Sidney Powell Speech and Q&A from this week: Bombshells Dropped
must see video…It confirms from Sidney Powell's point of view that [THEY] have lost most of their POWER and that Justice is Coming!
A man in audience was given the mike to ask SP a quation and said he spoke with Matt Whitaker months back and the DS word came up, and said MW told him I can't tell you alot, but I can tell you one thing….EVERY DAY YOU SHOULD THANK GOD THAT DJT is your President.
'Christopher Wray admitted the other day in his testimony (to Congress) that EVERY AGENT who is mentioned in the Inspector Generals 474 Page Report on the FISA abuses is UNDER INVESTIGATION
re.[Jail Time]…I think some will see jail time, I THINK THE ONES AT THE TOP WILL SEE JAIL TIME
Describes Weiners Laptop evidence at 54:00
Q1172 WRAYs of LIGHT.
anons i have not watched all of this but urge everyone to, the people asking questions likely were Potus/Q plants, and they hit MAJOR G.A. Topics, guy at 57:00 even Qs us with this would make a great MOVIE
Huge redpills