I know that many people see only evil in this stuff.
However I believe that there is a spiritual battle going on and that the angels are in process of defeating the demons. As a demon is defeated, I believe that they Rise Up to their angelic nature again, supported by the angelic hosts, and that also raises up those who were possessed by the demon.
In this performance, I see someone who was once possessed, now making use of her skills and her audience connections to spread a new message. A more angelic one of community, of hope and of The Great Awakening.
It is appropriate on this day of prayer to thank God for the work of the angels even though it is mostly unseen to us. We are feeling its benefits as we pull together with our neighbors to weather the storm.
And Madonna quite rightly tells us that THE STORM isn't in the air, it's inside of us. We all feel this storm of emotions and doubt and fear as the COVID19 event unfolds. But through prayer God will give us the confidence that we can come through it.
It is worth while to watch this one time with the assumption that it contains a Godly message because in the end, symbols are made by God as is everything in our universe.
Madonna sings My life is Gold
And it's true that the only valuable treasure that we have on this earth is the life that God gave to us.
To err is human, to forgive divine
God did not give us the right to judge others.
That is for God alone to do.