."


Prince and his family were major GOP donors in 2016. After the Republican convention, he contributed $250,000 to Trump's campaign, the national party and a pro-Trump super PAC led by GOP mega-donor Rebekah Mercer. The Center for Responsive Politics reported that the family gave more than $10 million to GOP candidates and super PACs, including about $2.7 million from his sister, DeVos, and her husband.


Prince's father, Edgar Prince, built his fortune through an auto-parts company. Betsy married Richard DeVos Jr., heir to the Amway fortune.


Erik Prince has had lucrative contracts with the UAE government, which at one point paid his firm a reported $529 million to help bring in foreign fighters to help assemble an internal paramilitary force capable of carrying out secret operations and protecting Emirati installations from terrorist attacks.


The Trump administration and the UAE appear to share a similar preoccupation with Iran. Current and former officials said that Trump advisers were focused throughout the transition period on exploring ways to get Moscow to break ranks with Tehran.'

Anonymous ID: b4861a March 15, 2020, 1:10 p.m. No.8427588   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun




I know I dont say this enough and went off the rails for a while but I really love you glorious patriots.

Every last one of yas.



Maybe instead of technical pardon charges could all be "dismissed no contest" or whatever the Latin terms are. Ain't been in court in a lonnng "time"

Anonymous ID: eb5370 March 15, 2020, 1:11 p.m. No.8427589   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7607

Trump holds call with grocery executives as Americans flock to stores


A White House readout of the call indicated that Trump spoke with CEOs of major grocery chains including Whole Foods, Wegmans, Publix and Aldi.


Other executives on the call included the CEOs of Walmart, Costco, Dollar General and food industry leaders such as the head of the Campbell Soup Company and Kraft Heinz.



"The President thanked them for the work they have already done to meet the needs of the public and for their continued commitment to the communities they serve. All of the executives are working hand-in-hand with the Federal Government, as well as State and local leaders, to ensure food and essentials are constantly available," White House spokesman Judd Deere said.


News of Trump's call with food and grocery industry leaders also came as reports have emerged in the media of some Americans and companies price-gouging and hoarding supplies such as hand sanitizer amid fears of a worsening outbreak in the U.S.


"The President reminded the participants that this is an all-of-America approach and each of their stores and the stores they support can help Americans feel calm and safe when shelves are stocked with the items they need. Supply chains in the United States are strong, and it is unnecessary for the American public to hoard daily essentials," Deere added.


Retailers including Amazon have taken steps to fight price gouging from sellers in recent weeks, though many brick-and-mortar stores have reportedly fallen victim to hoarders buying large quantities of goods for the purpose of resale.


The coronavirus outbreak has sickened thousands of people in the U.S., while dozens of deaths have been reported, mostly in the state of Washington.

Anonymous ID: d0b9c5 March 15, 2020, 1:11 p.m. No.8427595   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7705



Poster of the PB notable here.


The picture is from an event in 1935, so it is after the Concordat.


However, what you posted is very interesting, I too am looking on whether there is a deep connection to be found there.


The banking scam was started (in recent history, I do not know about earlier history) a few centuries ago in England.


It definitely progressively expanded over time after that. The explosion of banks you describe is one step. The creation of the central bank of central banks, the BIS, in Bale (nice name) Switzerland, is another major one (all the other big institutions are related to that ones - world bank, IMF, etc.).


Regarding Royalty and the French revolution, i would be weary of drawing this conclusion. The revolution was not spontaneous, it was the fact of people in secret societies, connected to the actual Bavarian Illuminati, which are themselves connected to the Jesuits, and all that came before. This is actually well documented in the book "Fire in the Mind of Men", an amazing book by Billington. The leading secret society during the revolution was led by Bonneville. Some of his (secret at the time) writings for his society, and for the Orient of London (masonic society) are publicly available now.


What I wonder is, did the top people in the Cabal decide that ruling by kingdoms was not satisfying providing them the results they wanted, and so they completely changed the system in order to have "rulers" (puppets) that cannot be linked back to them in an obvious fashion?


I do not have time to dig right now, but I will definitely look into this. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous ID: 3947da March 15, 2020, 1:11 p.m. No.8427596   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Shia la Beouf = Thank God for Beef (wealth)


His first name is derived from Szaja, the Polish version of the Hebrew Yeshayahu (Isaiah), meaning "God is salvation."


Another Hollywood Crypto-Jew no talent actor given leading movie star roles.

