Tanks Bakes
Fucking bread shitter. A tweet from a random twat is NOT sauce for George Soros ties to Wuhan Lab. This could have waited for post 749 or so.
<Twat says Soros owns Wuhan lab
It's not spoopy, it's artificial and showy, but shallow.
Gonna need a WHOLE lot more than this to connect Soros to Wuhan.
Or is it the address?
The address is interdasting.
This is why we don't take the word of twats for research.
Firstly, this is the address of the level 4 lab in Wuhan:
Address: Xiao Hong Shan No.44, Wuhan, P.R.China.
Postcode: 430071
Tel: 027-87198593γγγγγγγγγγγγγγγ
Fax: 027-87198209γγγγγγγ
E-mail: wiv@wh.iov.cn
No 666.
Second, the lab is entirely owned by China, and is part of a Chinese University since 1956.
Thirdly, Wuxi PharmaTech has nothing to do with the Wuhan Lab. It is a completely seperate company located here:
288 Fute Zhong Road Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone Shanghai, 200131 China.
Thoughts on typewriter.
I don't see a typewriter fascination.
I see old Smith-Corona PORTABLE mechanical typewriters. These things are a complete bitch to type on unless you do it VERY regularly. There's a key sink of over a 1/2", the impact on the key is responsible for the boldness of the printed letter etc. Look at Madonna's example, it's awful. She can't use that device to format a letter. Then there's typos. Computers have made accuracy a low priority. Those old mechanicals it was a HIGH priority. You can't slop a half pound of white out on a page.
Also, if using a typewriter to type messages was important, you'd go with an IBM Selectric. Light key strike, consistant impact on paper, consistent text alignment, erase tape for errors, etc.
So the device is what's important.
It may be something as simple as:
S-C=CoV19 related coms required
Portable-I'm on the road, or I need to travel
Mechanical-Low tech device/analogue.
Call me on the POTS line (Plain Old Telephone Service). Gotta have a warrant to listen in.
Nice ride.
>What if it has nothing to do with Adrenochrome directly, but it targets people who are likely to indulge in such a thing?
>What if it targets the genetics of Psychopaths? Mild flu in other people, boom in Pedos.
What if little Faries riding Unicorns across rainbows sprinkle CoV19 on evil doers.
>Oprah trending very seriously
I'm sorry for shitting on some anon about this.
I just went to Twat trends and it is exactly this.
>Theory on CV. Cabal op that Patriots knew about prior to release.
So those poor bastards in the Seatle nursing home were Cabal? In a low rent after care facillity that has multiple health and safety violations.
Yep, but I suspect you wouldn't get them working. Like IBM Selectric Memory Writer.
You faggots still trying to make Adrenochrome = Fe2 so you can say Covfefe is a reference to Cov and adrenochrome?
Give it up. There's no iron in adrenochrome.
None of this garbage is going to make it real.
Your chem lab notes from JrCollege aren't proof that through some hokey bullshit it works.
It doesn't. Adrenochrome has a specific chemistry. Put the fan fiction away
You didn't dig shit.
I just fucking proved it wrong shill.
Bunch of fucking liars.
We don't need you fucks hurting board rep./
>there's absolutely no proof they died from CV. They were never tested.
They were all given post mortem tests, anon. Keep up
All four of you little shits still trying to push shit.
That your boss you posted. Lil Mikey huh.