Anonymous ID: d5d71a March 15, 2020, 2:40 p.m. No.8428618   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8743 >>8760 >>8902 >>8994 >>9018 >>9046 >>9181






Beautiful day outside

Fed Reserve drops Fed Rate from 1.25% to 0.25% - 0.0% (depends which bank basically)

Buying $500b in treasuries and $200b in MBS

Makes US strongest country financially by far

MSM kikes should apologize for fake news about google site

Spoke with a bunch of retail CEO's to keep stores stocked and stores open

People shouldn't panic buy…just relax/take it easy (panicking is for women and soibois) stop hoarding

VP Pence portion:

Admin is working on stuff n shieet

Risk remains low unless you are at risk

Spoke with Gov. of IL (((Priztker))) and other govs.

VP Pence is former gov. so he understands


Several Diocese and Churches aren't holding services (Peoria Diocese for example)

Stores will stay open, supply chains are doing great

Store hours may reduce for cleaning etc.

Stop panic buying, just do regular weekly shopping

Tomorrow Pres and VP will address governors

New Public/Private partnership for high throughput testing

more than 2,000 labs to open very soon (Monday)

more than 10 states have drive thru testing

Also working with retail partners for more testing areas

FEMA has entered the chat

65 and older will be prioritized in testing

Cost will never be a barrier to testing. Congress passed a bill n shit

Only get a test if and only if you think you have the virus. If symptoms are mild then just fuck off and quit being a pussy

Anonymous ID: d5d71a March 15, 2020, 3:35 p.m. No.8429205   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Countries With Major Coronavirus Outbreak Clusters Delayed Response Due to Strategic Ties with China


Italy, South Korea, and Iran have emerged as epicenters of the coronavirus outbreak that started in Wuhan, China. Experts said these countries’ economic and political ties with China facilitated the spread of the virus that has now emerged as a global pandemic, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).


The Wuhan virus appeared at the end of the year and has now infected over 142,000 people around the world, with the number very likely to increase, according to the March 14 situation report of the WHO.


The vast majority of cases reported after Feb. 25 have come from outside China, with Italy, Iran, and South Korea emerging as the major clusters and contributing to the bulk of deaths.


“What was initially seen as a largely China-centric shock is now understood to be a global crisis,” said CSIS experts, Stephanie Segal and Dylan Gerstel in an analysis posted Wednesday.


As the crisis increases uncertainty and leads to what Segal and Gerstel call “financial market volatility last seen during the global financial crisis” those concerned with the situation in Italy, Iran, and South Korea discussed the China-linked cause with The Epoch Times.