Anonymous ID: 9fe435 March 15, 2020, 1:12 p.m. No.8427608   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

There is a reason why this video is specifically being uploaded, rather than just being embedded. This anon (You) wants to guarantee that when this ends up in a history 'book' somewhere, somewhen, somehow, that it is preserved in it's <16mb glory. Why? Do any of you anons know these feelings PRECISELY? For the past 3~4 years, (more like 10+, but let's remain rational & logical - I've had hunches at their peak at or around 2012, so, to say it was full-force since then would be an 'over-statement'), at a rate-scale of logarithmic increase:daily.


How does someone confirm this in their own lives? Tally up a spreadsheet, you don't have to be real fancy; just add rows for each commonly occurring moment of undeserved abuse, and add a tally for every time it suddenly bursts onto the stage, so-to-speak. Over time you will gradually see a pattern emerge, and if you recorded & collected this data including the dates & times, now you can create relevant charts. This is ultimately to be used as evidence in your defense trial, because anyone (man or woman, even those whom claim they're something else; which is wrong to exclaim,


(<3 but I love y'all just the same, nonetheless <3 ) )


who decides and continues to travel down this lonely road, to find redemption and become a hero, being a resolution. You're going to be RELENTLESSLY attacked, with a non-stop onslaught of:


  • berating

  • be'liddle'ment

  • shill-fuckery

  • V2K auditory-vocabulary mismatching via subconscious awareness | utilizing available/local frequencies [the TV in the bg, the radio in the X, your phone, that hum in your headphones, etc]

  • random scars of unknown origin sprouting up upon your body, fungal-overgrowths and flare-ups that will be misdiagnosed as eczema/atopic-dermatitis

  • angry and/or upset bowels

  • chronic fatigue (of which is common for EVERYONE, it just is amplified for you, but it's not like anyone is going to accept your truth about body/energy pains/pangs, espcially if you're much younger than the other members of your household/domicile/residence)

  • general malaise, lethargy, apathy, 'pussy-bitch syndrome/millennial disease' [I love you boomers -hug-]

  • irritability which leads into…

  • sleep deprivation ~~[anons don't sleep until the job is done]~~ (anons don't sleep until their/(Your) body shuts down on them/(You), because it refuses to obey you any longer, or it will die.) Then you slowly realize their is an ultimate collective goal orbiting about your point-of-reference___!which is!

  • >"How far can we push [Anon] before [he/she] snaps, and eventually becoming overtly violent (preferably in public, or loud enough so that the neighbors (in the apartment building) become inadvertent witnesses), causes damage to the/[our] property, or better themselves, (You), so that [we] can call in the 5-0, and haul their disobedient, uncooperative, loud-mouthed, Nazi, terroristic, slacking, junkie, meth-addict, crackhead-


[whatever makes you "behave in response to such betrayal" in the most guilty way, when blurted out by [them] after being told in confidence by (You), because you may or may not ACTUALLY have a substance abuse/self-medicatable issue.]


(DON'T feel bad [Anon/(You)] you just are being normal, trying to feel a little relief in a world that is ultimately raping your soul/(You) out of (You); so [they] (MK'ed family members/loved ones due to weak mental armor/fortifications by [Archons]…yup it just got that blackpill bruh…), can finally enjoy that snack they've been growing all these years | (See the movie Society 198X - wait for the "shunting" at the VERY END, it's worth it ]Anon[ trust me! You'll feel a little better after watching because you and I will both know, a little more, about what WE are.)]


This is already become tl;dr'able.


I love you [Anon], and I'm doing ALL OF THIS PAIN, for us. :-)


"Don't watch the eyes, nevermind the words."



BONUS RE: After this one! Stay tuned!


Anonymous ID: ddfe94 March 15, 2020, 1:12 p.m. No.8427609   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7648 >>7713


There need be prosecutions over this Bull Shit that they LOST the records. ANYBODY INVOLVED / RESPONSIBLE !


The REGULAR population learned this didn't work when we six years old, the first time we told the teacher that "OUR DOG ATE OUR HOMEWORK"!

Anonymous ID: bdebe4 March 15, 2020, 1:13 p.m. No.8427612   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7711


Trust Session.

started key investigations.

origins of investigations need to be properly predicated.


if sessions did what Potus stated publically (not recuse) while starting investigations and assigning huber and durham, would there be a case made that investigations were political?


of course there would, potus attacking sessions is part of the plan, adds impartiality to predicate of origins of the investigations (not political but evidence based) when sessions recused and potus recently did not endorse him that fact further strengthens the optic that sessions did not do what potus wanted, but did was right.


sessions never wanted the senate seat, that was sun tzu maneuver, and Potus has the other guy on the team.

Anonymous ID: 8e07df March 15, 2020, 1:15 p.m. No.8427644   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7666



Passover 2020 will begin in the evening of

Wednesday, April 8


and ends in the evening of

Thursday, April 16



These evil bastards are getting sick and dying like in the bible during PASSOVER.

They should put a MAGA hat on the front door to warn of death, but they just can't do it can they…

Anonymous ID: 4be7e7 March 15, 2020, 1:16 p.m. No.8427646   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7699

#6210113 at 2019-04-17 16:01:55 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #7941: No More Cuban Footsie Edition


So my current theory is that Notre Dame fire was set intentionally by (((them)))

It probably serves as a fitting last resort distraction,

but also most likely destroys evidence of misdeed, and probably a hefty insurance payout.

The believed event to be distracted from is the release of the unredacted mueller report.

We here probably can guess that that report will show a pivot from investigating Trump to investigating Clintons ('crime against children' - Mueller memo)

Why Notre Dame though?

What is the importance of Notre Dame?

There's a lot to the history of the cathedral, however I will speak to what I'm finding to be the most relevant here:

Cathedral = greek origins for the word 'Chair'

"The chair serves the master"

Q also stated P = C and we confirmed that P = Payseur. So considering the above:

Payseur = Chair, or put in words: Payseur is the church, Payseur are the Church, Payseur controls the Church.

If C = Chair, and the chair serves the master, then we can expect that Payseur is the master.

Q also stated at one point "Rothschilds (cult leaders)(church)(P)"

So the heirarchy here seems to be Rothschilds are the cult leaders, the Church is the public face of the cult, and the master is the Payseur family.

So what does this have to do with Notre Dame?

Well, connecting french catholic history and the Payseur family we find the last ruler to be King Louis XVI who was executed during the french revolution.

During this time the commoners grew agitated with the Nobles and Clergy who existed as equal members of the Estates-General.

The Nobles and Clergy worked together to suppress the commoners. They also existed without taxation further burdening the commoners.

The rise of enlightenment ideals promoting reason as the basis for legitimacy found little praise in the Church.

The Church during the late 1700s became extremely wealthy owning much of French lands, and was perceived as abusive and corrupt by the commoners.

The stage was set for the awakening of the masses who overthrew their rulers and exiled the clergy along with establishing their own constitution.

The royals fled and it's believe US senator Lewis Cass is the son of Marie Antoinette and King Louis XVI

After the revolution, French bankers orchestrated the return and rise of Napoleon regarded as the restorer of order.

Napoleon quickly restored the place of the Church in France with the Concordat of 1801 and many Clergy returned from exile.

He was also coronated at Notre Dame

In return for supporting Napoleon, he gave the bankers a monopoly over French finances by giving them control of the Bank of France.

These bankers are most likely involved in the 1832 loan to the holy-see led by the Rothschild family.

These bankers are ALSO most likely involved in managing the exile of the royal family.

These bankers are ALSO probably the true power that controls the public face in the Rothschild family.

These bankers are most likely tied intimately to the Payseur family.

So I ask, who are these bankers?

Through these bankers, and the rothschild family, they took control of the Holy-See through their loans.

I believe at this moment in time, during the french revolution, the french royal family and the church were exiled from france by the people

Napoleon was engineered to retake power from the people and reestablish the church's power.

The royalty, however, probably realized they could not remain public so they went through great means to hide their influence using entire families as fronts for their wealth.


The whole point of this is to demonstrate the (((they))) were in control of ND and were probably forced by White Hats to cause a major distraction for the people within their sphere of influence.

Anonymous ID: f4c4fc March 15, 2020, 1:16 p.m. No.8427647   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Schitt forgets Congress failed to pass funding for CDC included in the H&HS appropriations until Dec 19 and reduced 2 key CDC line items:

HR 1865 appropriation Reduced funding from FY 2019 and the introduced bill for

immunization and respiratory diseases $44,750,000

public health preparedness and response $615,000,000

Anonymous ID: a2d3c1 March 15, 2020, 1:16 p.m. No.8427650   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7688


last call



>>8427528 planefagging

>>8426998 call to dig out to planefags from anon, gets a nom

>>8427031 Daniel Sachs Goldman has teh corona

>>8427237, >>8427246, >>8427278 Full Video of Sidney Powell responding to question about Weiner Laptop

>>8427263 Florida National Guard activates task force for coronavirus in Broward County

>>8427283 Queen quits Buckingham Palace over coronavirus fears

>>8427322, >>8427412 DeWine (Ohio) to close all bars and restaurants at 9pm toniight

>>8427536 COVID-19 response update from Canada's public health officer. anon opines - What a farce. They didn't answer fuck all. Basically every question is WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU LETTING PEOPLE IN FROM CHINA, IRAN AND ITALY STILL? No answer.

>>8427550 Looks like his (Flynn) attorney is accepting the pardon (Sidney Powell reply to DJT)

newsfag's ID - ebea32 - for all the great news you can get from anybody else, wihtout the ego


Anonymous ID: eb5370 March 15, 2020, 1:17 p.m. No.8427653   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Coronavirus in US:

  • US has about 3,400 confirmed cases, over 60 deaths

  • Illinois and Ohio to temporarily shut down all bars and restaurants

  • Ohio Department of Health says that β€˜there are going to be multiple Wuhans in US’

  • Puerto Rico to implement curfew from 9 PM to 5 AM

Anonymous ID: 76668d March 15, 2020, 1:17 p.m. No.8427654   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


always amazed at the leniency demonstrated by souls – so many ways to view God. Redemption only manifests its glory in changing ones ways. How does the demon show glory to God if it does not change its ways?? The longer the satan waits to redeem the smaller his reward is in the Renewal, no redemption and blotted from existence – not even something that wishes to be a thing.


Now explain how cementing ones love through anal sex releases the demon, or did i go to far (and isnt that what diabolical minds say in compromised situations every time)?

Anonymous ID: 2f5972 March 15, 2020, 1:18 p.m. No.8427665   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7676

So now I'm thinking the ChristChurch 'shooting' last year was designed to get NZ population to give up their guns willingly which would make them instant slaves. Cabal has bunkers in NZ so the population can be a human shield of sorts too. Can't control the world anymore so they're looking for their bolt holes. Could be they're trying to run now and although they would normally use their private jets, they know those are easily tracked. So may be trying to escape via airlines passing themselves off as a normal passenger.


Just a thought. No sauce.

Anonymous ID: a2d3c1 March 15, 2020, 1:20 p.m. No.8427681   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>>8427528 planefagging

>>8426998 call to dig out to planefags from anon, gets a nom

>>8427031 Daniel Sachs Goldman has teh corona

>>8427237, >>8427246, >>8427278 Full Video of Sidney Powell responding to question about Weiner Laptop

>>8427263 Florida National Guard activates task force for coronavirus in Broward County

>>8427283 Queen quits Buckingham Palace over coronavirus fears

>>8427322, >>8427412 DeWine (Ohio) to close all bars and restaurants at 9pm toniight

>>8427536 COVID-19 response update from Canada's public health officer. anon opines - What a farce. They didn't answer fuck all. Basically every question is WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU LETTING PEOPLE IN FROM CHINA, IRAN AND ITALY STILL? No answer.

>>8427550 Looks like his (Flynn) attorney is accepting the pardon (Sidney Powell reply to DJT)

Anonymous ID: 4c5701 March 15, 2020, 1:20 p.m. No.8427682   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Another pic that shows divergence of some of the flight paths… some of the planes we flying kinda side by side… Maybe one to provide airspace standoff cover to land at Miami. The other to continue to GITMO?

Anonymous ID: 730c35 March 15, 2020, 1:22 p.m. No.8427698   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7720


Agree with you 100%. Bullshit how our USA Military members are treated vs. the corrupt political class!πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈJudge should end the shit show! No need to pardon a man that sacrificed his life for this nation and us!πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Anonymous ID: d0b9c5 March 15, 2020, 1:22 p.m. No.8427699   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



The revolutions (from the French one to the 1917 on in Russia, including all the other intermediary European revolutions) were not spontaneous events. They all had masonic type organizations in their midst, communicating with the organizations of other countries.


Read "Fire in the Mind of Men", by Billington. He gives sources for everything.


(not commenting on the rest of your post)

Anonymous ID: bdebe4 March 15, 2020, 1:23 p.m. No.8427707   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


hiding behind classifications is b.s.

declas declas declas!

maybe not to the public (yet), but lower enough that people can prosecute.

crazy shit when even judges cant use potentially exculpatoy evidence because no one has the security clearance to use it.


thats how the DS Cabal uses c_a, fbi, etal. to ensure innocent patriots are jailed, they highly classify the evidence showing innocence. i think thats what they are doing to Flynn, 302s apparently cant be scrubbed in the fbi system due to structure and redundancies, so i guess they are suprt tippy top classified and DOJ is allowed to say sorry we do not have them (for National Security reasons of course, kek)


the answer may lie in takimg back the country so the definition of national security changes from security for the DS to security of the public.


shits gotta change.

Anonymous ID: 4bbf08 March 15, 2020, 1:23 p.m. No.8427708   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

==Martial Law Lock-down coming 3/16/2020?=


A 'heads on a swivel' FYI for anon peeps and family's just in case this is NOT a drill…kek


Emails coming in stating NG will be activated Monday 3/16/2020

Beginning in CA for full national Martial law lock-down.


That is all.